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March 28, 2024 64 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello the Internet, and welcome to season three thirty one,
Episode four of Dirney's I Say production of iHeart Radio.
It's a podcast where we take a deep dive into
America share consciousness. And it is, of course, Thursday, March
twenty eight. It's twenty twenty four. Man, it's a doozy.

Speaker 2 (00:23):
It's National National Triglycerides Day, you know what I mean,
Shout out to your heart health. Also National black forest
Cake Day, National something on a stick Day, and national
Oh what a perfect day for our guest and myself,
National Weed Appreciation Day.

Speaker 1 (00:41):
Hey, but we did it on purpose.

Speaker 2 (00:44):
We did talk about invasive weeds, not the Canada O.

Speaker 3 (00:47):

Speaker 4 (00:47):
Yeah, I was gonna say that.

Speaker 1 (00:49):
That's that they knew what they were doing.

Speaker 4 (00:51):
Yeah, they knew what they were doing.

Speaker 1 (00:53):

Speaker 2 (00:54):
Yeah, there's the three twenty eight is the real four twenties?

Speaker 1 (00:57):
Hey, man, Like that's a new thing in gardening. Like
weeds are just like a frame of mind. Man, Like
you think they're weeds, but I think they're actually plants
that would be eaten. I think you can eat a
lot of weeds. You can eat d Yeah, have.

Speaker 2 (01:14):
You had a dandelions out? I've seen I've seen people
do that, but I'm yeah, I mean, I.

Speaker 1 (01:19):
Hate Dana Lions when I was a kid, just because
you're getting choked up, getting choked up. I hate Dana
Lions when I was a kid just because they looked
they were everywhere and uh, you know, I was hungry.

Speaker 2 (01:32):
But they're the ship, like blowing the fu like that
in that stage when off the yellow one.

Speaker 1 (01:40):
Oh okay, I'm not trying to like.

Speaker 2 (01:42):
Be like, let me get a bite out.

Speaker 1 (01:49):
Definitely like cotton candy. They're the cotton candy of the weights. Yeah,
I definitely got some of that ship in my mouth
before I knew how to like control my breath very well.
You know, blow, then suck and it comes. It catches
when it's sucking in.

Speaker 2 (02:07):

Speaker 4 (02:07):
I mean, in fifth grade, we read that book about
the kid who gets lost in the woods or whatever
and he makes the dandelion salad and my fifth grade
teacher made us go out and gather the stuff and
make it, which I don't know if that was a
good idea, but we did.

Speaker 1 (02:19):
Yeah, you can need anything, so yeah, that's actually really
bad advice to give kids. Anyways. My name's Jack O'Brien aka.
It might sound crazy, but it ain't no lie baby
Jack Oh, Brian Brian. That is courtesy of Panoramic View

on the Discord. Yeah, I mean it might. I know,
I know what you're gonna say. This sounds crazy and
you think I'm lying, but I'm not Jack Obrian, that's
you know, just my name. I'm thrilled to be joined
as always buy my co host, mister Miles Grass. It's
Miles Gray.

Speaker 2 (02:59):
You are ready know I'm the Lord at Lancasham and
I'm also the showgun with no gun because that's what
my people we're gonna say.

Speaker 1 (03:05):
That's crazy though, Miles like Gray, that's great. Come on,
no way, do you know.

Speaker 2 (03:13):
You got guns? You're gonna have gun problems. That's my
wife's father always said. So you know what, to stay
away from it.

Speaker 1 (03:19):
And they're gonna call you baby when they do it.
They're gonna say baby baby. It might sound crazy. Maybe
that sounds crazy, Miles Gray, that sounds crazy baby. Anyways, Miles,
we are thrilled to be joined in our third seat
by a brilliant actor, comedian, writer, podcast host who you
know from countless podcasts, Her show TV I Say with
Ashley Ray and the new stand up special Ice cream Money,

which is so funny. You must go out. Oh shit,
I didn't know that was gonna rhyme. You must go
listen to it immediately, you dummy. It's available for purchase,
now available streaming. Please welcome the brilliant to the talented
Ashley Radway. Hey, it's great to have you, so happy

to have you. Thank you.

Speaker 4 (04:05):
What a wonderful introduction.

Speaker 1 (04:07):
My goodness you have You have the good kind of
homework ahead of you. I don't know if you, but
you were telling us that you have like a task
that sounds insurmountable to me. A non when I would
smoke pot, I would, you know, have existential crises and
just realize things about myself. I didn't want to know.

But you, yeah, you're You're going to be judging some
Mary Jane I think is what we're still calling it.

Speaker 4 (04:38):
That the Mary Jane, or they call it Riz or
something now. I don't know, but that's I'm a judge
in the Emerald Cup. It is California's I think, biggest
weed competition. It's every category, tincture, edibles, vapes. Last year
I was in the vape category. I had to smoke
two hundred and thirty vapes in a month and a half.

Oh shit, Yeah, I still have so many of them.
Like I've never bought a vape again. Like I just
have a basket full of apes and anytime someone comes over,
I'm like, please take some some weed. But yeah, it's
I This year, I'm in the pre roll category, so
I have to smoke like three hundred joints. We have
to try every single person that enters a pre roll pack,

single joint, whatever it is. We got to try every
single one. And then we meet every week and we
talk about how we our vote which ones we like.
There's a very detailed crash. It's it's serious weed smoking. Okay,
it's not for you know, this isn't some stoner, No,
a lot of dandelions.

Speaker 1 (05:44):
Oh yeah, that's that's cool. Like that's a cool way
to judge anything, though, is to like have it be
sort of Salon style where you kind of like get
the group together. I don't know, is that how? Like
I feel like the oscars don't have that much thought
put into them and they're like the most amous awards,
Like that's true. You know, they don't like watch a
thing come back be like hey.

Speaker 2 (06:05):
This was dope, right, they do the thing where they're like, hey,
what movies were winning awards from the other award shows?
I see that.

Speaker 4 (06:14):
Oh yeah, yeah, they don't even watch everything. But no,
we try every single thing. And then we sit on
a zoom and you hear very passionate forty to fifty
year old men defend tweed and it is one of
my favorite things in the world.

Speaker 1 (06:28):
Wow, what, like, what can you give me just an
example of like something so like an argument you've heard
on one.

Speaker 4 (06:34):
Of these Oh, I mean yeah, the vape. Vape is
a really tough category. It's kind of where they start
you because it's you have to really prove yourself because
a lot of people get distracted with vape and just
like an exciting flavor, you know, like it tastes so good.
But no, this is a group where we sit down
and we're like, what about ease of use? How was
the packaging?

Speaker 1 (06:52):
You know?

Speaker 4 (06:52):
Was this an easy button charging experience? Is it too
much plastic? There's a lot that you know, we look
into and then they hate when something has like a
fake flavor and it's just about the flavor. It's sore. Wow,
there was this girl who like loved this raspberry vape thing,
and I also thought it was good. I was on
her side. I was like, girl, me you this raspberry gelato.

It's tasty, and everyone else was just like absolutely not.
Oh dare no, there's not on this Rod's green Earth.
Well I get let that into my top ten category
and we were just like, it's good though, and it
made me high.

Speaker 1 (07:30):
At least it's not at least it's a sophisticated flavor
like get raspberry gelato. It's not you know that, so
you don't have the dirty feeling that it's like trying
to appeal to, like get eight year olds to smoke weed, right, yeah,
you know it's this.

Speaker 2 (07:48):
Yeah, I mean they have that too. I mean they
do have that.

Speaker 1 (07:52):
Oh for sure. Yeah, this one at least sounds a
little bit less shady.

Speaker 2 (07:57):
Well, the flavors are so aggressive, like you think you're
stroking out because how vivid. Like there's even pre rules,
like there's a company Jeters that have this one that's
like a horchata one that the first time I spoke,
I was like like in my mouth, I was like,
this is the devil though.

