All Episodes

January 15, 2024 37 mins

Jana and her Queendom are breaking down the latest in pop culture with a look at some celebrity parents!
How would you feel if your ex was now married to a Kardashian?? We discuss the “competition parenting” of Travis Barker and Shanna Moakler.
Plus, Jessica Alba goes to therapy with her kids… does that help? Or hurt??

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Wind Down with Janet Kramer and I'm Heeart Radio podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
All Right, girls, I feel so alone right now. Everyone's
on their phone and I'm just staring at both of you.
I have to make sure my facts correct. They're doing
that because today is a pop culture topic day, and
well we were just discussing and I'll say something to
this year. I don't know if you guys have noticed,
I haven't been on Instagram that much. I noticed. No

one's noticed.

Speaker 3 (00:27):
I've noticed.

Speaker 2 (00:28):
I've noticed, well I'm not on, but I realized it
just wasn't like I'm gonna obviously, but I just at
the moment, it's just I just I'm so like in
a bubble, in my sweet little bubble, and I'm like,
I don't really feel like I need to show anything.
And then also I just kind of like being not

on there.

Speaker 3 (00:51):
That's great.

Speaker 2 (00:52):
And I don't scroll now too, so so I when
I got the pop culture I was like, ooh, what's
going on. That's exactly why I'm like, oh, and I
get used to the island.

Speaker 1 (01:04):
I mean, I do get on Instagram, but I don't
really I don't really like read like the peoples and
the sweeklies and stuff.

Speaker 3 (01:10):
Like that. I used to, but I used.

Speaker 2 (01:12):
To too, and now I'm just like everyone's just so mean.
I'm in all this stuff and I'm like, I'm not
really getting anything out. Why why am I? Why am
I going there to look at that? You know?

Speaker 3 (01:22):
So this time it's like, why do I need to
know that?

Speaker 2 (01:25):

Speaker 1 (01:25):
I don't need to know all this information about these
people's lives, right, So I'm just yeah, and.

Speaker 2 (01:30):
I think too, I don't know, it's there's a switch
for this this new year. New Year knew me. But
I just am not feeding. I'm not even going to
bring up like because it doesn't matter, the hate the trolls.
It's like I realized, I'm like, oh my god, nothing
like it actually doesn't matter. It doesn't like I've let
that affect me for so long for what reason. It

was such like a shift in may to go and
that was one of my resolutions to or goals to
just like not even like let it bother me. And
then I really just kind of saw with it. I'm like,
I'm like, I just such a disservice to myself to
even care well you, especially because they just really come
and go hard on that. I'm like, not even gonna
say like anything, like, I had this feeling and this

may not be what you guys feel about it, but
there's something to it. I had this moment at one
point when I remember I was going to go post
something and I was like, this feels like it cheapens
the experience. It actually was, and I just was like,
for who would I post that? For me? Or for
someone I like to keep mine pretty inspirational or pretty

like real, or like join me in like the you know. Yeah,
but I just was like that shows somebody something like
what what is my reason? What's the why for doing that?
And one I couldn't quite answer that either honestly or
find a why or just didn't feel like it mattered.
Then I was like, well that's kind of a waste
of someone's grid. Yeah. So having said all, that is

pop culture topics now and now I'm excited because it's
juicy and I actually was like, ah, she did no way.
So topic number one is Jessica Albert recalls incident with
daughter Honor that led them to pursue therapy together. This
is not fun, So I'm just going to kind of
read you the background. Jessica Albo's opening upbout how she
decided on therapy for herself and her two daughters. The
mom of three forty two has always been open about

her family's mental health care. Appearing on the cover of
Real Simples first ever Feeling issue for their January February edition,
the actress an entrepreneur, calls how she came to the decision.
So Honor was, she says, Honor was probably eleven, and
we were arguing all the time about dum dumb stuff,
and I was like, I don't want to live like this.
This is not fun, she shares, she said, I don't.

I didn't want us to have a wedge between us
as her mother. When I say something, she's going to
hear it as an argument or as me trying to
control her. I wanted there to be someone who could
explain things in a way I couldn't. What I said
to Honor was I want to be a better parent
to you, and this is your this is your form
to basically talk about everything that gets on your nerves
that I do. Alba says it wasn't long until both
she and Honor started to see how therapy could work

for them. It put me in check, like, yeah, I
totally do that, and I'm sorry, I'm going to work
on that. It gave her a little bit of perspective too,
that I'm not the bad guy. I'm just being a parent.
She'll come out, she'll come out the other side of it,
and I'll still be here. I just wanted to get
to that point and it worked, she admits, And the
therapists allowed me to see that it's natural for kids
to disagree with their parents, and as a parent, it's

not always about being right or rational in that moment,
she says. She concludes with saying, I'm not going to front.
It's a process and I'm not perfect, and so I
love the fact that she's talking about this. So I'm
curious for you guys, like, do you like the idea
of seeing a therapist with your child? You know, do

you wish you would have done it with your parents?
And would you consider doing it now with your parents
or with your kids? Well, that's a lot of you
go first with her, your parents are no.

