All Episodes

March 21, 2024 25 mins

In this edition of Shohei OTrendy, Jack and Miles discuss the US "finally" "demanding" a "ceasefire", Subway switching to Pepsi, the DoJ suing Apple (again) over alleged iPhone monopoly, the Dodgers firing Shohei Ohtani's interpreter amid allegation of 'massive theft', and an update on America's Sweetheart, Kyle Rittenhous

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello the Internet, and welcome to this episode of show
Hoo Trendy. My name is Jack, that is Miles, and
there is nothing to see here. That's all we're going
to be saying about. Sho tani.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
Nothing to see here, nothing to see.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
Here, Move along, Get what are you looking at? What
are you looking at? Huh? What's the someone post that's
fun to see hit dingers and throw fastballs? Exactly.

Speaker 2 (00:25):
There was a thing someone posted on Twitter that like,
when the Mark McGuire episode of The Simpsons, kid, do
you want to know the terrifank truth? You want to
see me hit a couple of dingers.

Speaker 1 (00:35):
That was a great episode where it was implied that
Major League Baseball was like behind all the great crimes.
Yeah yeah, hey, well speaking about behind the great crimes
of the world. So the big news the US has
demanded an immediate cease fire. And that's it again, nothing

to see You don't look too deep, we said, we
can stop paying attention to that sad story. Okay, you
just we're good here. They've demanded a ceasefire, series fire.

Speaker 2 (01:08):
There's so many hold on us if I just see
what the headlands are the US finally back to ceasefire,
US to bring resolution with ceasefire, US pushes for guys
to ceasefire.

Speaker 1 (01:20):
And I repeat, we're good here, babye. We're the good guys.

Speaker 2 (01:24):
That's the thing, right, All those headlines that would have
you believe that the US has finally I think the
daily beaches like the US is finally asking for a ceasefire,
an immediate ceasefire, and that being like the new policy,
and a lot of the coverage has the tone of
like the US is really changing their tune here. And
while that may be true in a rhetorical sense, the

actual wording of the resolution that was recently submitted on
on Wednesday is pretty vague. It actually says quote because
you know, it's like saying, like, please, can we all
agree to this resolution that the UN Security Council quote
determines the imperative of an immediate and sustained ceasefire to
protect civilians on all sides, allow for the delivery of
essential humanitary assistance and alleviate humanitarian suffering and towards that end.

Unequivocally supports ongoing international diplomatic efforts to secure such a
ceasefire in connection with the release of all remaining hostages.

Speaker 1 (02:17):
So my reading, they were changing their tune miles. It's
like a tonal shift, not content. We didn't say changing
the content the lyrics. Yeah, content, No, it's an it's
an yeah, yeah, vibes. The vibes have shifted. There's a
vibe shift.

Speaker 2 (02:37):
That's that's what they want the headlines to feel like.
And look, reading comprehension is not great, but it sounds
like the only thing here that it was quite literally unequivocal,
is the support for continued negotiations. The ceasefirepart is more like, yeah,
it's really I mean, determines the imperative of an immediate like.
Language matters here because the US has already vetoed three

prior resolutions that was put in front of the UN
security count until the last one from Algeria, and the
difference between all of those they demanded a ceasefire that
was respected on all sides. This does not have that
same language. So again, the very I guess charitable reading
of this resolution is that the US is going for
something that is worded like in a way that can

just bring in a large coalition of support. But again,
if that was the case, there are already bills like this,
it was really about a ceasefire and an exchange for hostages.
These kinds of things have been proposed, like Hamas also
tried to previously negotiate a ceasefire and end to hostilities
in exchange for hostages, and Israel rejected that. So, you know, again,

I'm not convinced that the US has achieved a tangible
change of heart here, especially when you consider the fact
that financial and military aid continues to flow into the country. Yeah,
and you know, there have been a lot of noises
though out of the US that made it seem like
there was a shift here, although it seems like more
of an optics game. Chuck Schumer was like, I think

it's only these new elections. And there were sanctions against
settlers that the Biden administration announced, But you know, people
who are like really tapped into like what those sanctions
mean and really how what the effect it's supposed to have,
they say they fall woefully short, because when you look
at the violence that's even happened in the West Bank.
There have been six hundred attacks by settlers in the

West Bank since October seventh. The UN found that in
at least half of those, the Israeli military also participated,
So you can't just sanction these private citizens. You have
to also sanction the government or else. There's really nothing
there again except for vibe shifts headlines that say these
things but functionally aren't materially changing things for the better.