Speaker 4 (08:13):
Yeah, I was like, this is some chemical I should
not be And of course I tried it because I
was like, sounds delicious, but I didn't want that.

Speaker 2 (08:20):
I was you're smoking a car air freshener at that time.

Speaker 1 (08:23):
Yeah, it's like nicotine. The like I started out being
like this mango shit is like crazy, it tastes like mango,
but like eventually it's just too monotonous. It's like to
too much, and like I ended up wanting the one
that like tasted the worst, but like tasted the most
like dirt, because that's what cigarettes tastes like. You know,

just be like, yeah, give me the do you have
like car exhaust? That's what I'm going for, Just progress
straight dirt.

Speaker 4 (08:51):
Yeah, all right.

Speaker 1 (08:53):
Well, Ashley, we're going to get to know you a
little bit better in a moment. First, we're going to
tell the listeners a couple of things. We're talking about.
The Supreme Court is once again dealing in hypotheticals because
they need to, because they need to make up the
scenarios that are going to scare the Christians. So we'll
talk about that. Speaking of the Christians, new hot product

just dropped. I haven't checked stock x yet yet to
see if you can get this on there, but Trump Bibles,
Baby God bless the USA Bibles. We'll talk about that, Jesus.
It's just I don't like this feels like a new
low to me, Like it just a new level of

like on the nosedness. Just I don't know.

Speaker 4 (09:40):
When I read the Bible, I'm like, this is too foreign.

Speaker 1 (09:43):
So yeah, I need this to be American final right right,
We're gonna talk about companies trying to cash in on
the upcoming solar eclipse which is coming up in a
little over a week, and it's the total solar eclipse
of the Hot Hut. Oh of the Hut?

Speaker 2 (10:01):
Is the Pizza Hut? The Pizza Hut?

Speaker 1 (10:03):
Yeah, total eclips of the Hut. But it's happened on
April eighth. Start, it's probably a little too late to
make your plans. I start. I was immediately like, all right,
who do I know who's in the path of this ship? Yeah,
you're going to take my kids there? Because it's right
too late.

Speaker 2 (10:20):
It's too late.

Speaker 1 (10:21):
Yeah, they're all all the friends' guest rooms are full,
and all the hotels are gouging. People will get to it.
But before we do, Ashley, we like to ask our guests,
what is something from your search history that's revealing about
who you are.

Speaker 4 (10:38):
I've been on a deep dive to find some rare
documentaries from sky TV lately.

Speaker 2 (10:44):
Oh shit, Okay.

Speaker 4 (10:45):
Sky TV is a British cable channel, and it's like,
you can't it's not streaming, it's a cable channel, Like
you need a British cable box. So I've been doing
so many deep They have just some great stuff over there,
Like first they got a Boeing doc so good, but
I wanted to watch this one specifically, it's called Tell
Them You Love Me. If you're familiar with the An

stuben Field case from twenty fourteen, she was a facilitated
translator who worked with disabled people and she was assigned
to this guy DJ. He was like thirty years old.
She was a little older than him. She's this married lady,
nice white lady in the family is like, yeah, let
this white, nice lady help our son talk. He's nonverbal
and you know, lives in a wheelchair. And she was like, yeah,

we can use a keyboard and I can help guide
his hand and he'll be able to spell words. And
at first, like it seemed legit, they thought, Okay, yes,
I think she's really helping him. He's saying stuff, but
then slowly they're like everything she's saying he likes seems weird.
Like she's saying, he likes classical music in red Wine
and we don't think like our brothers never like experienced

anything around that. And then one day she's like, so, actually,
DJ and Iron love of we have been making love.
I'm leaving my husband and we're going to be together.
And the family is like, what he's he's literally just
like he had. The courts have said he has like
the mental age of probably like a seven year old,

like he can walk a bit and talk, but like
you know, and she's like, no, like he's brilliant, like
look at all the stuff he said. And then another
psychiatrist and doctor was like, so this lady's been talking
to herself on this keyboard like hen Yeah, like anyone
else who tried to do it with him, he couldn't
spell anything, or they would like be like, okay, you

know she said he's able to take college classes. They
would show him a picture of a key and be
like can you spell what this is? And he couldn't
do it, and it was just like she's just been
talking to herself.

Speaker 1 (12:43):
Wow, do you think she knows it? Or is it
like when you're doing like Ouiji with your friends and
you're like, oh shit, it just spelled my name, but
like you're just kind of like doing it, but it's
like an unconscious part of you.

Speaker 4 (12:56):
No, she believes it because she's in the documentary. Got
her in the documentary. They got her in the dock,
The family is in the doc died.

Speaker 2 (13:05):
Everybody it Oh is this a Louis thorroawot?

Speaker 4 (13:09):
You know I think it is?

Speaker 2 (13:10):
Yeah, wow, it is so good.

Speaker 1 (13:14):
Generally, the concept of like British documentaries about like the
Boeing one. I'm gonna go seek that out, like what
I went abroad first semester to Ireland to learn Irish
and like the documentary Lady and the documentaries they were
showing us in class were like like a philosophy class.

They like showed us the documentary about America in like,
you know, just like this new perspective that you just
don't get in the US, Like that's like, oh, yeah, no,
you're part of like the evil empire. Like look at
what this military incursion into Peru, the like you didn't
even know about. And it's like the evilest shit you've

ever seen. Like it's it's good to get that outside
perspective and you don't have to read subtitles.

Speaker 2 (14:05):
Yeah, that's the best part. Oh, the best part. Yeah title.

Speaker 4 (14:08):
I mean, and you know Netflix now they buy international
docks and they just dub over them. They just dub
it with English, so you can watch anything now.

Speaker 1 (14:15):
Oh, I have Morgan Freeman Morgan overtime just coming in.

Speaker 2 (14:19):
It's a living.

Speaker 1 (14:23):
Damn. That Anne Steubenfield shit. I had never heard that.

Speaker 4 (14:26):
That's yeah, there was a deep dive of New York
Times article on it, Like go read that and like
it's start there and you're gonna be like, oh, I
need to go watch this documentary. It's like the first
time anyone involved in the case is actually talking.

Speaker 2 (14:38):
I mean, there's no space to think that this Like
Anna Stubblefield person was like, I don't know, that's just
what I'm thinking. Like she just comes off as a
straight up predator.

Speaker 4 (14:47):
Uh yeah, And it's one of those docks where they
let her just like talk herself off a cliff where
she's like no, Like you know, sometimes we would argue
with each other and I would be like, oh, I
won't change what you said, and it's so clear that
what she's saying is impossible, and like even the people around,
like she had him in a college class and they
interview the professor and she's like, I never thought it

never seemed like he was engaging. It never seemed like
he was the one giving these answers. I never believed
it was him because it's so clearly was just this
white lady sitting next to him.

Speaker 5 (15:22):

Speaker 4 (15:23):
So it's but in her head, she is one hundred
percent like no, it was all real. And her husband
like left her and wrote the court a letter that
was just like she's manipulative, she is a pathological liar.
She should go to jail forever.

Speaker 1 (15:38):
She's she's a professor of philosophy as like a.

Speaker 4 (15:44):
Yeah, she was like really legit, and she had helped
a lot of people, so that on the other hand,
a lot of like disabled rights activists were like, no,
like wait, we like her. She's done a lot of
good work, Like she's not entirely wrong about this stuff, right,
but I think it's in this case, she was very wrong.
And yeah, it's.

Speaker 1 (16:05):
It's aquen without spoiling anything.

Speaker 4 (16:08):
Yeah, I want to give a shout out to someone
in a Reddit thread I found in my deep Google
search who posted in illegal link to watch it, and
so I was finally able to find it. So thank
you that there. That's my deep Google search. Is that
shout out to person in Reddit daily motion daily motion
where most ship is probably there if they took it
off YouTube.

