All Episodes

July 31, 2023 46 mins

Jana goes into overtime when Larsa Pippen joins Whine Down! Larsa used to be married to NBA legend Scottie Pippen… and is now dating Michael Jordan’s son Marcus! 

Hear the truth about her dynamic with the Jordan family, and learn the real story of how she met Marcus. 

Plus, Larsa opens up about her complicated relationship with the Kardashians.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Wind Down with Janet Kramer and I'm heart Radio podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
If only, if only we can roll pre tape, if
only post and posty gay when we get canceled. Speaking
of baby, she just softball. I I wasn't even going
to bring it up. Wasn't even did I say something.

They got you canceled or me canceled or pressed and canceled.
So I, first of all, I hate that word, So
we'll just we'll stop saying that word because I don't.
I don't like it what I do. But this is
why you shouldn't podcast post fartum. I already I already
have a belly ache every time I'm driving here, I'm like,
please God be with me and guide my words because

I'm spicy. No, you're so good, And I think the
the thing is with podcasts is it's fun to get
behind the mic and say whatever you want. Now, there's
other podcasts where I feel like, like the Joe Rogans
of the world, he could have any guests on say like,
I don't know, people are still like I feel, you
can say stuff on a podcast, but you also have

to be right careful. And I've learned the lesson of
I know that you know that the outlets will could
potentially hear or whatever. And so when I ever talk
about my ax or just anything, I'm like, I have
to be careful of the words that I use because
I don't want to give them a But here's the

doing where my hurts.

Speaker 3 (01:35):
We really don't have to worry about that so much,
but y'all don't. That's why.

Speaker 2 (01:39):
That's what that's that's why it's fun to have you
guys like on. But I to spice it second degree, yeah,
but like you're fine, Okay, okay, I have a belly.
Can you hear the principal office? I want to throw up?
Tell me what I said? No, but I so that's why,
like I love it when I'm always like I just

I just told Catherine to ask a question to Larsa
because we have Larsa Pippin coming on the show today.
Because if I say it, then it's gonna be maybe
like if if maybe it's said in a wrong way
or whatever, like feuding with you know what I mean
I do. So I'm like, but I can ask. I
don't mean, I don't. I don't mean it like that,
like that's not what I mean to say. But like

they probably won't quote no the like the random friend.
I always think, now I'm digging my own hole, but
don't know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (02:33):
Oh yeah, I'm agreeing with you.

Speaker 2 (02:35):
I don't like that both of you know what I
said wrong, and I don't someone tell me what I
said wrong, so I have to I have to just
go the whole story with it. So that's why, you know,
again even to like because you know, listen, they say
all all bad press is good breast right, So there's
times when I go on I'm like, oh god, why.

Speaker 3 (02:57):
Did they pick that up?

Speaker 2 (02:58):
Because I don't like to see things that are said
about me and my ex that I set on here
because I really like, I want it to be such
like a safe Let's like, I love our Windown shows
because it is a very safe community and we can
say so we think that one time, yeah, but like
you know, so I just am more. We're more free
on the Windown tour, but even here, I'm like, I

want to be able to just feel like I can
say anything without it like going or making a tabloid
or or just something like that. So over time, I'm like,
I've had to talk to my therapists about this because
I'm like, I love my podcast, and I get anxiety
because I don't like seeing the headline because there's so
much more that concept context, context between what's actually the

headline and what was said in the podcast. So I
fight with like, I love doing this, but I'm also
and I'm like, and I hate censoring because I want
to share, but I have to be very careful how
I word things. So leading up to this, I'm gonna
pew what I said wrong. So, leading up to this

last podcast, I was like, you know, I kind of
thought it was a you know, we talk about pop
culture stuff that happens, and conversations in the view would
pick this up, and I'm like, this would be a
really not calling us the view, by the way, but I'm.

Speaker 3 (04:14):
Just you know, you're like, if you can talk about it,
then we can talk about it.

Speaker 2 (04:19):
But I'm just saying, like, it's a good conversation. We
you know, you're married to an artist's has been an
artist whatever, like you know, So so anyways, I thought
it was a good conversation, but I was like, I
have to be very careful what I say because anything
I say about Miranda will then get picked up sure
most likely not always, and.

Speaker 3 (04:39):
You basically said that leading into this conversation exactly.

Speaker 2 (04:41):
Yeah. And I also said I was scared to say anything. Right, Well,
guess what, dang it what you said?

Speaker 3 (04:47):
They quoted me?