Speaker 1 (04:45):
Yeah, it feels like they will do the least they
could possibly get away with doing. And they've realized because
of the public backlash, they've realized that they can't get
away with doing nothing. Yet they're not going to immediately,
We're not gonna do something. I mean, that's whoa. That's
just whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Speaker 2 (05:04):
It's so cynical, you know, at the end of the
day and like and then to have like because only
now it's interesting there. There are a couple of articles
I was looking at where they've added a little bit
more texture where it says like, uh that there's the
US is backing a ceasefire, but the nuances and it's
un resolution show the tight rope. It walks a little

bit more like not so forceful about it, but yeah,
we'll see. I mean, like this is something that who
knows the language could change a bit, could or couldn't
at the very least. It's just a rhetorical shift.

Speaker 1 (05:40):
But I'm sorry, do you not want to see someone
walk a tight rope that ship is tight and people
go to the circus.

Speaker 2 (05:48):
Yeah, I'm sorry. TikTok has TikTok has turned me into
one of those zombie freaks who doesn't like to watch
innocent children die.

Speaker 1 (05:57):
So that's why we got to be all right. People
are apparently not happy about a change happening at Subway.

Speaker 2 (06:07):
Daily's geist trademark pivot right there.

Speaker 1 (06:11):
I'll tell you what else people are upset about, Miles.

Speaker 2 (06:15):
I mean, somebody's getting rid of coke.

Speaker 1 (06:18):
Subway is getting rid of coke and switching to Betsy Baby.
So this is happening January first, twenty twenty five. Okay,
so if you spend New Year's at a subway, you
could order a Mountain dew at twelve oh one.

Speaker 2 (06:34):
If you hate yourself, I'll come on, you're getting a
twelve oh one. Thanks for pretty much blowing the lid off.
What I do every New Year's I go to subway. Well,
they're not open, so I break into a subway and
make myself a tuna sang way and now wash it
down with a mountain dew.

Speaker 1 (06:51):
Wow. I mean, I'm for any place I can get
a nice fountain do a little fountain mountain.

Speaker 2 (06:58):
Dew, except for at the Austin Airport, except for a
Tho airport. Because we were getting barbecue and I was like,
I felt like I was ordering for my partner. They're like, oh,
what do you want for the fountain drink? And I
saw all the options, like there's do and I said, yeah,
mountain dew. Let me take a mountain dude the way
I said, I got you like, oh, I don't know why,

I don't know.

Speaker 1 (07:19):
I better not, you know, I tried to do a
werewolf when I get the do. I I can't drink
a mountain I can't drink a mountain dew before I
get on like a five hour flight. Yeah, people are
gonna get hurt. Yeah. So I pounded some Big Red,
which shout out to Big Red, a lightly caffeinated, hyper
sugary beverage people are. It makes sense to me. This

doesn't really make sense from a consumer perspective. Subway going pepsi,
because I think a subway as the like healthy option,
healthy fast food option, and coke has the two best
low calorie beverages, I think, or at least the two

most popular. Zero has gotten that just just facts, these
are the two most popular. On the other hand, I'm
just I'm just here to envision possibilities. What if Mountain
Dew work with Subway to create their own version of
Baja Blath that was like kind of appropriate. I don't

know what would be appropriate to subway, you know, like
captures the strip mall, Midwestern vibes give subway. Maybe like
Lake turon fish piss, you know what I mean, concrete
sewer creek that's fizzing for some reason that should should

not be bubbling like that car mechanic runoff like something
something that's like you know, with but then like with
a little pizzazz karme can runoff like subway tunnel juice, Yes,
the subway tunnel, both subway like the fact, because I remember,
like back in the day they would have like old
timey depictions of like the New York Subway, the New

York Subway.

Speaker 2 (09:13):
Yeah, you know, that's kind of what they were they
were going for, is that this is.

Speaker 1 (09:17):
Actually the decomposing corpse of a Italian laborer exactly.

Speaker 2 (09:23):
Oh that's spicy. Yeah, we know it's funny though too.
In my mind, I don't I felt like Subway never
served coke. I don't know why.

Speaker 1 (09:33):
Yeah, no, I remember the DC's going to get a
nice turkey sub diet coke or a diet sprite when
I was really at my lowest point.

Speaker 2 (09:45):
Yeah, you know, but I guess because and like I
would always get Orange Bang at the one, I would go.

Speaker 1 (09:50):
To Orange Bang.