Speaker 1 (16:29):
The thread is called wait, who is Anna Stubble film?
That's crazy? What is something you think is underrated?

Speaker 4 (16:37):
Uh? I just got a new water bottle. It's uh
it's an a wala yeah okay, Yeah, everybody's talking about
him and I was like, this is nonsense. This is
not going to be.

Speaker 2 (16:53):
In the sky.

Speaker 4 (16:57):
It is everything they say it is. It is better
than everyone told me. It is so good. I'm obsessed
with this stupid water bottle. I bought accessories for it.
I made fun of those there's accessories. I made fun
of the Stanley girls. I was like, who gets accessories
from a water bottle? I got this I carry with
me everywhere. I'm like, oh, you can get an air
pod holder for this thing. Oh, I can get like

a get Yeah, you get like a little hand sanitizer
thing that goes on the side, don't.

Speaker 1 (17:24):
So you have to have a second one for it
to play.

Speaker 4 (17:26):
I got like colorful boots to decorate it. I am
so it's better than everyone said.

Speaker 2 (17:33):
It's so good. I didn't know about it because I
was like at the end of last year. I got
one at a White Elephant party and like when like
I had, everyone's like ooh, and I'm like, what the
fuck is everybody owing about? But this a fucking water bottle.
And then I drank. I was like, Oh, it's got
the built in straw. Okay, I see what you're doing here.
I think that's just like the one thing that makes

it slightly different. But again, I have so many fucking
like you know, like if it's like the like the
one per emotional gift everyone fucking has been handing out
the last five years, or like hydro flask with some
brand name on it or whatever. I have such a
collection that, yeah, I'm having to like look at some
of them sideways and be like, if you don't have
the built in straw, yeah, you're just a little can

based yea.

Speaker 4 (18:15):
And it needs to have a straw cover because I'm
not sure I don't like the whole raw straw in
the air deal. That's my that's why I hate the
stands too. Yeah, it's rank and.

Speaker 2 (18:27):
It's up to you.

Speaker 4 (18:27):
You can sip it or straw basically, yeah, but it
has a cover. Yeah, I'm using the straw every time
I say, I drink so much more water. I I
know everyone is telling you they're good. They're better than
you think, and the colors are pretty I'm all in
on it.

Speaker 6 (18:42):
Sorry, Stanley better than Stanley and there, and you can
buy them retail price. Yeah, they're not that expensive. And
I'm they're saying it's the queer Stanley. Frankly, that's what
the streets are saying. That's what the k streets are saying,
is that a Wala is the queer Stanley. So think
about that, think about that in yourself.

Speaker 2 (19:02):
Wow, we'll use mind with pride because it's a beautiful
thing and it's ex very coded, like yeah you can
just yeah, very coded.

Speaker 4 (19:12):
Yeah, but it goes both ways. It's a bisexual water bottle,
and right, I support that.

Speaker 1 (19:18):
What some of you think is overrated.

Speaker 4 (19:20):
Right now, I'm gonna go with mental health. I just
think being well mentally is overrated right now at this
point in my life and in time, I'm really just
leaning into mental illness. Let's just let it go, you know,
let's let's just lean it. Like if you're depressed, watch
as many murder sad documentaries.

Speaker 1 (19:41):
As you can.

Speaker 4 (19:42):
Let's just see what happens. That's you know. I just
I feel like I'm a bit we I gave mental
health a shot and let me just go the other
way for a bit.

Speaker 2 (19:53):
Yeah, for youss like, I'm gonna just I've leaned one way,
I'm going to lean the other and see where I
net out.

Speaker 4 (19:58):
See where I not out? Yeah, you know, I've been
watching so many things that are to improve myself or
educate reading. No, No, you know what I sat and
I watched I binged a four episode documentary about some
YouTuber I've never heard of in my life who like
groomed a bunch of people. It was sad and dark,

but I want it to Hey, I leaned in now
I know about this person.

Speaker 2 (20:23):
Yeah, which I was gonna say, which which which documentary?
Because I feel like there's always a fucking documentary about
YouTubers out a grooming people.

Speaker 4 (20:30):
I oh, I've what is this like Osiren? Oh?

Speaker 2 (20:37):

Speaker 4 (20:40):
In real life? Yeah, I had never heard of this
guy and the whole time, I was like, what's his name?
O Ryan Nyan? Yeah, and I felt like the oldest
person in the world because everyone else was like he's
very well known.

Speaker 2 (20:53):
It's so wild too, Like I do the same thing,
Like it's weird when like I see something on the
internet that has like millions of views and just like
YouTuber and I'm like, what the fun I never heard
of I've never heard of in sun what the fuck
is this? But yeah, I know, yeah, I too have
fallen down the Ossian.

Speaker 4 (21:08):
Oh yeah, and that broke me a bit mentally, so yeah.

Speaker 2 (21:11):
Yeah right, and that's like what I need mental health for?

Speaker 1 (21:14):
What I need a YouTube video? Did it? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (21:16):
Yeah, I'm off the cliff now, Okay.

Speaker 1 (21:18):
Yeah, I feel like I was like, sometimes I'm doing
mental health wrong. But I'm when I'm focusing too much
on how I'm feeling, I feel like I tend to
you know, you know what I mean, Like if I'm
focusing if I'm thinking about my mental health and thinking
about how I'm feeling and how happy I am, like
that fucks me up because then if I feel bad,

it's like like you're sucking. I feel bad about feeling bad,
you know. Yeah, so yeah, just like not great. So
that's why I just have to create.

Speaker 2 (21:48):
That's I just think of it more of like just
putting yourself in the good of the right environment. Yeah
all the time, Like more so than being like am
I one thousand percent happy? Like ecstatic going off? I
was like, no, man, I just need to make sure
like I'm I'm in a good I'm always putting myself
in the right environments, creating myself the right you know what.

Speaker 4 (22:04):
I throw that all out the window, and uh, just
go just ball, do what you want to do. Just
do it for the story. Yeah, don't even think about
how you feel. How do you what do you want?
How does it feel right now?

Speaker 2 (22:17):

Speaker 4 (22:18):
That's what's underrated there you go, all right, that end Owa.

Speaker 1 (22:23):
Obviously, let's take a quick break and we'll come back
and talk about the Supreme Court. What are those crazy
kids getting up to? And we're back.

Speaker 2 (22:42):
We are back, and this is the.

Speaker 1 (22:46):
Supreme Court of hypotheticals.

Speaker 2 (22:48):
Yes, Lord, yes, my lord, allow me to present to
you a case that might happen and then let's restrict
people's rights based off of this. And Tuesday was no different.
The Supreme Court heard arguments in FDA versus Alliance for
Hippocratic Medicine. And this is the case that will potentially

could determine the fate of abort the abortion pill mifipristone.
And the gist of their argument of this group, the
Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, is that the FDA just went
mad by approving the drug over two decades ago and
have betrayed they used to use the words betrayed women
and girls by not looking into the drug enough for

its potential harmful side effects.

Speaker 1 (23:33):
Just up top.

Speaker 2 (23:34):
This drug is considered by the American Medical Association as
as safe as thailan al. But the case is deploying
now this is this is coming from the Alliance for
Defending Freedom the ADF, and this is they're using one
of their signature tactics here, which is the hypothetic hype.
I said hypothetic. I was all my hippocratical I took

my hypothetic oath hypothetical scenario. Again, we talked about this
group probably like the end of last year, maybe his
last June. They were the same people that went after
anti discrimination laws and went to the Supreme Court. Like
this lady in Colorado who designs websites. She would get
in trouble according to these anti discrimination laws for saying

no to a gay couple that wanted a wedding website.
And then when you looked in that lady was barely
a fucking legitimate web designer. That was a very charitable
description of her. And they faked her entire story about
even being approached by a gay couple, which was the
whole point of them being like and this, this is
the damage that could.