Speaker 2 (04:49):
No, so I'm at where was Oh? I was about
to play a show in Minnesota. Catherine's like, f yi.
Fox News had no no something million followers they had
they had sent this uh interview, Uh this what it was.

Speaker 3 (05:07):
They'd email they'd emailed the agents.

Speaker 2 (05:09):
My agent to me and said, can you say this
is her quote or not? And it said.

Speaker 3 (05:14):
Bully like said was to get people.

Speaker 2 (05:18):
I hate to get people. You said, I hate to
get people. Canfuled, but it seemed very bully like. Well,
I mean, am I supposed to take it back now?

Speaker 1 (05:27):

Speaker 2 (05:27):
No, because I don't want to. No, I'm not. And
that is.

Speaker 3 (05:31):
What you said. I don't think was bad personally.

Speaker 2 (05:34):
And what I said was it was kind of rude, yes,
And I stand by that. I thought it was kind
of rude having said that, you know, they don't put
in the having said that at part afterwards, you don't
know the circumstances and blah blah blah blah blah. But
I still stand by that I didn't call her rude.
I said it was kind of rude, oftens it a
little bit. So I'm like, I'm fine with that because
that's what my opinion was, you know, But the bully word,

I'm like, I was like for me, I was like,
I was very careful. Now, whether I might think that
or not doesn't matter. You didn't say it. So it's interesting.
So I've actually thought about this talk even before I
didn't know this. I feel a little better now, okay,
because tell you about them before. Oh gosh, there's more.
There's more. So we then say, I'm like, I did
not say that. Now, I don't want to throw you

under the bus, but I'm like, my other co host
said it.

Speaker 3 (06:22):
I told the publicist. I was like, look, she did
not say that. It was one of our other co hosts.
I mean, so it's nice quotations, Krystal Breaston.

Speaker 2 (06:35):
It's not Janna. I'm not going to say I don't
work with Honey on the podcast. Not it.

Speaker 3 (06:43):
I mean, I would love to claim it if I
said it, trust me.

Speaker 2 (06:46):
But anyway, you guys, this sucks because I'm actually a
Miranda fan and I don't I didn't.

Speaker 4 (06:53):
They didn't say you.

Speaker 2 (06:54):
They said I said I called her a bully. Oh boy.
So I'm like, I didn't say that. So I respond
back and I'm like, guys, I didn't say that. It
was my other co host, So stay well, guess who.
Guess who put it out there? They put it out there.

Speaker 3 (07:12):
They still put it out and.

Speaker 2 (07:13):
I'm like, that's not fair. I didn't say that. And
now I'm like, you know, but then we dug in
a little bit deeper and I even had I'm glad
I didn't send it, but you know me, I get
fast with my emails. Yeah, so I saw the the
the reporter's email, so then I drafted I didn't. I
just had to say it. Though. I was like, how
could you because we responded saying that was not me?

How could you then, out of knowing that it wasn't me,
put that out there? And I have such a thing
after that one thing happened a couple of years ago
with the fake or the person having the truth and
then still putting something out. So I was like, how
can you sleep? How do you do that?

Speaker 5 (07:52):
You know what? I mean?

Speaker 6 (07:52):

Speaker 2 (07:52):
That's I was like, I don't care what context or
how big or small the story is. Or whatever. Those
were not my words. Don't quote me. Yeah, you know,
they're going to do what they're going to do then,
So but they ended up taking it down and then
they just clicks.

Speaker 3 (08:07):
It was actually relatively quick. It was like within a
couple hours. I mean she'd had a conversation, I know,
so it was another conversation.

Speaker 2 (08:13):
So they just changed it to my original, which again
I stand by.

Speaker 3 (08:17):
Yeah, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (08:18):
I like that they don't care what I say. Okay,
So I thought about this after that conversation and because
I was like, okay, what would I prefer she do?
Like I I there's a no flash photography policy. I
don't want to go back into it, but I just
had this moment where I was like, I think what
it is for me is I would want her security team.
That's what I would have done to to just be
like absolutely no flash photography. If you see it, shut

it down. Yeah, and then she doesn't have to do
then puts her in a way better position. Yeah, I agree,
That's what I would have done because I just don't
want anybody feeling left out or pointed out. And that's
what made me sad. Yeah. But anyways, anyways, that's just
guess nervous having said all that that was, you know,
but I still it's not that we're not saying the

truth of things. There's just against certain things. I'm like,
I'm being very careful and so you our guests today.
There are probably things I'd want to ask, but I've
just given them now to Kristen and gathering. I want
to know about the Kardashians, I really do. I want
to know what happened.