Speaker 1 (05:00):
Well, my first thought to this whole thing was I
don't think that it has to be done in a
therapist office to have these conversations. Those are a lot
of conversations that happen in our home currently. You know,
I'm not doing this right. I am just trying to
be a good parent, but I'm you know, so I
think if if you need it, and if I felt
like we needed someone to come in and point out

when I'm doing things that I need to or to
point out to the kids that I am just being
a parent or whatever, sure, I think if it got
to that point, we would do that. But I also
do think that there's ways to have those healthy conversations
on your own with your kids, and I think that
that's something that everyone should be doing, you know, explaining
to the kids, we're not always going to get it right.

We're just trying to parent, We're trying to protect you.
I'm sorry when I do it this. Blah blah blah
blah blah. Would I have gone to therapy with my parents, No,
there's no way. There's literally zero way. And what I
would would I now? Nope, absolutely not.

Speaker 2 (05:58):
Well it was funny when I read this, I thought
about you first, because Janna and I are still in
like the younger years, yeah, you know, like the eights fives,
and I thought, gosh, I don't know what I would
do at eleven. I mean, I'll be honest with you.
I'm we I am in struggle bus mode with a
five year old right now. We are in a mode
and I was like, maybe, like I had this moment

the other day where I thought, well, maybe there needs
to be like a third party to tell me, like
to do something differently or better, just you know whatever,
because I gosh, I feel like I'm so well rounded
and I try to go thirty thousand feet, but I'm
stir ruggling and these five five is hard.

Speaker 3 (06:34):
I remember five being a hard age, Thank you.

Speaker 1 (06:36):
Cat's all different, I specifically, and I remember because I
remember when Ramsey and Jolie were both five. I remember
having this conversation. But again, as they get older, yes,
it's different. So I can see where therapy really especially
might be needed. But yeah, I mean I think that
it's for whoever, you know, for each I know, like

one of my kids, he would probably, you know, the oldest,
he'd probably never want to go. Emmy, who's twelve, she might.

Speaker 2 (07:04):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (07:04):
But we just have a lot of conversations about that stuff.

Speaker 1 (07:07):
We're just very open about it, and I think that
that's kind of key for us at least.

Speaker 2 (07:14):
Do you think you got that from going to therapy.

Speaker 1 (07:17):
No, I think I got that from vowing to do
it differently than how I grew up. I've just sworn
to myself, and it really truly just started with saying sorry.
That was my number one. You know, I do something,
I yell, or I do something I wasn't proud of,

then I get upset about it and I have this
guilt and I always just like just say sorry. I
would make myself say sorry, but that always opened it
up to a bigger discussion and a bigger explanation and
a bigger whatever. And I definitely still I mean, I'm
still yeller, Like I'll still get to a point where
I will yell at my kids when I've lost it,
and I'm not proud of that, and that's something I'm
really trying to work on. But we just have so

much conversation around it that again, it's really just.

Speaker 2 (08:06):
So that this is kind of off topic, but just
from something you said, and I'm just gonna pivot just
for one second, because something happened the other day where
I had asked, you know, I was like, Jolie, please
turn that off. Noice. Jolie please turn that off. By
the third time, I'm like, I'm like, I don't want to.
I've said it now. The third like every time my

voice is gonna I was like, please turn that off.
And then it's like a little bit more and then
like by I'm like I then she looks at me like, oh,
like I I'm like, but I just said it nicely
the first and you don't listen. Yeah, this is like
and I'm like, is that Normalcuse I try to be like,
I'm like, just I'm the first one. I'm saying, like,
I'm nicely saying I need you to listen. The second time,

I'm like, it's a little more stern. Third time, Mommy's
gonna get frustrated.

Speaker 1 (08:51):
And like, so I think of what I've learned in
my mind for that, but I don't always practice it.
Two completely different things. We're also doing something wrong in
that sense that an expert may say differently. But I
think what would work easier in that situation was, you know, Jolie,
please turn that off. Well, when she doesn't listen that
first time, going getting on her level, getting eye level

with her and saying I need you to please turn
this off, and then it would probably change, I think,
but we get so busy and we're doing things, and
we're doing that, and then we're frustrated because we asked
them to do something three times, you know, And so
I think that that's partly on us as well.