Speaker 1 (24:36):
Could not find a single example of the crime that
they were trying to be outraged about.

Speaker 2 (24:42):
But the Supreme Court did not care. So in this instance,
they are saying, the Supreme Court found on like what yes, yes, cool.
So in this case they're saying, the member of this
small anti abortion doctor coalition might one day have to
care for or a patient suffering a rare and severe

complication from an FDA approved pill. The case speculates quote
that doctor might that doctor might be forced to administer
that patient in emergency abortion, violating their anti abortion convictions.
And that's why we need to put an end to
the wide distribution of myth bristom and have people search
out seekbe less safe and dodgier options, and so you know,

now they are just saying that basically this whole drug
is just so dangerous. And that's another thing. It's like,
that's why it's like, because that's it's so dangerous that
one of these doctors might have to do an abortion
that they don't want, that they don't believe in, completely
ignoring the fact that doctors can. They they have like
there are there are laws that like that allow a

doctor to be like, I can't in good conscience do this.
I would like to refer to another person. You're not
No one's got a gun to you and be like, yo,
you need to go through it, Like that's just not
how it works. But again, this is what they're this
is the reality they're setting up, and that the drug
is so dangerous. And again you look at the fucking
things they put up. A study in the Nature the
journal Nature Medicine looked at six thousand medication abortions provided

by virtual clinics found that ninety eight percent of them
were effective without any additional intervention, and ninety nine point
eight were quote not followed by serious adverse events. And
throughout the course of this case, the Alliance of Defending
Freedom has pointed at like junk science that has regularly
been debunked by study after study when it comes to
miff for pristone, and then even the studies that they're like,

see this, this actually furthers our arguments about why this
is so dangerous. Those studies were pulled by medical journals
because they were rife with quote, fundamental problems, incorrect factual assumptions,
material errors, and misleading presentations, not to mention that they
were written by people that were affiliated with anti abortion groups.
So it was just already it's just like propaganda from

the start. And again, look you look at like these
the scenarios right like this hypothetical, these doctors are not
the ones that are even prescribing them. If a person
in the first place, they say they face imminent harm
because the FDA was over zealous in approving it and
making it widely accessible. And right now it's not clear

what the Supreme Court thinks, although they were asking the
kinds of questions that may lead people to believe that,
they don't believe that this group has standing to challenge
the FDA, because that would open up just like the
FDA would be meaningless.

Speaker 1 (27:28):
Just religion over FDA science, Like, yeah, has anybody cited
the well known case of person comes in after a
car crash and doctor says, I can't operate on them
because they are my sons son, And how could that be?
Oh my god. Women can be doctors too, but they,

I mean, they were able to say I can't operate
on this person. So why wouldn't abortion crazy doctor be
able to say I can't do this because that's not
the type of medicine I practice, built my career in
a different way, and.

Speaker 4 (28:04):
Then this doctor can go do it.

Speaker 2 (28:06):
Yeah, but yeah, the obvious reason here, like that this
case has even come up is because medication abortions make
up nearly two thirds of the abortions in the nation.
And again, it's just another attempt at dragging the country
back into the nineteenth century. That's why they're even evoking
the Comstock Laws of eighteen seventy three that were like,
you cannot send lude materials over the postal service, like

leaves of grass, Like.

Speaker 4 (28:28):
The abortion pill is is a lude material?

Speaker 2 (28:31):
Yes, it's just like a lot of reaching.

Speaker 4 (28:33):
If you're ordering the abortion pill, you've already been doing
something pretty lude.

Speaker 2 (28:37):
So yeah, yeah, exactly, And I'm like, but how do
you again, this is just like they're they're there, really
did anything to try and get this case to the
Supreme Court, and like now because they've done anything, they're
just now. I mean again, it's not that I'm counting
on this group of very unserious judges to do what's right.
But even for them, they're like, what are you sure

about this thing? Like Brett Cavanaugh didn't even ask a question.
Apparently he was just kind of like, yeah, yeah, I'm
gonna just let somebody else ask something. This this seems
a bit off, and other you know, other justices I
think it was Kagan was saying, where is your victim?
Show me your victim, show me the person who is
damaged by yes, yes, where is your case?

Speaker 1 (29:17):
That's that should just be the first question that we
always ask the like right wing people when they want
to have a panic about. You know, as we talked
about earlier this week, human trafficking, like the the version
of human trafficking that they made up for the movie
like Taken or fucking the Sound of Freedom, like does

not exist. It doesn't exist. You don't have a single case,
like it is such a big fucking country. There is
so much fucked up shit happening to people. You can't
come up with a single case of a person being
forced to get an abortion against their will, or like
a religious doctor having a perfor form an abortion because
woke laws or you know.

Speaker 2 (30:03):
Like if you mean you mean yeah, or have a
doctor performing abortion. I mean i'd imagine there probably are
some cynical versions where someone was made to get an abortion.

Speaker 1 (30:12):
Yeah, yeah, no that's true. Okay, I should like, yeah,
of this, there's no example of this, like religious doctor
having a performing abortion against their.

Speaker 4 (30:21):
Way against Yeah, it's just like what the what conservatives
do on Twitter now with AI where they're just like
this is what they're trying to take from us, and
they hate all and it's just like some AI thing
of like everyone being black and it's like dei America
and it's like right.

Speaker 2 (30:37):
Which no, yeah, which is the new way of saying black.

Speaker 4 (30:40):
It's just dyeah exactly.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
Yeah. Did you see that they blamed the mayor of Baltimore.
They were like look at the d e Yeah, I
mayor wait what the person who got seventy percent of
the vote in Baltimore?

Speaker 2 (30:54):
But yeah, I mean it's this, this is what they
do with anything that you know that they code it
to the point that becomes like like a radioactive term,
Like you can't say critical race theory or you can't
say fucking DEI because they'll just keep hammering it away,
like like I'm saying the N word, right, Yeah, all right.

Speaker 1 (31:15):
Well, for a little solace for those of us who
are just fed up with this fucked up country of ours,
we've got a new product just dropped, the God Bless
the USA Bible. It is the only Bible that is
officially endorsed by Donald Trump, famous famous theologian Donald.

Speaker 4 (31:37):
Trump, famous good Christian Donald Trump.

Speaker 2 (31:41):
Obviously, I mean let's let's I mean, let's let's let's
let the man pitch it himself, and maybe maybe people's
minds will change after they hear, you know what, what
exactly he's trying to sell us on.

Speaker 7 (31:51):
Now, I'm proud to be partnering with my very good
friend Lee Greenwood, who doesn't love his song, God Bless
the USA, in connection with promoting the God Bless the
USA Bible. This Bible is the King James version and
also includes are founding for other documents. Yes, the Constitution,
which I'm fighting for every single day, very hard to

keep Americans protected. Also the Bill of Rights, the.

Speaker 2 (32:17):
Decuarly anyway, so this goes on for three fuckings.

Speaker 4 (32:22):
He doesn't love it. His favorite his famous song, God
Bless America. It's yeah, he's.

Speaker 2 (32:30):
Sixty dollars though. Sixty dollars gets you into the door
of salvation.

Speaker 1 (32:34):
Though yeah, it's not on stock x yet. I just checked,
so we'll have to see what.

Speaker 2 (32:40):
The demands the street value. Yeah, but I don't know.

Speaker 1 (32:45):
He's he noted in his promotional video it's time to
make America pray again. And yeah, this wasn't his idea,
just as the NFTs probably weren't his idea. But he
reportedly gets royalties of course. Yeah, he's basically two shitty Bibles.

What William Shattner is to Priceline dot Com. He's just
you know out here.

Speaker 2 (33:12):
I mean, there's a lot of people point to the
fact that they're like, oh yeah, famous Bible lover. I
know we were saying, like, you know, noted Christian, but
like a few years ago, Miles, Yeah, I know.

