All Episodes

July 7, 2021 36 mins

A paramilitary volunteer (Keith Brooks) persuades Dorrie and Becky (Tess Malis Kincaid, Allie Ficken) to leave their basement and search for better protection against radioactive fallout.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
The control group depicts a nuclear catastrophe and the complete
annihilation of the human race. Listener discretion is advised. At
this point, very little information has been communicated by the
central seat of government and NORAD, and only a small
amount of that am I at liberty to disclose to

you today. We had hoped to show you how many
cans of cornerm to centers. Even with the most protective beings,
men cannot get close enough to survey parking beans four
kidney beans to what's next? Lots of different glad of that.

Let's it discourage us at time when courage and determination
chicken noodle three, cream of mu troum. Yeah, only unfortunately
a command we may owe our survival to that can
of cream of mushroom soup. All right, that's enough of
that talk. Know how many of our bombers were tomato

soup three A lot of soup, but only one box
of saltines. We admit our saltine to sup ratio could
be better significant. We're careful, we would be. Once I
receive information that is declassified, it will be relayed to
this and other news athletes for public dissemination. This is

Vance Norwood Broadcasting Alive from w e A l t
V twelve New Cadan. We will continue to monitor developments
throughout the region and updates you on late breaking developments.
For the moment, we will resume our normal broadcasting day
and we will interrupt the program immediately should we receive
further communication from Comrade or the U. S. Military. From

the distance space station known as Nightingale, she travels rocketing
through space at the time at the speed of light.
She is an agent of the Intergalactic Police Agency, assigned
to preserve light throughout the galaxy. What the hell is this?

And it looks like a cartoon. I can see it's
a cartoon, Lankford, Why is it on the air? Is
this channel? Twelves? And they have so something they can
only read the same bullets and so many times. This
is something rand as my study crisis fatigue. If it's
immersed in bad news twenty four hours, the mind just

can't cope with it anymore. But a god damn cartoon.
It will be a comfort to any children were watching.
We want to maintain a sense of normalcy, so people
feel that life is going on as normal. I thought
the point was to make them understand life is not
going on as normal. We don't want to incite fear.

Why shouldn't we. We just told him the world is
coming to an end. They need to keep their asses
hunkered in the bunker and do what they're told, play
cartoons and to be up Christmas shopping and protesting again.
All right, let's think about this. We have to show
them that we are still in control. Yeah, but the

voice of authority. What about the voice of authority? That
whole business, it's it's dead. Okay. Listen. In the advertising world,
they call that the voice of God, and people are
tired of listening to it. What the hell? Langford? Tired
of listening to God? Some times they want a softer voice,

more human voice. But they need to know that order
is being maintained. It's nine. People are changing the way
they listen to authority. They're not listening. That's the problem,
and so authority needs to change the way it speaks.
We put across the same message, but just it's a

different voice. Change the voice. Huh. They think they're getting
a break, they think they're being reassured, but the message
is still being communicated, if anything, even more effectively. We
did it back in the fifties with cartoons for the classroom,

Bert the Turtle and all that they made. Nuclear war
seemed like child's playing. We just need to do it
for grown ups. Go on, I don't even make and listen.
We don't scold them, we don't warn them, and we
don't pretend to have all the answers. Jesus Langford, you're

losing someone who isn't the voice of authority, someone who
doesn't know a thing about politics, but someone who trusts
authority and encourages the listener to do the same, someone
to calm the listener like a tranquilizer. Well, I agree

with you in theory, but who can sit in front
of thousands of people talking about nothing while the world
is inding, put on a happy face and pretend everything's
unky dory. Welcome back, ladies. Now, yesterday we were all
left wondering if there was going to be a tomorrow.

But look at us now. Tomorrow has become today, and
I've got a pretty good feeling that tomorrow will be
today as well. In today segment, we'll talk about ways
to keep the tops occupied while we keep the world
from coming Apart of the scenes. We'll have a bunch
of little projects you can craft using common household objects.

Who knows, you may discover that Johnny and Susie are
the next Michaelangelo's food Warm not. I wish they would
tell us what's happening on the outside. Maybe they want

to keep quiet on the details in case the enemy
is listening. Once again, this country is more concerned about
the enemy than its own people. You know that's not true.
It's at the door. What I know? You're not giving
me a minute's piece. Please turn off the television set.
Someone's at the door. M Should we answer it quiet?