Speaker 2 (09:28):
I'm gonna probably regret saying this, but so I shouldn't
even start. But but here goes well because I think
we're such a different kind of generation of parent. Like
for me personally, the way I was raised was out
of fear, like if you told me to turn that off,

not one, or I'm going to get the death stair
or hit with something like it was eggshell walking, So
it wasn't I didn't. I sometimes have this moment where
I'm like, I kind of love not sometimes in the moment,
but I'm sometimes later like, gosh, I love that they're
like I don't want to because they can say that

to me. I could never say anything. I've operated out
of fear. It was like yes, sir, no, sir, it's
the soap, because I've got the soap before Budge and
Breast might have. Also, I'm gonna get dreamed.

Speaker 3 (10:24):
I don't what I think we've talked. I feel like
you I mean.

Speaker 2 (10:28):
I'm sorry. I know, there's just I think where I'm
at right now is there's this really fine line in
parenting for me. You're shocked, Are you shaming me? I'm
I'm I'm processing. I'm trying. I'm honest, I'm trying not
to judge me or process.

Speaker 1 (10:48):
No, no, no, I think she mays judge you, but she's
going to take that back.

Speaker 2 (10:51):
Okay, it's damn it, but not judge. They do not
judge because I know you, like you know what I mean,
Like I've yelled where you've done things and like you
know you wouldn't have done so no judgment. Yeah, it's crazy.
So I just had to think of soap when I
was like seven, Well he's five and he's a If
I'm honest, I love him so much. You guys, I'm

telling you I quite possibly might be raising the president
of the United States. And I'm not even kidding. He's
that kind of like leader, unapologetically the one that rides bike.
So WHOA. That was damn much. No judgment, just physical ability.
It was I think it was. It's just like I
try to run this ride this fine line of like

what what we had preserving the o genus of some
of the ways we were raised and also implementing this
layer of like, actually you can feel and you can
tell me some things and I want you to. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (11:47):
Well, I think there's a balance there because at the
end of the day, we do need them to listen
to us and do what we've asked them to do.

Speaker 2 (11:53):
We have to because it's also a lot of safety.

Speaker 1 (11:55):
But if they don't fear at all, and I'll go
back to it and I'm gonna take I'm gonna take
this back.

Speaker 3 (12:03):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (12:03):
I struggle with this as well, because do we need
them to have no fear whatsoever there's no consequence if
they have to because I mean, I'm saying that now
as high school kids, like I know the ones whose
parents don't, they have no fear that they know they're
gonna go do something.

Speaker 3 (12:19):
There's no consequence at home.

Speaker 1 (12:21):
So that's where that's a hard balance for me, Like
it does to me, start with something so small as
turn the TV off. I don't want them to be
fearful of me, but I need them to know that like,
if you're not going to do what I'm ask on
bigger scales where there's gonna be consequences.

Speaker 2 (12:38):
When kids like developmentally, like I went to school for
early childhood first, and you learn really quickly, like they
need discipline. They need to know the boundaries that's feel
safe to them, because if it's a big, wild world,
it doesn't feel safe to them. Yeah. So I always
try to operate with this like mentality of I always
call it like the yard in my brain, not like
not like the yard in a jail, but like it's

like they need to know where the fence line is.
They need to know where you can be pushed to.
They need to know what's not safe. Like if you're
not listening to me for anything, then when it is
about your safety, you won't listen either.

Speaker 3 (13:08):
Yeah mm hmm. It's just it's a hard balance.

Speaker 2 (13:11):
So then would you go to therapy with your kid
to talk through these steps. I would go to therapy
with anyone. I love therapy. I would go just because
I think for someone like well, for the kids, the separation,
I always want them to I always want to check
in with that. I also feel like Jolie is a

lot like her dad where she doesn't express her feelings,
whereas Jace is a little bit more open to sharing
feelings at the moment at five. But Jolie is she's
such a people pleaser, like she just wants and deaths
where she's like, you know, she shews everyone to be happy.
So she's like, Mommy, we'll do that, like if that's
makes it. I'm like, baby, do you want to do that? Honey?
You don't need to Well, I like both how like anytime,