Speaker 4 (33:22):
He definitely reads and he reads that one for sure.

Speaker 1 (33:26):
Yeah, but James for sure. Oh yeah, of course.

Speaker 2 (33:30):
And this is great because I remember about the last
time when he's on the campaign trail before the twenty
sixteen election, they're like, oh, man, y'all talking that. You're
talking that Bible. Shit, man, why don't you tell us
about your favorite Bible versus? And this this is like
one of those. This is like that scene in The
fourty Year Old Virgin where Steve Carell has to lie
about having sex. Yeah, because he clearly hasn't. This is
Donald Trump talking about how much he loves the Bible.

Speaker 1 (33:52):
Okay, you mentioned the Bible.

Speaker 8 (33:53):
You've been talking about how it's your favorite book, and
you said, I think last night in Iowa, some people
are surprised that you say that. I'm wondering what one
or two of your most favorite Bible verses are.

Speaker 1 (34:04):
I wouldn't want.

Speaker 7 (34:04):
To get into it because to me, that's very personal.

Speaker 1 (34:06):
You don't want to talk about the Bible.

Speaker 7 (34:08):
It's very personal. So I don't want to get.

Speaker 8 (34:09):
Into verses I don't want to get into means a
lot to you that you think about her site.

Speaker 7 (34:14):
The Bible means a lot to me.

Speaker 1 (34:15):
But I don't want to get.

Speaker 2 (34:16):
Into specifics, even to sight of verse thing.

Speaker 1 (34:18):
No, I don't want to do that.

Speaker 7 (34:19):
Every old Testament guy or New Testament probably equal.

Speaker 1 (34:24):
I think it's incredible.

Speaker 7 (34:26):
The whole Bible is an incredible Joe very much so
they always hold up the art of the deal. I say,
my second favorite book of all time.

Speaker 2 (34:33):
But uh, I just think the Bible is just something
very special.

Speaker 4 (34:39):
I love it.

Speaker 2 (34:40):
I love He just even hit him with total bullshit question, Hey,
your old Testament guy or New Testament?

Speaker 4 (34:45):
Equal equal? And how do you even fight that? You
can't be like, no, I doesn't even.

Speaker 1 (34:50):
Make That's it probably equal?

Speaker 2 (34:53):
What's you like more? You like Reasonable Doubt or the
Black Album?

Speaker 1 (34:57):
I love the equal I just think that you something
very special.

Speaker 2 (35:01):
Although I don't like that one song Dead Presidents a
little bit too violent for me get money. But yeah,
the whole fucking it's too it's too personal, Like come
on like that. There's not a single Christian who talks
like that, Like you can't even talk like a Christian.
He would probably be like, just make something up, right,
you could be like, I love, Well, that's not really

a verse. I love the whole creation story because no, no, I.

Speaker 4 (35:28):
Love I love that the Bible is so personal and
special that you can sell it for sixty dollars and
piaste in the Constitution. That's how in the Bill of Rights, like,
that's how special it is. And some probably handwritten like
lyrics of a song from some guy.

Speaker 9 (35:45):
Yea, it is the lyrics to God bless the USA
got Allegians, which like doesn't feel that solemn Like that
feels a little I don't know the pledge of and
even like the price right, like you know, you know
the Bible doesn't cost sixty dollars, but in this version

they're like the reason the logic here of why it
is such a high price point is because it's the
only Bible that is officially endorsed by Donald Trump. What
the fuck this is where he's at now, Just let's
just endorse shit that people have in their house.

Speaker 2 (36:24):
And they'll buy it.

Speaker 4 (36:25):
Though they are gonna buy it, it's probably sold out already.

Speaker 2 (36:29):
M now you can still get it.

Speaker 4 (36:32):
Okay, Well, good to you. Okay. I mean I forget
the pledge of allegiance sometimes, so it would be good
to have it in a Bible.

Speaker 2 (36:41):
Yeah, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 4 (36:43):
I just believe in end separation of church and state completely,
and finally there's a Bible that represents that for me.

Speaker 1 (36:50):
Yeah, there's no way he could like make it through
a single book of the King James, Like, there's just no, that's.

Speaker 4 (37:00):
I don't think he's made it through an entire church
service in his life.

Speaker 1 (37:05):
No, this is so fucking boring, Like that's what he's saying.

Speaker 4 (37:10):
I have a call. That's that's a bad Trump impression.
If both were nailing, you were both so good.

Speaker 2 (37:16):
It's all energetic. He's definitely the kind of guy who
was who would be like if there were smartphones when
he was probably ever in a church, he would just
be glued to that. Fucking yeah yeah, I don't know
was he saying, did you have the snack with the
grape juice yet?

Speaker 1 (37:34):
Like is this a new level of cynicism? Did I
just like have a hard reset when I was sleep
asleep last night and like woke up and I'm just like,
whoa wait, where are we this motherfucker's selling? But like
just evil hitler obsessed, drug addled fascist is trying to
squeeze more money out of his poor followers by selling

them bibles. Is just like it just feels too obviously
evil and stupid to like be a real thing that
is happening. Like it just feels like a bad, right,
bad work of satire.

Speaker 4 (38:09):
At this point, you feel like even someone on his
side would be like, Okay, come on, hold on a side.

Speaker 2 (38:14):
Yeah, it's the Bible.

Speaker 4 (38:15):
This is the thing that we're supposed to really care about.
You you're saying your Bible.

Speaker 2 (38:20):
Yeah, just did like a Supreme type collab with the
Holy Bible Bible. But I guess that's kind of what
he's on, Like how Supreme does like really weird collaborations
like a pool table, a leaf blower or whatever. It
is going to be like, yeah, man, I have Trump forks,
I eat off a Trump plate, I use Trump paper
napkins I have. It's just like that. I guess that's

the next logical step because if we've already done like vacations,
time shares, state stupid real estate classes exactly, steaks, sneakers,
you know what I mean. Yeah, and now the Bible,
I think we have to get into like disposable goods now.

Speaker 1 (38:55):
Yeah, I feel like those sneakers probably like you don't
hear much about those sneakers. I'm wondering, can listeners who
live in places that you know, Red States let us
know if they're seeing any of these around, like just
like as you're driving down the street, is like blinding you.

Speaker 2 (39:14):
Yeah, or the collectors are like, no, I got to
keep it on a shelf man, Yeah, next to my,
next to my Thomas Jefferson Trail of Tears commemorative plate set. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (39:23):
Yeah, I haven't seen him.

Speaker 2 (39:25):
Andrew Jackson. I didn't mean to thiated Thomas.

Speaker 4 (39:27):
I've seen a few cyber trucks, but I have not seen.

Speaker 1 (39:31):
Seeing a cyber truck in the wild. Is still pretty wid?
Is fucking mind blowing? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (39:36):
It's yeah, too much? Yeah, because what because you're so jealous,
Because I'm like, god, damn it, I want it.

Speaker 1 (39:43):
That guy thinks better than me. Cool and he is
and he knows it. That's what I hate about so hard.
And he's in cyber truck. All right, let's take a
quick break and we'll be right back. And we're back,

and this is your notice that we are a little
over one week away from the total solar eclipse on
April eighth. This is an especially rare event because its
path of totality will be much wider than the twenty
seventeen eclipse, which was one of the first stories we
covered on this show. So April eighth will be one

of the last stories we cover. We're ending it. It's
a we just do what the sun tells us, you
know exactly. But this is going to give more Americans
a clear view of the phenomenon than the last time
I have. I'm on the record as saying like I've
been mostly I haven't been in the direct path of
any of these eclipse experiences, but like they've been mostly

underwhelming in my experience.

Speaker 2 (40:59):
Because it because you got to be in that path.

Speaker 1 (41:01):
You gotta go. You got in the path.

Speaker 4 (41:05):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but we still try.