Speaker 3 (09:17):
We'll same, we'll see how it goes.

Speaker 2 (09:19):
Because it's in her bio like it was best friend
and so I'm just like curious. It's like, you know,
she's talked about before, she's talked about it, and not
that I really care about the drama, but I also
for some reason, they just seem so untouchable that I'm
always like, what's the like inside? So I didn't know
they weren't best friends anymore. Oh, I thought they had
a falling out? Am I right? You know we're going
to find out.

Speaker 3 (09:39):
Yeah, we'll find out. From what I believe, I think
that they're just not as close as they used to be.
I think the Kardashians have let it known that it
was just like a little just they're just not as close.
I think maybe she has more to say about it.

Speaker 2 (09:51):
But I know she had a brief fling with Tristan,
but it was before I don't know if I did
a full rundown. But she's actually so. She has a
new podcast out. It's called Separation Anxiety Podcast with Larsa Pippen.
So she used to be married to Scottie Pippen, who's
like huge. If anyone saw the Michael Jordan documentary, I

mean they're alive in America, yeah, I mean Scotty Pippen. Yeah.
And by the way, he's so sweet. I ran to
him one time a ping pong like charity thing, just
like the nicest dude. I was like, Scotty Pippin, it's
so cool, like a legend. Yeah. Well, but now she's
dating Michael Jordan's son, Marcus Jordan, and you know, like

Scotti and like Michael Jordan had beef too. So did
you watch the Last Dance documentary. It's good. Oh I
did see that. I didn't forget that they had beef. Yeah,
and I got to like go back and like see,
like way agan, but it's I guess they had even together. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
you're on that, and I'm just gonna go.

Speaker 3 (10:56):

Speaker 2 (10:57):
But now, so there's a sixteen year age gap, So
before she comes on, what are your thoughts on an
age gap sixteen years when the girl is older, Because
I've been in where I was younger and the guy
was older and like same, Yeah.

Speaker 3 (11:12):
I mean, should it really be different? Not necessarily, but
guys are just more immature, So I think it just
depends on their immaturity level.

Speaker 2 (11:20):
In my chini, or we did that. We did talk
to the girls of that one show one time that
like Love Island or something, and they were all going
younger and they said that these these dudes like doted
on them because they were younger and they treated them
like a queen and all this, yeah experience. Yeah it
was the husband was younger than me. Well same, Mike
was a couple of he was only like four years.

But yeah, so this is probably my own stuff coming up. Okay, Okay,
I feel like we should play a drinking games. How

many times do we think in a podcast do we
say that our own stuff, this is our own stuff
coming up? Okay? I don't know why it bothers me,
but it does. And I just have to say it,
say okay, and I you know, I don't like to
talk about like the past or whatever, but I'm gonna
bring up the past.

Speaker 3 (12:20):
Okay, as long as that's fine.

Speaker 2 (12:25):
I don't like it and it's probably my own stuff.
But so y'all know that my ex he said his
only advice was playing video games, right. I mean I
even worried about that in the Good Fight. So that's
like not new news, right, Like he played video games whatever.
And then when he went to like rehab or whatever.
And I also wrote in the book like I snashed

it with like hammers because I'm like, oh, your only
vice it's not video game. We would so the other day, Jolie,
we were just like talking or whatever, and we'd my
and I kind of had to think about disagreement about
how long the kids should be on an iPad. It
was just it's just seemed like a lot more. But

he had some stuff going on, so whatever. Fine. But
so there's been you know, we've tried to put the ipadsay,
I just don't like the iPads. I'm like, go outside,
go play, go, just please get off the electronics. Like,
don't like it. Well, so I was just like, oh,
what you guys to do last night, and she was
just like and she said, it's a couple of times now,
like we've been playing video games and I'm like, that's fun,

and I know you're Cayden plays video games. Yes, okay.
For me personally, for some reason, it's very like I
don't want my son Jase to grow up to be
a now my ex husband. Is what thirty six or
thirty playing video games fair? Because I'm like, if Alan's
like I'm going to go into the room play video
games for some reason, it's like I don't know if

it's because it's like a trigger because that wasn't the
only thing that like, I don't I don't know. It
might would just be a trigger from like my ax.
But personally, I'm like, what thirty plus man goes and
plays video games? But then I feel bad because maybe
that's just their thing and they like it. I don't know.
So I'm just like I just had to just voice
that and maybe do I disagree hate video games? The

passion I like Tetris quote unquote yeah great, Kristen. I
know I would not be attracted to like I do
video games. I wouldn't be attracted to them. I like
the old school stuff, but I just watch these I don't.
I don't know this will get me super hated, but
I just it. It is like under my skin. I
just think there's way a million other things we could do,