Maybe it's Daddy. Maybe he lost his key. No, he
wouldn't do that. It can't be him. Mother, it's a dog.

Do you think it's Ginger? Maybe the Barclays have come
to check on us and brought Ginger. Please hello, I'll
go listen mother. No, we're still barred. We're safe. We're safe.

M h m. Who's there? I don't need to be along,

come here. I need you to stay completely quiet. Do
you understand dryer? Mother? I would never fit. Besides which,
I'm not trust you. Stay completely still until we find
out who it is. Just a moment, the door is barred, No,

it's going to hurt anyone. Just talk to them. Hellow
anyone down there, Yes, I'm here, just one of you, Yes,

just me, search and rescue. Oh, we're going to house
to house. May I come down? Guess? Of course? Any
weapons or anything dangerous I should know. No, no, nothing
like that. Don't tell him. That's be quiet. Stay there,
boy who I'm sorry to barge in on you that way,

but but you're supposed to keep your exterior doors unlocked
civil defense regulations. I mean, that way we can we
can check on the elderly who might not be I'm sorry.
My husband is away, and I suppose I'm being overcautious.
That's all right. I just feel rotten about busting your door. Yeah,
please please don't worry about it. Well, thank you, ma'am.

Government certainly appreciates it. So why are you here? Oh?
Oh um? Well, we're we're going house to house, performing
first aid and driving people to the hospital if they
need it. Since ambulances are all busy reporting any fatalities.
Have there been any fatalities? Oh no, no, no, no,
not not on my shift, not so far as taking

the lord. That such a relief. Yeah, but I'm fine here. No, no,
need of assistance. You're you're all set for rations. We
have enough for a week. I think some can goods, blankets,
we me me. I I'm used to my husband being
here saying we our our house. I think that it

helps me so. Um, since I'm doing an accountant of
the neighborhood. Where where is your husband? If you don't
mind my asking, He's away on business Atlanta. Oh Jesus,
any word. No, I haven't heard anything yet, So I'm
going to keep saying we and our us until i'm

told otherwise. I like that positive thinking. You know what,
I'll say a little prayer for you. You all not
now obvious sleep, but but later. So kind of you
to think of us. That's what neighbors are for, ma'am.

Those windows face the outside. Yes, I've put up blankets
to try and shield. Damn, those blankets aren't any protection
from what's coming. I mean, I hate to be the
one to tell you that, but you really ought to
be in a proper show. You're supposed to have at
least eight inches of concrete or masonry between you and

the outside world. I mean, sand, dirt, anything, that's the
best I could do. I am alone, after all, and
that's what's got me worried me being alone. And I'm
gonna be blunt with you. There's things that are happening
around town right now. They're not telling you on the
radio because they don't want to create a panic. Um

what what kind of things? Well, I don't want to
scare you know, I'm too late. You're scaring me. Looters,
looters as soon as the soon went down last night
they were looters and worse, you don't mean it. They're
always looking for an excuse to ride. Who are they? Oh?

You know what? Whatever word we're supposed to use these days.
Last night they kept it across the tracks mostly, But
pretty soon they're going to run out of grocery markets
and used the pliant stores. Pretty soon they're gonna jump
the tracks a nice neighborhood like this. Now, listen here,
Miss Langford, Dorry, Mrs Doris Langford, Miss Langford. The world

right now is a completely different place. And it was
twenty four hours ago, even twelve hours ago. Trust me
on that I had a feeling they weren't telling us
everything on the TV and the radio. I mean, I
guess they got good reasons, but all the same is
there anything else you need from us? No, no, no,