Speaker 1 (41:07):
We still go out there and we're like, whoa, look
that light reflecting off the thing kind of.

Speaker 4 (41:12):
Has yeah, wow, look at that. Look at the shadow? Yeah,
oh yeah.

Speaker 2 (41:16):
Or use like a like a like binoculars or something
in am so you can project the shadow onto the ground.

Speaker 1 (41:22):
I remember doing that.

Speaker 4 (41:23):
Yeah, And then I go, honestly, I think I could
look at it. I really don't think anything will happen
if I look at it. I'm just my way. I
goes don't know, no, and I'm like, okay, come on,
I don't think anything happens.

Speaker 2 (41:35):
I'm taking a sneaky look at the clips, like.

Speaker 4 (41:38):
I look at the sun every day in my life. Basically,
you gotta give it.

Speaker 2 (41:42):
I got I like to give a good, solid three
minutes of direct.

Speaker 4 (41:47):
Wait, that's how I reset my day. Okay, that's how
I elevate as a human. You need the human it's
just eye contacted.

Speaker 2 (41:53):
The factory reset. I know you're saying. You put a
what a hyper ice massage gun to the town.

Speaker 1 (42:00):
As a way to do a hard reset.

Speaker 2 (42:01):
Factory you said on your brain, the new one. Go outside.
First thing you wake up, direct eye contact with the
sun for three.

Speaker 1 (42:06):
Straight solar eclipse lasts for four minutes twenty seven seconds.
So that's the that's the ice fucking challenge of this
solar eclipse is staring for the whole at four minutes
twenty seven second twenty Yeah. There you go, Yeah, there
you go. Are you real? How much do you like
solar eclipses? Bro? You've got like science people who are like, yeah, no,

we're traveling there. Oh yeah, you're about that. Then you
look at it, but yeah, you go look at it
with the eyes.

Speaker 4 (42:36):
Exactly, been the rest of your day blinking a lot
because there's a big blind spot there.

Speaker 1 (42:41):
Yeah, exactly the rest of your life blinking. But people
are going nuts. I specifically, when our writer jam put
the story in the dock this morning, I immediately was like,
oh shit, I better do something, and it's way too late.
So these people aren't wrong, they're just more prepared than me.

There's been a small spending boom across the country. Campgrounds
and rental cars have sold out. Hotel rooms are getting
booked up thanks to a massive number of tourists planning
to visit states in the path of totality Indiana, which
actually isn't that where you're where you hail from.

Speaker 4 (43:19):
I am from the Midwest. I'm from Illinois or from
the midwest Illinois, but I'll claim it is Midwest. But
we are er than them.

Speaker 1 (43:25):
Yes, of course, Indiana is preparing to get five hundred
thousand visitors.

Speaker 4 (43:31):
That's probably that's a lot for Indiana who goes there.
That's it's probably the most they've had in a while.

Speaker 1 (43:37):
That's more than seven times the attendants at the twenty
twelve Super Bowl in Indianapolis, so they're they're in trouble. Wow.

Speaker 4 (43:46):
I was gonna say, that's probably more than the last
time the Colts were in the Super Bowl.

Speaker 1 (43:50):
Yeah. Wow, it's too many people. So I let's say,
for for a city like Indianapolis. But despite the fact
that eclipses are totally free astronomical occurrences that anybody can witness,
corporations besides, you know, not just hotels, are trying to
monetize the eclipse as much as possible. This one sounds

pretty good, Like I'm actually not mad at this this
first one, six Flags, first one you're mad at? Six Yeah,
six Flags in Texas is trying to get people to
pay them to witness the eclipse while simultaneously trying not
to puke on the Superman Tower of Terror. With the
six Flags Fiesta Texas Solar Eclipse at the Park aka

Solar Coaster.

Speaker 4 (44:38):
That sounds cool.

Speaker 1 (44:40):
That's as cool as okay, because I don't I don't
think the experience is gonna be that cool, right.

Speaker 2 (44:46):
I think the the I guess the hottest ticket would
be what if you're because I know those Superman rides.
It's like basically a big J shaped thing where they
shoot you up to like fucking seven hundred feet in
the air and then you're like, you know, your bag,
like you're just looking straight up at the sky, maybe
being that high up in it when an eclipse is happening.

Speaker 1 (45:02):
Now you're going to be But.

Speaker 2 (45:03):
That's like that's like forty people. Yeah, that's what I'm like,
make the fuck.

Speaker 4 (45:07):
Yeah, and I like it only lasts four minutes, so yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2 (45:12):
And it's like one like it's actually between like deployments
of the like the amusement car, so it's like no
one actually ever consists up there. It's like they're just
getting on and off. It's yeah, dude, it's happening, get
off so we can go up to like sorry, that's
a really good point.

Speaker 1 (45:27):
Like they are selling an idealized version of what this
could be in your mind that is going to not
happen for ninety nine point nine percent.

Speaker 2 (45:37):
Of the people who pay them.

Speaker 1 (45:38):
Most people are going to be in line.

Speaker 4 (45:41):
Which that's a good drift. That's a good drift.

Speaker 2 (45:44):
It is a good grit, better grift. Okay, I definitely
I'll tip my hat to the grift part. I think
the Delta one is a has me hooked a little
bit more, but then realizing this will be a fucking problem.
I don't know how fun it would be. But they're
offering flights that basically followed THEYP totality and then you
can basically they're saying unadulterated views from quote extra large windows.

I'm sorry, it's just the fucking windows that are on
the plant.

Speaker 4 (46:10):
Yeah, like a new plane, what are you doing to
make the windows extra large?

Speaker 1 (46:14):
I like this bowing. I don't know if you've seen her.

Speaker 4 (46:22):
With everything going on with planes, I think there's a
mercury retrograde. And then no, I am not going to
be on a plane during this, But.

Speaker 2 (46:29):
I can see like the appeal of being like, oh
you might be able to see like the land like
become dark in these strips. Maybe that's cool. But if
you only but imagine what if this is like one
of those planes, Like how big is a plane? Is
it a three? Like they got three aisles or three
rows in the middle, Like what if you sit in
the middle or if you have a fucking aisle seat?

Speaker 1 (46:48):
Then you're like, hey, man, can I get a little
bit of a look? Like fuck you?

Speaker 4 (46:51):
I pay.

Speaker 3 (46:54):

Speaker 2 (46:54):
Did I?

Speaker 1 (46:54):
That's your problem?

Speaker 2 (46:56):
That's your but yeah, that's I mean, like, but you know,
I see they're doing a good job of you know,
dangling this like magical experience in front of you. But
if you just think it out for like two or
three steps you're like, oh wait, yeah, Like why would
I do that.

Speaker 1 (47:10):
I feel like even the like news footage from the
like places that are in the path of totality and
previous eclipses, the people remind me. I think I said
this before of the interviews with people after they saw
a phantomnace, Like you know, they like the the when
they had like the local news reports and they're like,

and these Star Wars fans have been camped out for
seventy two hours for this, and we interviewed them like
before going in and after, and then you like have
them coming out and they're all.

Speaker 10 (47:41):
Like, yeah, it was oh man, It's like, oh it
was cool, so cool like it they're like, is it
as good as the other Star Wars better?

Speaker 1 (47:53):
Yeah, Like but you can tell like like the light
has gone out like behind their eyes a little bit,
Like they're just like a fuck, like put some part
of them is coming to terms with the fact that
it sucked. Like I feel like I've seen that in
some of the footage of like parents who have like
taken their kids across the country to be there, and
they're just like, yeah, I mean we're in a field here,

and sure, it's cool. We're glad that I saw.

Speaker 2 (48:23):
I remember, I think somewhere in Oregon was like the
best place to see it the last time it happened.

Speaker 1 (48:27):
Yeah, I think that's right.