like Jace has a mood and he's like, I like
Daddy's hous better, or I like you know, or he
you know Michael Kalmbick, well, he sees like you. He
wants to be says, you know, here's not a good
you know, I don't want to be here. And I'm
like he's five and he's being whatever. But Joe was like,
I love both places. And I'm like, honey, you don't
need to say that. I love you for like saying.
But I was like, I just I want her to
be able to have a place where she can because
I'm like, I just I see her in her mind

just always like thinking maybe that's just her age. But
I'm like, are you good baby field her, you know,
because I just I'm like, they have so much they're
thinking I'm like I want her to go talk it
all out, you know, and if that needs to be
me in the room or me out of the room,
like I've definitely and I think there are some things too,
like learning stuff like maybe with maybe her might the
slexia or the ADHD like that, I need to learn
tools to how to maybe talk to her better too,

you know.

Speaker 3 (14:37):
So that's a good point.

Speaker 2 (14:39):
And I'm talking to Amy about that because I'm like,
I don't feel like a ride her a lot, but
it's because I don't think we're like but I think
she might need, you know, I don't there's something that
I think she needs to be. I should really just
start having joint sessions. Because Amy and I just had
this compage. So she's like, I think she should do.
I'm like, no, I do, And I'm having her being
evaluated too, like because.

Speaker 3 (14:56):
Well, like I don't think that.

Speaker 1 (14:57):
Like for a very good example of that, it's like
I I don't think Emmy's ADHD, but I have figured
out we're twelve years in on her life, you know,
Like Kayden, I can say I need you to do one, two, three,
four five. It's done in ten minutes to any old
I say one yeah, if I say one, two, three,
she'll come back and be like what was Like, she
legitimately can't, and so like I've learned, I have to

ask her one thing, focus on the one thing, and
then come back to me. Okay, now I need you
to do this.

Speaker 2 (15:24):
Because we're we get upsided like how do you not remember?
But I'm like, oh, she just physically can't. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (15:29):
So see, I think you learned that with each child too.
Whether there's ADHD there or not, maybe there's tendencies. I
don't know, but she cannot focus on a list of
things to do at once in her head.

Speaker 2 (15:39):
Me neither. Would you go with your parents to therapy
at this age of your life, Kristin, I, well, I'm
down to one parent. I would have loved to go
on therapy with my dad so that I could have
done some reckoning this side of heaven, because I think
that there's a lot of things I wish I could
have said to her that I didn't get to say

that would have felt good for him to hear. I
am a firm believer though, that the listening is almost
more important than the talking, and I don't know that
I have any listening parents left in this moment just
for their The point in my mom's grief journey is

just really I'm just very observant right now, and I
don't know that she is in a listening face, she
is in a living pace, she is gone busy, you know,
and I just don't know. Well, I think again, it
comes to a time where you just have to what
Amy has told us is you have to almost accept
them for who they are at this point, you know,
because they haven't done therapy before, or it'd be hard

to start at this point. Yeah, and I think I've
made peace with I've definitely made peace with my dad
my mom. I've recently come to piece that, you know,
we might just might not be of what I've wanted
for either one of our relationships. But I can now go, Okay,
I can choose to have a good relationship here. I
just have to just have no expectations on X, Y
and Z, and I can live with that. So I

read this was really great quote, and I was hoping
I could find it for you. But essentially for younger listeners,
I will just say I do regret not doing something
with my parents at a younger age because I had
spent so many years resenting like my father for example,
or you know, so I think that then contributed to
potential relationships in my belief in myself from the lack

of what I thought he believed in me. Oh sure, yeah,
so yeah this quote I read, I just felt like it.
Maybe this will go somewhere with both of you. It
says she accepts people as they are, but places them
where they belong. Topic number two. Shana Kler is Travis

Barker's ex wife, and she's accusing Travis and Courtney of
parenting alienation. So Shana is sharing new details about her
co parenting relationship with Travis Barker. We just start with
saying co parenting is so challenging, so empathy there for
just the table. In a preview clip of Wednesday's upcoming
episode of The Dumb Blonde Podcast obtained by The New
York Post, Page Mochler forty eight, talked with host Bunny

XO about her relationship with ex husband Barker, alleging that
he and his wife, Courtney Kardashian have been trying to
one up her as a parent. So Mochler shares her
son Landon and daughter Alabama twenty and eighteen with Travis.
She's also a mom to daughter a Tiana twenty four,
whom she shares with her ex Oscar de Lahoya. I
didn't know that. I didn't either until today. I'm savvy

and knew whom Travis helped raise. So Mochler called the
Kardashians disgusting, saying I removed myself so that they couldn't
bond over my children hating me. Go do what you
need to do, and when you're ready, I'll be her,
loving you unconditionally. The mom of two went on, and
I will be here as your mother and I will wait.
And that's what I did. When Travis got with Courtney,

there was some parental alienation going on there where Travis,
even when we weren't together, always wanted to be the
super dad, she said of her ex. I'm the best parent,
I'm the this and I'm that, and I'm like, bro,
you win like you're the winner here. You have all
the money, you have all of this, You're the winner.