I got what I came to find out. But but
it don't feel right me leaving you here, no way
to defend yourself, plus radiation just gonna see right through
the windows. Well, I'll I'll go get some things from
upstairs barricade the windows. At this point, I don't think

you're gonna be able to mhmm. Let me tell you what.
I'm a little ahead of schedule. Well, once I finished
the street, I could swing back by and put put
you in my truck and run you over to the
city out of Wream. Last I heard they still had
open corts. Pretty nice set up there. Trust me, you

you don't want to go to the library with power board.
They're packed in like sardines there. It's up to you.
You do that for us, ma'am. I'm here to serve
the community. Then, I'm afraid I must make a confession.
I am a we I'm not sure I understand. Becky. Hi,

where did you come from? While you pretend to she
not here, you yourself mentioned looters. Oh way, you thought
I might be some kind of until I saw you
spoke to you. Realize you're a good man and could
be trusted. This is my daughter, Becky, Rebecca, Rebecca. This

is oh, yes, ma'am. My name is Noon and my
whole name's Brian Paul Noonon. But everybody just calls me Noon,
and it's might be nice to meet you back. That's Blondie.
Blondie is my dog, but you probably figured out you're
gonna love him. Mr Noona has offered to give us

a ride to a city shelter. He's gonna come pick
up all right, Well, I'll go on in maybe thirty minutes.
If at long, we'll be packed and ready. Right well,
let let me go finish my hands and I'll be
right back, Thank you, Mr Oh, they're happy to oblige. Mom,

you mind telling me what on earth is going on
right now? Whatever do you mean? If we want to
go to a shelter, why don't we just take our car?
Where would we park it? And considering what's going on
in town? Besides, I want to be exciting to ride
in a military view. But there I'm fifteen, not five.
That's old, I agree, but not old enough to be

making life or death decisions on your own. Behalf, do
you kind of want to know what I think you
kind of want to know what. No, I don't care
to know. Mother. When things go a little easier between us,
if you would just treat me like an adult, just
for a few days, please, I will try to treat

you as an adult, but I won't be taken care
of you any less. Sorry, Blondie, you gotta ride in
the back for a while. Buddy, here, let me get that.
I'll put it up against the cab. Y'all, y'all go

on again. You want to keep you a little bag
when you sweep your heart? Yes, thank you? You go ahead,
all right, everybody in fingers and toes and Paul. That's right, blondie.
Don't be jealous, boy, this is nice. The army sure

gave you a sturdy truck. This here's mine. All army
vehicles have been called in the active service, so so
militia are using civilian vehicles. Is that what you are? Militia? Yes, ma'am.

You're pretty much just locking the history books. And you'd
be surprised how many times history is made by regular
folks and not the politicians. Who knows you or me
might end up saving the world this time around. Just

you wait and see check I'm here but I'm not
sure I'm there. Can you repeat that quas are one?
Unlock the capsule hatch. Unfeeling capsule will result in loss

of critical resources. Loss of resource. Unlock the capsule hatch
as you wish, stand by for deep pressurization. Please are
one capsule hatch open. Let's see that your discretion. Please

are one and tell us everything you see. M h
m hm hm hm. I'm activating my telescanner. M anything.

Wait a second, Yes, I thought it was just a
rock formation, but I see towers of stone that may
have at one time in building. We need you to investigate.
If there is any life on this planet, however primitive,
we must find it and nurture it. Don't be discouraged.

I don't give up easily. Yes, my dear, I know
I'm going closer all radio when I reached the formation.
M oh, how could we have been wrong? This is
Helio three. I'm sure of it. I wonder if I

just got here too late. Wait, you see something? What
is it? I don't know, unlike anything i've seen. Oh,
bluish lights changing shape, humanoid infoot amorphous h Do you

hear that they're they're making a sound it could be
language translate translation and m hm mm hmm. Yeah, just
a few more seconds and I'll there, try again. Ready,

I can talk to them. Yes, go ahead. Are you
an inhabitant of this planet? Do you live on this planet?
Who not live? Much? Nothing less? On this planet? We

received a signal that life on this planet is in danger.
I have come to preserve it. I'm afraid have come
to nothing is on this planet? But h isn't this

Helios three? Yes? This was Helios three? There's nothing now
it is a cold stones and nothing more? What happened

to it? Destroy it? Lying this time? Is you can
these ghostly creatures possibly be telling the truth? Did quays

are one arrived too late to save Helios three from destruction?
For the after? Even if you don't, line noon and
I'll go in and confirm they can take us. And
if so, I'll come out and get Becky in our
things said, okay, sure, but if this is your registered

shelter down, they'll take you. Hi, how can I help you? Oh? Hi, Ernie?
I oh, hello, Dori. I didn't know you were a
volunteer here. Apparently I signed up for assistant manager in
one of the preparedness classes. They drafted me you by yourself.