Speaker 2 (48:29):
And I remember seeing footage of that and people like
were like, yo, we got so fucking cold. All was like,
oh that shit together. I was like, Okay, if I
was fucking a I would be like.

Speaker 4 (48:39):
That, I'd be cool.

Speaker 2 (48:40):
I yeah, wild. But then it's four minutes and then.

Speaker 4 (48:43):
You're like, oh, it's like okay, well that happened.

Speaker 2 (48:45):
Yeah, here we are worth two twenty five hundred dollars
for the overpriced plane, hotel, and cars.

Speaker 4 (48:51):
Well, we'll have all the money we spent. That's the memory, right,
When the.

Speaker 1 (48:55):
Fuck that's right?

Speaker 2 (48:56):
When are we getting ours out here in La Come on? Man,
wasn't it?

Speaker 1 (49:00):
Come on?

Speaker 4 (49:00):
God, wasn't there an eclips out here? We had like
a l a like mini eclipse or something.

Speaker 2 (49:06):
We had a yeah, but not like a total like
we were never in the path of totality.

Speaker 11 (49:11):
We've never been path of totality exactly. But I mean like, yeah, well,
you know, people like Delta doing their ship. I'm glad
that the fast food companies are also they're they're on
their game to making sure that they have solar eclips
based puns, but really just offering nothing of substance.

Speaker 1 (49:26):
Yeah yeah, I mean the Burger King is offering free
whoppers for that whole day for some reason.

Speaker 2 (49:32):
I wouldn't eat a whopper if it was free.

Speaker 4 (49:34):
Yeah, I know that's that connection. I'm not saying I would.
I actually would. I like, I like a whopper, but
I think we're boycott. I don't know. I haven't had
burging a year or so.

Speaker 2 (49:43):
No, just just for me, I was like, every time
I've had a burger like a whopper, I'm like, I'm right, But.

Speaker 1 (49:49):
Then that what that like? Yeah, every other time it's bad.
But when when it hits, it's and it.

Speaker 4 (50:00):
Only happened, Yeah, it only happens on Wapper Wednesday. That's
the one day that it's.

Speaker 2 (50:05):
Really right, oh man.

Speaker 1 (50:07):
Or an eclipse, Yeah, during an eclipse. It's the one time.

Speaker 3 (50:10):

Speaker 1 (50:11):
See the guys were actually gonna like make the whopper
good this time. They really put some fucking effort in, y'all.
Pizza Hut has a total eclipse of the Hut deal,
which sounds like the New York post headline after Pizza
Hut goes out of business. Yeah, yeah, it's kind of
weird that they've gone with that, but maybe that's what
they're going for. They're like, this deal is too good,

We're actually not going to survive it. But it's any
large pizza for twelve dollars.

Speaker 4 (50:38):
Yeah, and any toppings. I think that's the big one there,
because that's pretty bit is the topics are extra.

Speaker 1 (50:44):
Toppings will fuck you up? Yeah, twelve dollars for as
many toppings as you want.

Speaker 2 (50:50):
Well that even but I know recently you're like you're
not feeling Pizza the Hut, so are you? Would you
entertain that?

Speaker 1 (50:59):
Load that shit down?

Speaker 2 (51:00):

Speaker 1 (51:01):
I love like pizza popping, full pizza. I love supreme pizza,
Like that's my ship.

Speaker 4 (51:05):
Yeah, so they're thinning. Crispy's pretty good too.

Speaker 1 (51:08):
You love Pizza Hut just generally?

Speaker 4 (51:10):
Yeah, Like I like, yeah, I loved the mini pizzas
growing up as a kid, and so it just kind
of became one of my favorite pizza spots for you know,
like cheap fast pizza that's better than like Papa John's
or Little Caesars.

Speaker 2 (51:22):
Yeah. Yeah, who was the guest? I was saying that
it's basically they're they're they're selling you Little Caesar's pizza
at a slight higher mark describe.

Speaker 4 (51:32):
Cheese is way better at Pizza Hut.

Speaker 2 (51:35):
Okay, but you know what crazy bread at Little Caesars
that's still in the left.

Speaker 1 (51:41):
Little Caesars is experimenting with like little like pizza cupcakes.

Speaker 2 (51:46):

Speaker 1 (51:47):
I just like they're caught that out of the corner
of my eye and they're struggling. Not now, Little Caesar's.

Speaker 4 (51:51):
Not now, they're paying a lot of people on Twitter
to promote it.

Speaker 2 (51:56):
Yeah, like please, please, please, I can't deal with this
right now. They're like, eat ours from the ass end.
You're like, what that's like. I think that was one
of the marketing when they had like the fucking wild
ass crust on the side. They're like they put it
that way or something. But yeah, from the.

Speaker 1 (52:16):
Back, we know how these are.

Speaker 2 (52:20):
Yeah, they eat the ass, so eat the beat it
from the ass end.

Speaker 1 (52:26):
Son Chips have woken from their slumbers again. Another brand
that only we only think about once every twenty years,
but Son Chips will be selling a special eclipse themed flavor,
but only during the time of the eclipse, So you
in order to experience this, you will need to be

during the eclipse, spending that time on your laptop trying
to buy sun chips. Yeah, it's available, like the marketing says,
available for four minutes twenty seven seconds.

Speaker 4 (53:02):
I okay, this sounds dumb, but when I read the flavor,
I was actually like, I would do it. I want
to try it.

Speaker 2 (53:10):
It's different enough. Yeah, you're like, oh okay, because sometimes
they'll be like the flavor description be so vague. They'll
be like it's like a combination of the dark side
of the moon and the heat of the sun hitting
your mouth in one go, and you're like, get.

Speaker 1 (53:24):
To the point.

Speaker 2 (53:25):
Yeah, hot pineapple, hobb and narrow, black bean, spicy Guda chips.

Speaker 1 (53:30):
That's too many flavors I want to see.

Speaker 4 (53:33):
I'm like, how are we doing this?

Speaker 1 (53:36):
I mean, like, I think I think they have two options.
They have pineapple, hobb and arrow and black bean, the
two stoners over here like black being with the flavors
straight pond me tongue. Now, no way, okay, Well I'm

gonna buy them both. I'm gonna eat them together. So whatever. Yeah,
all right, So this next detail of this story is
one of the rare things that made me say that's
fucked up out loud. Well everything said, yeah right, everything
we just said. So eclipse to us are being screwed
over by greedy hotels who are allegedly canceling reservations that

were made over a year ago by people who were
like on it, like we've known about this eclipse since
the sixteen hundreds, so.

Speaker 4 (54:29):
Like you couldn't this shity prepared?

Speaker 1 (54:33):
Yes, yeah right, and they booked it over a year
ago in order to you know, be there for the eclipse,
and the hotels are canceling those reservations because they're like,
not fair, we weren't able to gouge you enough, and
so basically trying to resell the room at a higher cost.
Now the demand has risen.

Speaker 5 (54:53):
That make like that should be the thing that starts
the uprising, Like fuck, yeah, that so should be any
people angry nerd starting a war?

Speaker 1 (55:04):
No, like that is so infuriating, and that they'll just
like get away with it. Yeah, they're like, yeah, it's
just it's the price gouging. Shit, it's the whole like,
you know the fact that they don't mind just raising
prices during the fucking pandemic because they can, and the
mainstream media is just like, yeah, well that's market cat

forces at work. It's like, no, that's companies making record
profits during a pandemic like they this. This drives me
fucking crazy that it's just like market forces is a
get out of like morality term that they're just gonna
use to fuck people over like forever, and like this

is that is that makes me so mad for some reason,
canceling the reservations of the people who because like that
could never be me. I could never be the person
who was like like, oh, the things coming up in
a year like this, this would be a great experience
for my kids. I'm gonna book it a year in
advance and we'll like plan this thing like that is.
I look on those people like they are professional.

Speaker 4 (56:14):
Yeah, yeah, I would never that would never be me.