Speaker 3 (19:21):
She says.

Speaker 2 (19:21):
I think there was a lot of glitter and fame,
and they watched them on TV, and now their dad
is dating one and they're going to be on the show.
She said of her kids, and I think they got
caught up in that which young kids would do. They're
buying them Prada, they're buying them gifts, and they're going
to these events, and they're meeting Kanye and you know,
all the big stuff. She says, I can't give them that.
I don't have that, I don't have access to that.
I don't have the money to do that. I can't

buy you guys Prada every other week and stuff I
can't I don't and I can't do it. My house
isn't a mansion like Travis. I don't have a movie theater.
I don't have golf carts for you kids to drive.
She added, We're up for Travis did not obviously respond.
You know, Travis and Courtney don't pay attention to what
Shane is doing. A friend of the couple tells people,
which we know who the friends of people are. They're

so happy in life right now. So I mean, what
do you think about Shane speaking out about Travis and
Courtney and that in that and do you think because
one of the questions too is I do think there's
a feeling competition between co parenting and I think, you know,
it would be hard if the roles were reverse, and like,
you know, I couldn't give my kids maybe what the

other parents giving them. I could look at that and
go that would be tough because they probably would want
to go to the bigger house and to the ones
that have more toys or this or that or the other,
or more fame, and so as the co parent, I
would feel I would struggle. I woul probably would. I'm
just being honest. I think I would struggle with that

because I can't give them that.

Speaker 4 (20:48):

Speaker 2 (20:48):
On the flip side that I was like, but I
can give them love and I give them a home,
like you know whatever. But I think kids see the
that they don't see that until they're older.

Speaker 1 (20:57):
Weren't they like teenagers, right, So that's even more shane.
It's just even more like oh I get to meet
so and so, Oh I get to go here, we
get the movie theater. That's like even more heightened at
that age. And I think that personally, I think what
she's done and said, I mean besides talking out, you know,
in public or whatever, but like it's pretty smart, like

you know, saying to your kids, I can't give that,
but I'm here and I'm going to be your parent,
and I'm gonna they're going to see that in the end.
They're going to understand that as they grow up. But
that can't be easy. I mean I would struggle with
it too. But all she can do is be honest.
She can't just go broke and try to provide the
same you know.

Speaker 2 (21:40):
And you know, listen again with the co parenting thing,
it's like, you don't want to ever alienate. You always
want to talk good about the other parents. So I
hope that that's at least there. But I can I
can understand her feelings of maybe that competition vibe. I
guess I don't know why she said it. I know
she was like, I think that is maybe my hang

up a little, which is probably people listening to me
on here, like why did you you know, Like I'm
talking about my kids too and things that they go through.
But I it feels I shouldn't say it. It just
feels a little like an insecurity, like it's her, like
she's got to have a voice to it. And I
can understand. I can't understand actually or even imagine. You

think she's more jealous of it being Courtney Kardashian. I
think if it wasn't Courtney, and if it was just
like a girl next door, she wouldn't care. I think
it's wildly honest, and I love that. I just wonder
if it is strategic somehow in which way, because I don't.
I don't think it's strategic. I think she's just hurt
and it's hard. But being Courtney, then that to me

is like a therapy visit or a diary visit, unless
of a.

Speaker 3 (22:50):
Tell Bunny, And that's where this came from.

Speaker 2 (22:52):
That's what I'm saying that I'm talking about it.

Speaker 3 (22:53):
On a podcast, like everything comes.

Speaker 1 (22:56):
We don't know about that, Like every time we talk
about something in here, we get talking and start talking
about something that's hard or hurtful or whatever, and then
it gets picked up and it seems like she's doing
it for And that's why I said earlier, besides her
talking about it in public, it feels to me like
it's just hard and you're having to compete with a
freaking Kardashian and teenage kids like but maybe maybe she

did just say it out there to I don't know,
but no.

Speaker 2 (23:21):
No, I just wonder, like, what is the reason for saint,
you know, like of course she feels that where it
came from, so that would be tough, though I can't
even freaking imagine. I mean, there's literally no one bigger
right name, someone bigger name, bigger celebrity family, I mean
the Royals, but.