Speaker 2 (09:52):
Yeah, I think it might. It must be like a
franchise to franchise. You don't know Orange Bang full. No, well,
you don't know Orange Bang horchato oleyful and hajmicho olayfel.

Speaker 1 (10:04):
No, dude, you've never seen it.

Speaker 2 (10:06):
There are these like these are like these local fountain drinks.
Is this just like only a California thing? You never
seen this?

Speaker 1 (10:11):
Shit? Yeah? Why does that one have like a head
like a pillsmer on top of it?

Speaker 2 (10:15):
Because it's Orange Bang baby, and it's like a off
brand Orange Julius.

Speaker 1 (10:20):
Oh shit, it's Orange Bang because exclamation points.

Speaker 2 (10:24):
Well, Brian, Brian, the editors said Orange Bang is not
in every Subway anyway, so that's my privilege.

Speaker 1 (10:29):
Orange Bang is o Orange Bang caffeinated name like that.

Speaker 2 (10:33):
I got a no, no, all right, it has egg
whites in it though, That's why it's foamy.

Speaker 1 (10:39):
Damn egg whites. Yeah, egg cream yeah.

Speaker 2 (10:44):
Man, anyway, sorry, just I'm having my own like Mandela
effect moment here, and I'm like, they always had pepsi.

Speaker 1 (10:52):
What was Orange Bang a pepsi product?

Speaker 2 (10:54):
No, Orange Bang is like its own thing. Yeah, that
shit looks like it was like mixed up in the
parking lot. Hey, whatever it takes its Bomba's fucked though,
social job done.

Speaker 1 (11:04):
Yeah, anyways, I think I see the complaints. I see
I also see, you know, some possibilities for a mountain
dew centric or a subway centric mountain dew flavor. So, uh,
stay tuned. We will be keeping our eye on that one.
We're gonna take a quick break and we'll be right back.

And we're back. We're back and the d o j
under Joe back at it again. Man laying the goliaths,
you know, the little guy the Department of Justice.

Speaker 2 (11:52):
Third times the what is it a charm?

Speaker 1 (11:55):
Right? Yeah? Third times?

Speaker 2 (11:56):
The third time third time just means they'll be fourth
time maybe TJ to see Apple.

Speaker 1 (12:02):
So they just filed a quote landmark lawsuit against Apple
accusing them of anti competitive practices and monopolizing the smartphone market.
Apple denies the claims, but Merrick Garland said Apple quote
undermines apps, products and services that would otherwise make users
less reliant on the iPhone and lower costs for consumers

and developers.

Speaker 2 (12:27):
Yeah, some sneeky stuff, you know. I think, like most
people know, if you've ever tried to, like marry an
Apple and a non Apple product, that in any sane
universe they would work together. Like, fuck man, it's better
I just get the fucking Apple Watch. Fuck man, I
might as just get the fucking AirPods. Yeah, that's that's
what the that's what this is about. Like, I mean,
that's just one dimension of it. But that's an example

of how they you know, they keep you with those
little shocks to be like, oh that's right, just.

Speaker 1 (12:54):
Stay in my lane.

Speaker 2 (12:55):
And obviously going green on on my message is obviously
the biggest, I think example of how they subtly nudge
people towards being like, you don't want to inconvenience everybody,
you know, right by being going green on.

Speaker 1 (13:06):
The check, you look ridiculous right now. The lawsuit lists
a number of allegedly sketchy practices. Which include blocking cloud
streaming apps that would lower the need for more expensive hardware,
sabotaging the quality of messages between iPhones and non iPhones,
making it hard to use non Apple smart watches with

the iPhone blocking third party companies who make digital wallets.
This is probably the most damning, but as mentioned, it's
the third time that the dj has sued Apple since
two thousand and nine, and Apples barely hanging on. Oh wait,
they're like the most they're against the ropes, y'all.

Speaker 2 (13:47):
They really are hiding away. And are they still like
using Ireland as a tax savid?

Speaker 1 (13:52):
I think so? Yeah, continue Wow.

Speaker 2 (13:54):
Anyway, so they're on the ropes and let's see what happened.
I would love to just yeah, fucking fuck these monopolies up, please,
but like, what what took so goddamn long? And are
you actually going to be able to do it? Because
my god, the amount of money that Apple's gonna fucking
pour into.

Speaker 1 (14:11):
This shiit for like having kids who are between the
ages of like you know, who were just in kindergarten
first grade. Uh, there's a lot of apps that you
have to like download, like educational apps like reading Out
and they are yeah, oh you got bright Wheel. You're
in the bright Wheel gang. You got oh yeah, bright Wheel, big, big,

big bright Wheel family.