Speaker 1 (56:17):
Wow, you're amazing you are.

Speaker 4 (56:19):
Yeah you should benefit.

Speaker 2 (56:21):
I feel like, though, Jackie, if you did put in
that effort and then a fucking hotel canceled on you,
you would be the main character in one of those
like UVA bowls falling down.

Speaker 1 (56:29):
Yeah, like it would be yes, I would be It
would be over for these hopes in that hotel industry.

Speaker 4 (56:37):
Yeah, these hotels, I'm burning it down. Yeah, yeah, I would.

Speaker 1 (56:43):
Be so angry. I'm so mad. I've never been so
mad on behalf of like complete strangers who just like
kind of got screwed out of like some money.

Speaker 2 (56:52):

Speaker 1 (56:52):
But well I guess they got screwed out of the
whole thing because like now all the hotels are bucking up,
and so they're just like without reservation.

Speaker 2 (57:00):
I mean at the very least, like if in the
most centical version they should be like, hey man, we're
thinking about cancer. Yea, somebody just offered us a fucking
back for your comfortable your double twin room that you
you book you want to match, maybe, yeah, give you
first refusal on this one.

Speaker 1 (57:20):
The other one that your people are probably more likely
to fall victim two is the fake ass eclipse glass
fake eclipse glasses which will damage your eyes. Yeah, so
basically you need if they don't clearly state on the
glasses that they have quote International Organization for Standardization is

O one two three one two DASH two certification. Do
not buy those for your kids?

Speaker 2 (57:49):
Yeah, thank you.

Speaker 4 (57:50):
Make sure it's that DASH too, not the DASH one
you don't want to Yeah.

Speaker 2 (57:55):
That one just means like oh dash one, no, that
will accelerate the damage.

Speaker 1 (57:59):
Yeah, I don't even actually won't have eyebrows or eyelashes,
gonna yeah, oh shit yeah. Back in twenty seventeen, Amazon
recalled sketchy eclipse glasses sold through their Sight, but they
did it just two days before the eclipse and ended
up facing a class action lawsuit. So nobody's gonna save
you from capitalism. This is the message of this eclipse.

Maybe yeah, yeah, eclipses have set off like big historic events,
but in the past, maybe this this will cause cause
us to overthrow capitalism.

Speaker 2 (58:31):
So something activates the whole country's manchurion in Canada. That's
just like what destroy our masters. It just reminds me
too of just like in like the height of the pandemic,
whenever one's like, oh yeah, these are these N ninety
fives I got mann't I got these? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (58:46):
Oh yeah, In fact they were not they were.

Speaker 2 (58:49):
If they are not niosh approved or whatever, yeah you shit,
here we go, and people are just like those are
joke sunglasses from someone's bar mits for that man.

Speaker 1 (59:00):
Don't you see that they have eyeballs attached to springs?
Don't you see the fake mustache thing that one still
has it on. They forgot to rip it off that ship.

Speaker 2 (59:16):
All right?

Speaker 1 (59:17):
All right, well Ashley, what a pleasure? Haven't you so fun?
Where can people find you? Follow you all that good stuff?

Speaker 4 (59:26):
You can follow me at the Ashley Ray wherever you
follow people and check out my album ice Cream Money
wherever you listen to music.

Speaker 1 (59:33):
Yeah, yeah, it's really good.

Speaker 2 (59:35):
Check it out.

Speaker 1 (59:35):
The reference to a joint wrapping paper that you used
to curl your hair is a is a deep cut?

Speaker 4 (59:44):
Yeah, from the album and that's an album rough I
got it. I was like, okay, yeah.

Speaker 1 (59:48):
I got you. That's my material. It's a good one. Work.
Is there a work of media that you've been enjoying?

Speaker 4 (59:59):
Yes, I I'm sure everyone has been saying it, but
I just Girls five have the latest season. It's on Netflix.
It's only six episodes. Go watch it. It's so so good.
Everyone loves it. But the numbers came out and people
aren't watching it because they probably didn't hear about it
when it was on Peacock and they don't know what
it is. But now you can just watch the whole

thing on Netflix and it's so funny.

Speaker 2 (01:00:23):

Speaker 4 (01:00:23):
It's on Netflix now, yeah. Move, there's a new season
and it's we need people to watch because we want
Netflix to keep making it. So just go. It is
just if you miss comedies where it's just a joke
every five seconds, you're gonna love this show. I know
The Bear is great and it's a comedy that makes
you cry, but this is a comedy that'll make you laugh.
So go check it out. Damn, that's huge. Yeah, huge,

if true, which I trust you? Oh yeah, true, it's true.

Speaker 2 (01:00:50):
No, it's true. Oh yeah, no, lives detected miles.

Speaker 1 (01:00:53):
Where can people find use their working media you've been
enjoy Yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:00:56):
Find me at miles of Gray and wherever they got
that at miles of Gray, which is pretty much all
the places. Find Jacket on our basketball podcast, Moles and
jackott Man boosties where we I feel like maybe we
jinxed the Bucks in that episode they fell to my
mighty Los Angeles Lakers that I thought I didn't have
his fucking chance. But hey, great, thanks Tywindish, I appreciate you.

And also find me on four twenty fiance talking about
ninety day fiance. A tweet I like is from socialist
Sopranos memes, just talking about all this coded use of dei.
It's a picture. It's Polly holding his hands up talking
to Tony soprano. It's like, hey, what do I know?
It says. All I'm saying, Tea, is that these people

keep saying dei when it sounds like they really want
to say a different word.

Speaker 1 (01:01:42):
But fuck do I know?

Speaker 2 (01:01:45):
And someone pointed out this would actually be a sill line.
And I do believe that this feel more of like
a Sylvio Dante line than a Polly Walmus line. So
I will agree, but I agree with at gobbagool marks.
Thanks for that one.

Speaker 1 (01:01:56):
Cool marks. I've been enjoying from the ben keeps. The
florists at Limitless just tweeted, that's me on the toilet.
That's me in the bath room, crapping in the toilet. Okay,
that's all got.

Speaker 3 (01:02:21):
Some of the bus Yeah, straight up, like like fifth grade,
sixth grade humor is like to two high row just yeah, in.

Speaker 4 (01:02:36):
The toilet, that's me and the toilet.

Speaker 1 (01:02:37):
The toilet, yeah, toilet, yeah.

Speaker 7 (01:02:42):

Speaker 1 (01:02:42):
There's just something about it that's so dumb. It's just
right at hits me right in the right spot of
my brain. You can find me on Twitter at Jack
underscore O'Brien. You can find us on Twitter at Daily Zeikeeist.
We're at the Daily Zeikeeist on Instagram. We have a
Facebook fan page and a website, dailyzegist dot com, where
we post our episodes and our footnote. No, we link

off to the information that we talked about in today's episode,
as well as a song that we think you might enjoy. Miles,
is there a song that you think people might end?

Speaker 2 (01:03:13):
Yeah, I found this track by an artist fifty four Ultra.
I'm not really sure anything about them. I know they're
based out of New Jersey, Okay, so shout out to
the Garden State. And this track is called where Are You?
And it feels like dreamy bedroom DIY Latin acid elevator music,

I think is the only way I can describe this song.
Like it's got this sort of like like Hell's Waiting Room,
sort of like Calypso Weed like DIY instrumental with like
really dreamy vocals over it. I don't know, it just
kind of has a very interesting vibe. It's where are
You by fifty four Ultra.

Speaker 1 (01:03:50):
All right, we will link off to that in the footnotes.
The Daily Zeitgeist is a production of iHeartRadio. For more
podcasts from my heart Radio, visit the iHeart Radio w
ap Apple podcast. Wherever you listen to your favorite show,
that's going to do it for us this morning, back
this afternoon to tell you what is trending and we'll
talk to you all then.

Speaker 2 (01:04:06):
Bye bye.

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