Like yeah, especially like when you have kids. I'm like,
you're you're a grown man playing video games. Now. I
get it if it's a thing that you want to
do and you like to do what's said to say,
maybe I enjoyed drinking a glass of one, sitting out
back playing you gre with my friends, and his alone
time is playing video games. But for some reason, it
just seems so immature. Is it the way we grew
up though, that gamers are different? Because gaming now is

actually pretty cool, Like it's very interactive and people have
the headsets and they're playing with each other and friends,
which is very social.

Speaker 3 (15:01):
I mean that's Kayden only plays. He's outside ninety nine
percent of the time. So I have zero issue with
Kate and playing video games. But it's social. They get on.

Speaker 2 (15:11):
They're either they're actually true like he, or they have
like friends that are like playing. But I'm like, you
guys are all grown men with children. But I'm like,
but we play you girls, So what's the difference.

Speaker 3 (15:20):
So I battle myself with it, and I've always wondered
that because we have another friend who has an issue
with video games or really an x an ex husband.

Speaker 2 (15:29):
She's like code uh.

Speaker 3 (15:29):
Huh okay, because he plays too yeah or he used
to yeah, and when they were married. I don't fully
understand it, just in the sense that, well, it's actually
very funny you bring this up because Nick literally found
his old school Nintendo.

Speaker 2 (15:44):
That's fun. I was playing. I am gonnahoop everyone.

Speaker 3 (15:50):
But my point is is he's not a video game guy,
but he happened to pick one up last night. But like,
he doesn't watch TV at night, So if he picked
up a controller at night and did video games and
I was watching TV, it would not bother me, And
like the slightest because I like to watch TV at
night for my downtown Sure, but if I was like
trying to hang out with him and he didn't want
to because he's playing video games all the time or something,
maybe that would bother me.

Speaker 2 (16:10):
But I like the big overside, just bean bag chair
and a pilot headset and very childish. Mean, let's bring
let's bring larsa on because maybe she'll give her insight
on it, but again, like, I get it if it's
your downtime thing, but maybe it's like a trigger for
my old past. And then like, so I don't have
a trigger and I don't like it. Okay, let's get
It's just I'm like, can you imagine Alan playing video games?

I'd be like that just seems so like. But I
will say, like Preston on the bus when they're on
the road, everyone's playing we play you gurs, So what's
the right right?

Speaker 3 (16:40):
Yeah? Yeah, one's really front of.

Speaker 2 (16:41):
A screen and one's yeah, I mean that can that
be my first question to Larsa?

Speaker 3 (16:48):
So like a safe one? Good?

Speaker 2 (16:50):
Yeah, Ben, she'd be like, actually that, but maybe he
does because it's probably around the same age too, as
like that group. So that's why I'm like curious, you
know what I mean? Hey girl, Hey, we're talking about
younger guys and my ex husband was around is I
think around the Saint Held's Marcus thirty two. Oh he's okay,
so he's a little bit younger than my ex husband.

But we were talking about the age difference with that,
and I was telling her that I didn't understand the
video game playing, and to me, it like bothered me.
It didn't seem like I don't know, like I like
what man is like playing video I don't know. It's
just so I'm like. So then she says she doesn't
like him, she doesn't mind. So does he play?

Speaker 3 (17:28):
Do you like it?

Speaker 2 (17:28):

Speaker 4 (17:29):
No, Marcus never plays video games?

Speaker 1 (17:31):

Speaker 3 (17:32):
Would it bother you if he did?

Speaker 1 (17:34):

Speaker 4 (17:34):
I like video games.

Speaker 3 (17:36):
That's kind of me. That's why.

Speaker 2 (17:37):
That's like the old school video games like Mario, Like
there's such a difference. Yeah, because you're playing like aircraft
or whatever.

Speaker 7 (17:45):
Yeah, but you guys understand that I have like younger siblings.
I'm the oldest of five, so, like I have a
brother that's twenty seven years old. Yeah, so I feel
like I like I have older kids. I have younger siblings.
So like from me, I'm surrounded by like young, younger
older people. My mom is like twenty years older than me,
maybe nineteen years older than me, something like that. And

so my mom used to go to clubs with me
when I was like younger, and she still likes to
hang out and go out. My mom and dad go
out every weekend. It's so fun, Like they stay out
till like three o'clock in the morning, they like have
the best relationship. So for me, when I think of age,
I don't really think of like you're supposed to be
doing this at this age, and you're supposed to be
doing this at this age, because I feel like for me,
I did everything like opposite, you know what I mean.