Speaker 3 (23:40):
Even then, but even then take her out of it.

Speaker 1 (23:43):
Like I can think of someone that we know very
specifically who was giving their teenager prades, shoes and all
the things, all the time.

Speaker 2 (23:51):
Thinking and thinking and it's not me, So oh.

Speaker 1 (23:55):
You know, don't know the ex wife, but she probably couldn't,
you know. And so it's like, but did that mean anything?
That's probably she's probably going to Daddy for the black
card to make sure that she go, you know what
I mean, But like she's with her mama, but she
also knows that, you know. So I don't think it
has to be who they are necessarily, but like when

you're you're a teenager and you're getting all those things,
like of course, like can you blame them?

Speaker 2 (24:22):
I think at the end of the day, no matter what,
as long as you love your kids, give them a
beautiful home, it's not going to matter the size of
the house, how big it is, how many toys you had,
as they want to love in that house, and I
don't think the kids see that until later in life.
That's but as long as you're consistent, you're loving, you
show them. My kids will never know the difference between

my house and their dad's house because there's love in
both houses. And it's not a competition. I'm in the
long grain for parenting. Yeah, I am in it for
like the thirty year old conversation I get to have
with love or she's like two hundred nights a year,
how did you do that? Yeah, you know, and well, truthfully,
like just like for them to I don't ever say
I do this by myself, and Dada is on the

you know, like he has to do what he has
to do, so I can do what I can do
for them. Yeah, but there will be inevitably a day
where they go, oh wow, you know or something, and
maybe it's not a talk, it's just it's.

Speaker 1 (25:16):
All in conversations around I'm like, I'm not doing this
all by myself. Get your butts in here and help me.

Speaker 2 (25:20):
Well yeah, but it's just Yeah, I think you parent
for the long game, and I think it's about making
good people.

Speaker 4 (25:25):

Speaker 2 (25:38):
Topic number three Lindsay Lohan and Tina Favor You unite
twenty years later for Mean Girls, the musical premiere Love It.
First of all, I was gonna say, I love Lindsa
Lowhans back, I do. I loved your Christmas for me
last year. I just love the whole thing Mean Girls.
Do you let's just talk about that? Did you? You
guys obviously look love mean Girls?

Speaker 4 (25:57):

Speaker 2 (25:58):
Yeah, the only thing is so long I was.

Speaker 4 (26:00):
I know.

Speaker 2 (26:00):
I was shocked to hear that Richard Goddams wasn't even
asked about coming back for the commercial that they had. Yes,
I wasn't asked, probably because they couldn't afford her. But
either way, do you guys, speaking of mean girls, do
you guys have any mean girls that you remember from
high school?

Speaker 3 (26:15):

Speaker 2 (26:17):
I have one. She has two first names, Ashley Scott. No,
she wishes I won't give her any energy, but she
knows who she is really mean. I also wore a
back brace. Oh that's right, I wish I was making
that up.

Speaker 3 (26:34):
Cramer puts her head down.

Speaker 2 (26:35):
Oh that's right. Yeah, I mean listen is there was
there plenty for people to purge on and if they
wanted to or binge on with my back brace probably
no boobs overplucked my eyebrows, But really I just felt.

Speaker 1 (26:48):
Like that was too bad though, like to even to
like name those things and be like, oh, people had
everything to mess with, Like that's terrible.

Speaker 2 (26:55):
Well, I mean I look back and I'm like, wow,
bless sure, but doesn't Yeah it was ruthef, I mean
it was rough. Yeah, That's why I feel bad about
what I said about Shana. We have to check ourselves
even as forty two year olds. No, I think she's great.
I actually loved her and I watched her with the
Barker Show. You look at the me, Do you look
at her differently now than you did from when you

were in high school? Like if you were to look
at like, I had one mean girl. She wasn't very
nice and I don't even know why she was so
mean to me, But I don't Were you always hot?
No new, new, new, new, new new. It might have
blessed the senior year, but besides that, No, I mean

I didn't even get My boobs didn't come until I
was like nineteen, so I was a late blimmer.

Speaker 3 (27:39):
You should still haven't come in So I waiting.