Speaker 2 (14:37):
It also reminds me how terrible the communication used to
be when we were between Like you know, there's somebody
apps how to let parents know what's going on, and
like when I was a kid, it's like you either
they didn't you didn't hear shit, or maybe they send
a note home with you that you would throw away
and not give to your parents.

Speaker 1 (14:51):
Yeah, the yeah, and you just had like we had
a password, Our family just had a password. Those like
if somebody picks you up and you don't recognize them,
this is the word that means that.

Speaker 2 (15:02):
We don't know them, teacher.

Speaker 1 (15:04):
Yeah, but a lot of the apps are glitchy as fuck,
Like the app store is not it's not great. It
feels like it could be better. There's there's multiple times
a year that I just have the thought of like
shouldn't this be better? Like shouldn't the ito ns whatever

they call it these days, Like shouldn't this all be
better and easier to like sync up? And it's it's
really kind of a mess. Yeah, yeah, I.

Speaker 2 (15:32):
Don't know again, Like the way you know, you always
hear app developers talk about how difficult it is to
get into the Apple App Store. Yeah, and how much again,
like you if this is like the free market, you know,
you want to have people be able to contribute every
single way. They can't, ye, But yeah, man, just let's see.

Let's see what you got, d o J. Let's see
if you keep that same energy in court and like,
let's get let's get a result here.

Speaker 1 (15:58):
Let's go from let's fucking go Merrick Garland, all right,
show how Tani? Uh, his interpreter was fired, am it?

Speaker 3 (16:12):

Speaker 1 (16:13):
So there was four point five million dollars sent from
Show how Tani's bank account to a bookmaker and not
a publisher of books, someone who takes yes, not Penguin
Random House, but to uh, you know, somebody who takes pets.

And that is generally like, that's a lot of gambling
money for somebody who is the Michael Jordan of baseball
but might be the Michael Jordan of baseball in other ways. Uh,
in that best to ever do it? And also massive

gambling problem that has to be a nord. We don't know,
but I can't, I truly can't tell if this is
a scenario where the Internet just goes for the wildest
possible scenario right away. Yeah, if it's just suspicious.

Speaker 2 (17:15):
Yeah, is the name of his interpreter. And it's interesting
because they were playing a game in Soul prior to
like all these allegations coming out, and in that like
they're just talking like two friends, like yo, you stole
fucking stole mill front.

Speaker 1 (17:38):
His his claim, his team's claim is that he that
that money had been stolen from him, uh to like
make bets and then he was like paying it to
the bookmaker, but it was like his interpreter who was
placing the bets. But it's not even really suspicious. It
just looks like a blatant like I didn't realize that

it was like from his bank account to the book made.

Speaker 2 (18:05):
It's directly from his bank account. That's what all the
wires show. But like again, yeah, so it's it's either
Shoho Tani it's been millions of dollars on sports or
this other guy the or you know, his interpreter. Maybe
he needed some help and he bailed him out or
he stole it. But then also I can also see

in a very like Japanese way that the interpreter is
like be like, yo, bro, I'll fucking take this one. Yeah,
just fucking you're too Like you're too big, Bro, we
can't have you can't have your shine. You can't have
your shine dold in any way by a scandal, Like
I'll fucking let me tell him, tell him it was me, man,
So you don't know, but this is the one thing

it is, like I don't know. I don't see how
this affects him at Allani Like they're like they stand
to make way too much money off this guy for
it to really turn into a scandal. But like there
are people like you need to investigate him now.

Speaker 1 (19:01):
I mean they're gonna have to investigate him, like yeah,
it's too suspicious and out in the open at this point,
like they their cover up time was is over at
like now that it's being reported that there was a
payment from his bank account to a gambling company for

four points, like there's not much you can do at
that point to be like, nah, it turns out, uh,
we you know, he told us it wasn't his and
we trust him, so now watch us hit some dingers.

Speaker 2 (19:37):
Rob Manfred, the Commissioner of Baseball, was like, yeah, we
looked into him and he's fine. He's fine, man, He's fine, man.
But enjoy show. Hey, Bobblehead night. All right, let's make
sure we're out there also for Japanese American Pride Night.
He'll also be out there. Just buy your tickets.

Speaker 1 (19:53):

Speaker 2 (19:54):
There's nothing to see here. This is we need this,
We really need this man.