I got married super young, I had all my kids
super young. So like for me, I don't like, I
don't view age like somebody else that literally is like, oh,
I'm thirty five, now I should settle down and have kids.
For me, it's like I did it the other way around,
you know.

Speaker 2 (18:40):
Sure that makes sense. By the way, I love your
whole vibe all of a sudden, like you're just like,
it's just cha you to calm us. Yeah, I needed
to come down from my video. Can I feel like
if people are listening, it's like a henhouse. Then we
just like had a yoga instructor.

Speaker 4 (18:54):
Yeah, I know. I mean I'm all all over the
place too, so I get it.

Speaker 2 (18:58):
So we have a mutual friend and and actually texted
him last night when I saw that you were coming on.
Adam Whitesman.

Speaker 7 (19:04):
Oh my god, I love him so much. He is
such a good guy. He's like such a good friend.
I talked to him like all day every day.

Speaker 2 (19:10):
We we stated his house in New York. We walked in, yeah,
and because we were we had a we were on
tour for the podcast, and you know, he's like literally
the nicest human imaginable. Like, I mean, he's friends with everybody.
He's so nice, he's so kind, and you know, he's like, oh,
you're in New York and you know, use use my place.
And so we walk in and I'm like, oh my god,

this is the nicest beautiful view place I've ever seen
in my entire life.

Speaker 4 (19:36):

Speaker 7 (19:37):
Yeah, it really is. But his heart is he's placed
in Miami. It's beautiful. But no, he really is a
really good friend. I feel like, you know, he might
be friends with a lot of people, but I think
the people that he's like really close to, like you
really get to know who he is as a person.
And he's just he has the best energy, the best heart,
and I just love him. He's just you know, I'm
really lucky because my boyfriend Mark is like always used

to tell Adam. I'd be like I love you, and
you'd say I love you too, and then like, now
my boyfriend like will be on the phone, He'll be like.

Speaker 4 (20:05):
I love you guys really quick, love you too. We're
like one big Abbey family.

Speaker 2 (20:08):
So that's really sweet. Well, because I was reading when
I was just kind of like doing some of my
you know, research. Obviously I know who you are, but
I was like, all right, I want to like know
a little bit more. You were saying that you wanted
to keep the relationship more low key. And I don't
know how I have to look back at how long
ago that was, but what was then your decision to
go all right, you know, let's do a podcast together,

let's be more, you know, let's talk about this more.

Speaker 7 (20:34):
Well, you know, I'm on Miami Housewives, and I feel
like every season they've been like, hey, who are you dating?

Speaker 4 (20:39):
What's going on in your personal life?

Speaker 7 (20:41):
And I didn't know how to incorporate my boyfriend and
to the storyline and like and it was like a
couple of things. It was like I wanted to bring
them on the show, but at the same time, I
didn't want to just bring them on as my boyfriend.
And I wanted to have a platform for us where
there's so many things that are being said about us,
and all of them are so incorrect, you know, and
it was kind of like I would just listen and like,

look at all these these blogs say the craziest things
about us, and we never could talk back.

Speaker 5 (21:08):
You know.

Speaker 7 (21:08):
I really didn't have a platform where we could basically
be like, Okay, that's inaccurate, by the way, because I
just kept letting the narrative grow and grow, and it
just kept getting so big and it was all wrong.

Speaker 1 (21:18):
You know.

Speaker 7 (21:18):
I feel like a lot of times when you leave
and I talk about this, like when you leave a
relationship or where you're married to someone that's famous, whoever's
not famous, like it's destroyed. It's like you're the bad guy,
you shouldn't have left, You're this, you're that. And for me,
I was like I put in twenty three years, like
I have four amazing kids. I did everything for that relationship.
I purpose like I couldn't have done more for that relationship.

It just didn't work anymore. So it's like I had
to go find my mental like you know, safe place
and like my happiness. And it took me a long
time because I felt like for years I stayed in
a relationship that was horrible.

Speaker 4 (21:50):
I didn't like it.

Speaker 7 (21:51):
I wasn't happy, and I'm kind of glad that I did,
because I wanted to see my kids get older and
have one home rather than like two homes. I know,
like I grew up with a mom and dad, and
I know how like great my life was. I wanted
that for my kids. But at the same time, like
I kept reading all this stuff about me that was
like so not true.