Speaker 2 (27:43):
I saw on my yearbook the other day when we
were cleaning out the garage and Alan about fell over
when he saw one of my yearbook pictures. He's like,
that's you, and I was like, yeah, he's like, I
can't even I can't even say what he said because
that's how like, no, oh yeah, and he'll he took
a picture of it. Yeah. I you guys, she was ruthless. So,

but do you think of her any differently now? I
feel like Amy and I don't look at her now.
I'm like, oh this is I mean, her words hurt
and she was mean, but m m so I ran
into her in college m hm, and everything stayed on

brand unless and listen, I have changed a thousand times
over since I was even twenty five twenty seven. I
just don't know. I don't I actually don't think about
her at all, which is great and that's wonderful, but
I just don't know. I have no interest. And even honestly,
I say hi to everyone, and I don't know that

I would say hi to her if I ran into her,
because I just don't think there's much to.

Speaker 3 (28:52):
Have you ever thought about? Though?

Speaker 1 (28:55):
As kids, we probably all at some point did something
that was mean to someone that might have stuck out.

Speaker 3 (29:00):
In their heads of course, you know what I mean?

Speaker 1 (29:02):
Hm, Like, I mean, I can't think of an example,
but there has to have been something that I can't
think of that I said or did to someone that
they could be you on the couch, no, no going.
That person was mean to me. And so all that
to say, I think that there is grace for people
when they're younger. But then I think that there are
those people. You find them when you're forty and you're like, oh,

you haven't changed.

Speaker 2 (29:26):
I hope she's changed.

Speaker 3 (29:27):
Yeah, grew up a little bit.

Speaker 2 (29:29):
I mean, I hope she has, because that's not any
way to live. Yeah, that's miserable. We all have the
right to change, That's correct. Ki Kioko shares a relatable
parenting woman on a nine month old daughter. I can't
are nine months old. Matilda's first flight, so first fight
over Thanksgiving she was I was so terrified, she told Kimmel.
So I thought, what do we do? We have to
bring her saw machine on the Plane's the only thing

she can go tous sleep too.

Speaker 4 (29:52):

Speaker 2 (29:52):
I love being a first time parent. I used to
have the phone in Juli's ear when I was rocking
around the plane. With like this this sleep machine to
like go to sleep, or oh my god, this is funny.
The star continued. She's so she's crying. It was hard.
She finally fell asleep, and she's on U. She's on Tom,
her husband, or I think they got under their engagement.

The sound machine is on and we're finally like, ah sy.
The steward's come over and he's like, hey, one of
our passengers would love it if you would turn this
sound machine off. And I'm sitting there and I'm like,
oh my god. The coca recalls and I can feel
Tom be like, hey, ask the passenger if she wants
to hold our screaming painted shots. When we turned it off,
and I mean the ice went into the veins. I

couldn't believe by the way she asked us to turn
it off. The base added, uh, she said, this is
so crazy, and what a terrible job to have to
be a flight tendant, have to deliver a message of
that type. We were so angry. So then we landed
and was the woman in right in front of us,
and so we get up and she goes, oh, so
your daughter does know how to smile. It was in

that moment where I understood why why women end up
on dateline.

Speaker 3 (31:00):
That's funny.

Speaker 2 (31:01):
I wonder if she had two first names. Wait, the
woman in front of her, what.

Speaker 3 (31:07):
Your baby does know how to smile?

Speaker 2 (31:10):
This is what I'm saying. Guys do mean girls? Stay
mean girls? Is what I'm saying. I hope not, but
like there's people like.

Speaker 3 (31:14):
That for sure.

Speaker 1 (31:18):
I also I would have responded, like the husband, sure,
I'll turn it off if she wants to hold my
screaming baby. You would, actually one hundred percent yeah, in
a very nice way, I'd say, absolutely, you.

Speaker 3 (31:29):
Can have my baby and get to sleep.

Speaker 2 (31:32):
So I mean, we'll forget that they were babies. That's
what my comeback is always when everybody has anything to
say about babies, I'm like, I think you forget you
were a baby, and you probably had a rough flight.

Speaker 1 (31:42):
I always such anxiety for moms on planes, and not
because I care in the least.

Speaker 3 (31:49):
They don't bother me.

Speaker 1 (31:50):
It does not, But if I know they're having a
hard time, I know that feeling and that anxiety, and
I just hate it for them.

Speaker 2 (31:57):
It's not fair. Anxiety.

Speaker 3 (31:58):
Yeah sucks.

Speaker 2 (32:00):
Yeah. So here's the thing.

Speaker 3 (32:04):
Chanda's like, and I'm the person asking I was.

Speaker 2 (32:06):
Just kidding, Yah, I just I Okay, how do I
say this? It drives me nuts when people do not
have the when someone's watching a show on the plane
without the headphones in, it literally drives me bonkers. And
I'm like, my whole body language is like yeah, you know,

like it's so rude to me. I married him, and
I down not always, but for a minute, I can't
do that. Well, he's trying to connect, I know, but
I'm like, can you just pause it? Like every ounder?
So Devil's advocate? What is I understand? And again hello baby?
Well I also would like, this is silly, but I'd
like to know the kind of sound machine because I
do feel like a plane sounds like a sound machine.