Speaker 1 (20:01):
And finally, uh, Kyle Rittenhouse, we do want to check
in with with our guy little buddy. Uh hecho Yeah, no,
just the worst. So he's what's even up to? He
wrote a book called Acquitted, which rocketed to number nine,

five hundred and sixty nine on the Amazon Charts sphere,
and they were like, well, clearly there's a hunger to
hear his thoughts on things.

Speaker 3 (20:35):

Speaker 1 (20:35):
And so he's now on a college speaking tour put
on by Charlie Kirk's Turning Point USA. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (20:42):
Man, the Writtenhouse recap man.

Speaker 1 (20:45):
So we're calling it, I mean, and then there's just
like the poster that they put out, like he just
I don't know, it's a there. They say that Writtenhouse
is talking about the Second Amendment, which is like if
a school book lecture on urban safety by Jack the Ripper,
this is not your guy.

Speaker 2 (21:05):
Yeah, Second amendment the fucking kid who shot up Okay,
so this is this is the poster.

Speaker 1 (21:10):
Boy illegally acquired. Yeah, yeah, so you quote addresses the
quote lies of BLM and uh So this week he
showed up at the University of Memphis and it didn't
go well.

Speaker 2 (21:26):
No, he hopped on the stage with a Golden Retriever
in tow and apparently this dog is his PTSD therapy dog.
And as Jam puts it, this is the bleakest possible
airbud sequel.

Speaker 1 (21:43):
Hey, no law that says a dog can't Yeah, assists
of someone who crash monster who.

Speaker 2 (21:51):
Is probably just anyway. So the event had two hundred
protesters outside and that was even more than the people
inside who were also protesters. There's just this clip that's
going around of just yet. Oh man, it couldn't have
happened to a worse guy.

Speaker 1 (22:09):
So they're they're taking questions from the audience and this happens.

Speaker 2 (22:14):
Yeah, he's asked about Hey, your friend Charlie Kirk, who's
like bankrolling this, Like, isn't any racist.

Speaker 1 (22:20):
Yeah, he says we shouldn't celebrate Junete, we shouldn't celebrate
Martinus kan Day. We should be working those days, it's
called a tany brown Jackson in a frontive action higher
he's talk nonsense about George Floyd and he'd be staring
if a black pilot was on a point.

Speaker 3 (22:35):
Does that not see racist?

Speaker 1 (22:36):
I don't know anything about that. No, No, does not
seem racist?

Speaker 2 (22:42):
Is a yes or no question, Kyle, I'm not going.
There's not a single I just think there's like three
people who are there to actually see him. Now, a
guy's like, hey, all right, let's go. They just so

he leaves with his fucking dog. He like, yes, the dog.
The dog was laying down and like did not realize
he was moving. So the first couple of steps like, oh.

Speaker 1 (23:11):
Yeah, take me away, let's get out of here.

Speaker 2 (23:15):
But you know what, no else taken of course.

Speaker 1 (23:17):
No, he's just that. That was actually he was not
booed off stage. That was because of a like the
the show was so off the hook that he like
the local authorities were saying that he had to like
shut it down and wake up all the neighbors.

Speaker 2 (23:37):
Yeah, the fire marshals said he's gonna shut us down.
But here's here's here's how he said he No El's
taken on that one.

Speaker 3 (23:43):
And I think it's funny that a lot of the
media saying we got boot off stage. In reality, we
did a hard cut off time and just happened to
leave it that great event.

Speaker 2 (23:56):
We did a hard cutoff time when this question an
answer segment had me actually have to stand to account
for the words that someone who I agree with said,
and I just.

Speaker 1 (24:05):
Oh my god, it is like just the biggest, like
fakest smile on his face, him and his hand.

Speaker 2 (24:12):
Dude. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's like that smile that has
l written all over.

Speaker 1 (24:17):
All over we We actually absolutely nailed it up there,
and people were like kind of so into it. Did
he not know? Did he think that there weren't cameras
inside the thing that showed what happened? No, Yeah, I
don't know.

Speaker 2 (24:33):
I guess not. You know, it's just like, yeah, like
you know, how like all the great artists do it,
Like just like they're in the middle of their encore
and then someone fucking goes, get the fuck out of here. Man,
They're they're fucking onto us, and then you're in the concert,
just like how Taylor Swift does it.

Speaker 1 (24:49):
Yeah, that happens all the time. All right. Those are
some of the things that are trending on this Thursday afternoon.
We were back tomar with the whole last episode of
the show. Until then, be kind to each other, be
kind to yourselves, get the vaccine, don't do nothing about
white supremacy, and we will tuck y'all tomorrow. Bye bye,

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