Speaker 2 (22:09):
I'm like, what is the biggest not true thing that
that you were.

Speaker 7 (22:13):
Just I feel like recently, like everyone thinks that like
I've known Marcus his whole life, and I didn't. I
wasn't friends with his parents.

Speaker 2 (22:21):
I was not the well Scotti and Michael had kind
of beef anyways, didn't they.

Speaker 7 (22:26):
No, But when when I was married to Scotti, when
you played for the Bulls, I was only with him
that one last year where he played with Michael, I
wasn't there. I was in college. I met him my
senior year in college, like the summer before my senior
in college. So I wasn't a part of that whole
Bulls dynasty or whatever, like I was in school, you know,
And so people assumed that like I've known them I've

known him. They're like, how could she She's known him
his whole life, And I'm like, by the way, I
just met him like three years ago, Like I didn't
know him his whole life, Like no, and a lot
of times, like you know, recently, like I've been looking
at things and peopeople are like, you know, you get
to choose who you are with. Why did she choose him?
And I'm like, because I wanted to.

Speaker 4 (23:06):
I like him. I like him, like we like each other,
we love each other. Why not? But it wasn't like a.

Speaker 7 (23:12):
Thing Like I think a lot of people want to
turn the narrative and be like, oh, she did this
to spite her ex, and that's not what it is
at all. Like I'm like, not at all. I don't
ask him his personal stuff. He doesn't ask me my
personal stuff.

Speaker 4 (23:24):
You know.

Speaker 7 (23:24):
We talk about our kids and that's it. And I
feel like when people break up, like and they're in
a good place, all they really need to discuss is
their kids, Like there's nothing else for us to talk about,
because if if things were so great between us, we
would have been together.

Speaker 4 (23:36):
That's there's a reason why people break up.

Speaker 7 (23:38):
It's not like, you know, It's not like I can't
nurture a relationship with my ex.

Speaker 4 (23:42):
I don't do that.

Speaker 7 (23:42):
I have to nurture like the relationship that I'm in today.
You know, I'm very current in all my relationships. Like
if like I'm talking to you right now, I'm very
invested in this conversation with you guys. But if I
wasn't here, like I would be very invested in the
conversation with my boys that are here, or like you know,
my dog or my kids, or my friends or work stuff.
But I'm not the kind of person that like goes
back and like harps on bad things that have happened

to me or situations. I don't do that, Like that's
just not my personality. I kind of like deal with it,
move on, deal with.

Speaker 4 (24:10):
The next thing. You know, I'm very president in my situations.

Speaker 2 (24:12):
Okay, you could have saved me a lot of copays
if I just would have met you about seven years
ago in therapy. But how did you and Marcus meet?
Because that's that was my biggest question. I'm sure it's somewhere,
but I'd rather get like the truth from the source.

Speaker 7 (24:25):
So we met at a party. It was like a
Jordan Brand party in La I went with some of
my friends.

Speaker 4 (24:31):
He was there.

Speaker 7 (24:31):
I didn't even know who, Like, I didn't really even
know who he was my friends. He got us into
some VIP area and we talked and he said, hey,
what's up, you know whatever. He's like, ohh Marcus Jordan.
And then we would DM after that and he would
invite me to parties and he would say, hey, I'm
coming to Miami. And we missed each other for like
three years, like I would It was just like two
passing ships, you know. We never were in the same

city at the same time, but we were friends for
like three years.

Speaker 2 (24:56):
Yeah. I love that. And you knew who he was instantly,
and he knew and who you were.

Speaker 4 (25:02):
Well yeah, I mean yeah, okay, we knew yeah, you know, yeah.

Speaker 7 (25:05):
But we had never we had never seen each other
before that, like, never been at parties together or anything
like that.

Speaker 2 (25:12):
How does he like, I mean with being on the
Housewives too, I mean, have you liked going into that
world and then kind of integrating him in that.

Speaker 7 (25:21):
I mean, you know, it's it's a scary story. You know,
it's a scary place to be sometimes when you're on
these shows because it could go either way. And I
think for us, like we're so open in our relationship,
like I share so much of my life anyway, so
it's like, you know, you want to be on this
journey with me because this is where I am today,
and if you do, then let's go. Let's do this
and let's have fun. And I don't you know, I

feel like I didn't want to put pressure on him
to be on the show if he didn't want to
be on the show. I feel like his family they're
very private, like this is not something they like to do.
And I'm sure his family was very skeptical about him
being on the show. But I said, hey, if you
want to come on, you don't have to be a
big part of the drama. If there is drama, you
can just come to dinners. You can come to the things.
If you don't feel comfortable, you can like you know,
like I'll meet you at home, right and we recap

the season then it you know, it was great.