I was going to say also what I was going
to do, but I mean like, and you know, I
would go, I go like in the ear, like you
are a mock sound machine, you know what I mean? Like, yeah,
So I think there's I think there's variables to all
of this. And I'm like, and again I get it.
We all have babies, we get it. Like I'm not
like and I love Kaylee like the whole thing. Having
said that, again, how loud was it? What was the

actual sound? Because I will say this, I love sleeping
with the sound machine on people that i've been, you know,
when we're when we're on tour. You let's just say
one of y'all do not like the sound machine. If
they watch the answer stories, they know it's me. It
sounds like we're in a tornado. So I need that
to sleep. Yeah, but some people like silence. So if

it's a noise that's driving someone crazy, baby or not,
I'm sorry, Like I don't mean to be like blunt
with it, but I just kind of the rule to
not have the sound if it's being distracting to another person.
I understand the mask.

Speaker 3 (33:40):
I don't like comment with a baby would be more distracting.

Speaker 1 (33:44):
So if it now, if the baby's already asleep, you
could probably turn the noise maker.

Speaker 2 (33:47):
Up, make it lower, you know what I mean, Like,
maybe it a little lower, put it closer to the
ear and away the men kind of you know. But yeah,
I'm with you. It's mostly it's just the comment. For me,
it's the comment afterwards, I because it's the off two
like that just kind of tells you where what you know, whatever.
I will also say this. I'm not defending, said passenger.

There have been flights that I have taken where I
have been in a very tumultuous personal on my way
to someplace like to grieve, or to death, or to
hospice or to like, you don't know, and you're just like,
I wonder if that woman feels like she wishes she
didn't say that, you know, Yeah, I hope so. Yeah.

I think we all say things that we don't mean sometimes,
and maybe she was going through something. I truly think
when someone says something mean, they've got something they're going through. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (34:36):
So, oh, I had a great quote for this the
other day too.

Speaker 2 (34:39):
Can you dig it.

Speaker 4 (34:40):
Out of there?

Speaker 3 (34:41):
It's just people's responses aren't about you, it's about them.

Speaker 2 (34:44):
Yeah they ah? So, I mean that's our hot topics.
I feel informed.

Speaker 3 (34:50):
Yeah, I knew none of this.

Speaker 2 (34:51):
None. It's like a liturely zero. I didn't even know
that Shana married Oscar Oscar Leli, I know Oscar de
la Hoya on that stuff, I don't know anything. Well,
So on that note, is there any other hot topics
that we have? I always feel like you're teeing us

up for something when you literally got nothing no, I
would say, I am struggling, like with parenting my son
right now. So that's just my vulnerability moment where I'm like,
I want to he's such a leader. I just want
to be what he needs and I can't find the
sweet spot for what that is. He's a very alpha

male out of the gate. He has been. I he
just is, and so it's a yeah, it's in them,
it's it's incredible. When he was four his Character Award
was for Godly Justice, and when he was five his
Character Award was for passionate Heart.

Speaker 4 (35:51):

Speaker 2 (35:52):
So those are big things for people to see in him. Sure,
but stewarding that is really tricky. Yeah. Well, girls, I
love you and uh, channel's judging me again. I am
not judging you, basically, I try not to do. It's
just because it's it's it's a childhood thing for me.

Sure that the belt the thing, it's it's it's in
that I don't have a belt, which is you know,
it's like it's but we all have very different parenting styles.

Speaker 1 (36:24):
What she's trying to say is I know that Catherine
has spanked her kids before, and I judge her for that.

Speaker 2 (36:28):
I don't. I don't I am no I and Jason
Legend couldn't.

Speaker 1 (36:34):
Different of those words out of her mouth, but I
knew her brain.

Speaker 2 (36:37):
But how I speak sometimes to my it's not right either.
So it doesn't make it any it's just it's all
the it's just how we like I have reacted in
awful ways that I have to take back. It's just
there's something about the physicality piece for me that is
is a very deep thing for me in childhood. Well,
it's always for me. It's not out of anger. I

can't do anything out of anger. That's my promise to myself. Yeah,
that's what's because that's when it's like, yeah, like I,
so did you did you put it? Like all like
what did you do? I'm gonna get banned. We're just
gonna all right, well I judged b
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