Becky's outside Wayne went to Atlanta on the day when
it all happened. Geez story, I'm sure you hate to
hear that, but don't go assuming the worst. With no
communications outside the valley, anything could be happening right now.
So what can we do for you? I was hoping

Becky and I could stay here. We were sheltering in
our basement, but one of the guardsmen suggested that may
not be safe with the looting that's going on is looting,
but he said occasion. I guess now, I've been pretty
quiet around here. Chip, you hand me the occupancy list.
Thank you? Is there space? We are a capacity, but

you live in Hillcrest? So this is yours signed shelter right, yes,
for sure, the response, I have it. We'll make some
space for you. Can you give me about five minutes
to set things up? Of course? Wait right here, pull
down the fort chips Europe Africa and waam a cruise

with both seed to their pre designated targets. Well, why
did these civil authorities have giving the finals on? I
brought you of the immediate se that's my sacians above all.
On any systems excuse sweek, Miss Johnson. Yes, you have

two children here. Yes, that's right. We're gonna need you
to gather up all your things, get the kids together. Okay,
something wrong, No, nothing wrong, We just need to relocate
you to a different facility. Well, everybody is supposed to

be in the shelter. They're assigned to by neighborhood. We
didn't mind you all being here, but now that we're
a capacity, I gotta give priority to the families that
belong here, belong here, you send them me to a
black shelter. No, no, no, no, Now it ain't that
way at all. But each shelter serves a specific area,

and rations and beds are based on the number of
residents in that neighborhood, but not more. You got it.
While you get your stuff, will radio over to book
or T Washington to make sure they have personing me
to a black shelter. It's not a black shelter, it's
just the town is divided into zones, and each shelter

services that zone. We can take outsiders, but we have
to give priority to those just going to turn us
up American citizens. I pay taxes, I have a right
fall to build it for Your part of town is
Booker t Elementary. Our part of town. I'm here, This
is where I am now is here, and that's all

that meant, Ernie, Nie, your calls in a saying, I'm
just trying to protect my family. Now. We don't need
to stay. No, No, it's no problem, just a little
misunderstanding about which shelter they're supposed to be in. There's
no misunderstanding. You just want to put me with my
own kind or better yet, just turn me out. Nobody's
turning you out. Are you getting so angry? There are rules.

We follow the rules. She's following the rules. You feel
like the rules don't apply to know. The rules do
apply to me, and that's what makes me Angerie, don't
tell me to calm down. Sorry, it was a misunderstanding.
I didn't realize it was going to force anyone out.
There is a space here for you, and she's in it. Ernie, Seriously,

it's fine. I have another place I can go. I
didn't mean to disturb anyone. Dory, I feel better about
it if you'd stay here. I'd hate to think what
Wayne would say if he heard there wasn't space for
you and your own shelter, he'd blow his sack. Thank
you for your help, Ernie. I'm I'm sorry I caused

a scene. You didn't cause a scene, Dory, please reconsider.
We're fine, I promise. Say hello to Angela for Merican.
Oh good, here she comes. She don't look happy. What

they say? It's wrong? What is it? Mother? We can't
stay here? What? Why not? Nonsense? I'll go talk to him. No,
I don't want to stay here. Why not? If this
is a shelter for your district, they got to let
you stay. The shelter is full. Our beds are occupied

by another family, a colored family. And when I went
in there, they tried to you wouldn't stay there because
there was a black family sleeping in ours. That is
a mother. I'm mortified. No, Becky, you don't understand. No,
and I hope I never understand how a person gets
that way. I've never been so humiliated. Can I trouble

you to take us somewhere else Where? Am I supposed
to take you another shelter? It's lang for this is
your shelter, and I ain't got time to be driving
you from place to place. Apparently there's room at book
or t Washington, Miss Laning for day, no place for
a woman like you, especially for a girl like Becky. Here.