Speaker 4 (26:07):
We had a great season. I think so far, so good, and.

Speaker 2 (26:10):
I love that. I have a question about family dinners, LARSA,
are you going to dinner with Michael Jordan? No, okay,
anything you want.

Speaker 7 (26:19):
To say, I haven't hung out with his dad. I've
only hung out with his mom.

Speaker 2 (26:23):
Okay, I just wondered, is that is not hard? Like?
Is there is that you know? Have they have?

Speaker 1 (26:32):

Speaker 7 (26:32):

Speaker 2 (26:33):
Yeah? Is that just? Is that a tricky kind of
walk to to walk?

Speaker 6 (26:37):

Speaker 7 (26:37):
Because I feel I feel like, you know, it's probably
awkward for them, like for my ex and his dad,
and but I like I get it. I'm not like crazy,
like I understand it's different for them. You know, it's
like they had a relationship or have a relationship. I'm
not sure. But like for us, like I don't want
like we never talk about them. We have our own relationship,
We have our own day to day life, Like it

doesn't really involve anyone else than us, my kids. Like
that's really what it's about, to be honest with you.

Speaker 2 (27:03):
Your podcasts called separation anxiety? Do you have separation anxiety? Like?
Where'd the name come from?

Speaker 7 (27:09):
You know what, we spend so much time together. I've
literally never spent this much time with another person other
than my kids. We literally do everything together. We work
out together, we cook together, we work together, like everything
everything together. And so every time I'd be in a
different room and I'd be like, oh my god, separation anxiety.
Or he would say, like if you were at a
restaurant and I'd be like, I have to go to
the bathroom, and then i'd walk to the bathroom. He

would text me like a minute later and be like,
oh my god, I'm going through separation anxiety. So and
so that's kind of where the name came from. But
I feel like I'm like I'm very like loving, like
I like I tell my friends all the time, like
I love you so much, I can never live without you.
I like appreciate you, like I text my friends all
the time like I love you, Like I'm so happy
for you, I'm so proud of you. And I feel

like like that's just kind of my personality. And so
separation anxiety is kind of like you want to have
that separation anxiety when you're not with the people that
you and that like make you feel good.

Speaker 4 (28:02):
You know.

Speaker 7 (28:02):
I think it's really important to surround yourself with people
that like love you and want to see you win.
And I feel like Marcus does that with me. He
wants to see me win, you know. I want to
win with him. I want to one with him. So
it's like a good thing.

Speaker 6 (28:22):
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Speaker 2 (29:56):
Podcasts, do you get annoyed with the age people talking
about because I don't. I don't see we were talking
about it pre like I've I've dated older men with
that gap, but I haven't had the flip. But I'm like, well,
in Catherine's I She's like, what's what's the difference, I'm like,
there isn't any. I just I just think it's society's
being like, oh, you know, the It's just it's not

as common as the other the flip side.

Speaker 7 (30:23):
Yeah, No, I feel like for me, I've dated guys
that were older. My ex was like, you know, ten
and a half, eleven years older than me. I've dated
guys that were, like, you know, twenty years older than
I mean, I've dated guys that were twenty years younger
than me. I've kind of gone it both ways, both
both extremes. I just really think it's based on the
person that you're with and where you are, and you're
like compatibility at the moment, you know, or where you
guys are in life. I don't really view ages like

you're too old, you're too young or whatever, because I like,
I see my mom, and my mom was like the youngest,
like sixty something year old, Like she's super young and
like works out every day and like parties and like
like lives her best life. And so I kind of
grew up in that. Like my means that, you know,
my uncle was married to someone twenty five years older
than I mean, twenty five years young younger than him.

So I've seen age, you know, gaps all the time,
and I don't think it really determines like if you
guys are going to work out, if you guys are.

Speaker 4 (31:12):
Going to be happy. I think it's really based on like,
you know, yeah.

Speaker 2 (31:16):
I agree with thesual. Yeah, and I agree with that
and the piece of like the timeline of things, because
you know, obviously I've only been together with my fiance
for eight months. We're pregnant, like can engage orever. But
it's like, congratulations, that's fun, thank you, I'm excited. But
it's like it doesn't really matter, like whether it's you
meet them and you get whatever it's like, or if
you stay with them for five years and then you

go on the journey. It's like it's whatever works.