Take us there, Becky, please, I'll handle this. Then take
us back home home. You can't do that. It's our home.
We'll be fine with all the looters and riders and such. No,
I can't do that. We can defend ourselves. We have
a gun, Becky. The other problem is they are not
wanting anyone to shelter at home unless they have a basement.
That's up to civil defense. Coach can't force us out

of our own houses, Miss Langford. In times like these, U. S.
Army can do just about anything. Yet you are not U. S.
Army what he has no insignia? Mother, didn't you notice, Becky,
I'm sure I'm a volunteer, a minute man, you see.
I'm not getting paid to be doing this. I'm just
cursed with the protective nature. Taking care of other people

has always been a fault of mine. I wish more
people had faults like that, don't you, Becky, Yes, ma'am.
You don't got to say that just because your mama
tells you too. I didn't mean nothing by it. Yeah,

hold on a second, now, if you want to avoid
all the crowds. I could take you to a private shelter.
We guarantee to have a bad rations security. I don't
know why I didn't think of it sooner. And in
fifteen minutes, all right, we're going north. We need to

get outside the city. Get you out to God. It's
come from where it's safe. That sounds wonderful. You know
Cross Mountain Um, you know the big cross up off. Yes,
of course, cross mountains what we call my daddy built
that cross are serious? Well he did actually build things
over hundred feet tall, but it was his idea. Daughters

of the Confederacy put up the money, so now they're
building crosses rather than burning them. Zip it. My daddy
was a buddy Noon you run Noon and shoot stores
all cross Alabama. I remember Noon and Shoot. That's my dad.
We owned a lot of property in North Etend County,
and since that's a highest elevation, he wanted to put
a cross there, sort of watch over everyone in New

Canyan always wondered about that. Well, now you know he
kind of ladder to the top. They say you can
see four states. Isn't that fascinating? Becky? Is your daddy
still with us. No, ma'am. He passed on about a
nine years back. I'm sorry to hear that. Thank you kindly.

I sold off a lot of the land, but I
kept property on Cross Mountain, sort of a monument to him.
That's so sweet. Sorry, going toward Cross Mountain right now?
That's right. There's nothing on Cross Mountain except across you
see as where you wrong. I wouldn't know. I might radio.

I think I should tell you what really happened inside
the shelter. I think it would be better. Just don't
speak to me right now. I just don't know. And
the children vola like they say. It may not look

like much, but it is one hundred percent complied with
civil defense fallout shelter spects poured concrete, covered with six
inches of earth to ventilation chimneys, enough rations for more
than a month, not ten days, which is all the
downtown shelters you're equipped for. It's certainly impressive, Mr Noonan,
But we can't move into your personal shelter. What about

your family? There's just me and I promise I won't
take up too much room. No, I can't, it's too
please now, please, it'll make me feel better if you
stay here while you two settle in. I mean, Blondie's
going back down the hills, save some more lives. You're
going back to town. Yes, ma'am. You must be exhausted.

You can have been prepared my whole life for this.
I'm not gonna miss a minute of it. You're sure
you don't mind? Mom, Come on already, my shelter is
your shelter? Do you have the TV? Becky, there's one
by the cooler. I don't expect the power to stay
down much longer, so what you like you can with

the time in his schedule to occur. Radio eleven sixty
we'll see this broadcasting completely. We lose power, we don't
rain our battery, you know, want to place up a little.
We brought some of those two radio scrape Miss Langford.
Radio eleven sixty will not return to the air until
such time as government. So if you don't have any

more questions and to limit the airwaves, I'll be saying
good back, good luck, Mr. Thank you for your cooperation,
and we wish you mailed a certain times and again
luck we will read. Let me get out of here
before I start blush. I see you good that you
remain safe and healthy, and that God have mercy upon

us all. Thank you. Wow, how do you like that? Becky?

We have to get out of here. Are you talking about?
He could be some kind of meniac, Becky. We can't
just leave. Why did he lock us in? It would
be so childish? Should not being child ish? In fact,
I'm being very grown up in my thinking right now.
And what, pray tell, are you thinking he's getting her

half the time? I don't. I don't even understand what
you're saying to me. The Control Group is a production

of My Heart Radio, written and directed by Brett Would,
recorded and mixed by Rob gal featuring Tess Malice and Cade,
Alexandra Vicken, Hannah Berman, Minka Wilts, Mary Kraft, Tim Habigger

and Keith Brooks. Music composed and performed by Rob Gaal.
The executive producer is Ben Bolen, Supervising producer Paul Deckett.

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