Speaker 7 (31:39):
And I think people, people come into your life and
like like at that moment, I know people that have
dated in the past that I was like, oh my god,
what was I thinking? But I'm like, no, I kind
of needed that at that point. And even friends to
come into your life. It's certain parts of your life
where you like need them or there's a reason for
all this stuff, you know. Yeah, And so I don't know,
I don't really view age like that. I'm like just

living my best life. I'm happy, he's happy.

Speaker 2 (32:01):
So you have the calmest and I love it so much. Really, yeah,
so certain and so calm.

Speaker 7 (32:06):
If you if you watch me, if you watch him
on Housewives it they call me the larcenist because I'm
really nice until I'm not.

Speaker 2 (32:14):
Like, I feel that for me Detroit, but that's fine whatever.

Speaker 7 (32:18):
Oh okay, so yeah, I'm from Chicago, so we're neighbors,
get it.

Speaker 2 (32:21):
Yeah, yeah, it's we get man. There's something about like
the Midwest girl. Yeah, like we are just so good
until we're not and then yeah, totally it's your funeral. Yeah,
exactly right.

Speaker 3 (32:34):
Switching gears for a second. I'm sure you hate getting
this question and you're sick of talking about it, but
obviously you were friends with the Kardashians. Are y'all still friendly?
Is there not? I know there was. We were kind
of debating that earlier, like, are y'all still friends?

Speaker 2 (32:46):

Speaker 5 (32:46):
I think we're.

Speaker 7 (32:47):
Cool, you know, I think like people go through different things.
I think I was in a different place, they were
in a different place.

Speaker 4 (32:53):
I don't know.

Speaker 7 (32:54):
I just feel like I'm you know, I used to
put so much emphasis on my friends five years ago,
ten years ago because I kind of felt like I
needed it. I just was missing something and I really
needed my friends to fill that void because I didn't
have it at home, and I feel like today I
have everything that I want at home, So I don't
really need like these outside situations because I feel like

my like my cup is full. So right now, I
feel like I'm really good.

Speaker 4 (33:17):
You know.

Speaker 3 (33:18):
I love that.

Speaker 2 (33:19):
So what was the age? What was the youngest age
of your kids when you did go get divorced?

Speaker 7 (33:28):
So I feel like I filed for divorce six years ago.
Sophia has fourteen so eight eight okay, because it's no
six eight yeah eight right, No, she's fourteen sixteen six
two six to.

Speaker 2 (33:39):
Six of that. Yeah, because I I I struggled with
when to leave my X too. It's like when when
I found out that he had like the first round
of affairs, you know, my daughter was little, she was
only six months and I'm like, well god, I'm like,
I come from a divorced family. I don't want the
divorce separations and the all you know, all that stuff.

Hi's the way, little one.

Speaker 4 (34:02):
Okay, Cruise, that's curious. Sorry, Okay, cruise on over?

Speaker 2 (34:07):
You should he dog train or what's happening? She's like, hey, cruise.
He's like all right, I got it, such a little
but anyway, so yeah, so it but then you know,
you get to a point where I ended up filing
when they were got it. Jace was two and four,
but my daughter was four, but I think at that age,
but it's just like I don't know if I could

have gone longer than that, because you just you're as
much as I wanted the family. I was just you're
so broken. And it's so I heard you say, like,
you know, you tried to go as long as you could.
Was there a piece of you that like, I'm I'm
good with with you know, the the journey and how
long it went and took and stuff. But I couldn't
imagine going another six years feeling that same like head

against the wall.

Speaker 7 (34:56):
I feel like I, you know, I stayed in as
long as I could. It was it was one of
those things that like I knew in my heart, like
it wasn't going to be like a for everything, Like
I knew in my heart, but I had so many kids.

Speaker 4 (35:06):
I had four kids.

Speaker 7 (35:07):
You know, my kids were like and you know, athletes
and like traveling and stuff. So it's really hard because
I felt like they needed both of us, you know,
like one would travel with them, one would be home
with the other kids. It was just like a lot
of stuff, and like both of us are very hands
on parents, Like we both have like very traditional you know,
we both like take care of our kids the same way.
We're both we both come from traditional backgrounds, so I

feel like we both like are very much a part
of our kids' lives and want to see our kids
do well. So it was it's definitely hard. It's not
an easy road. I mean, that was probably the darkest
time of my life, to be honest with you.

Speaker 4 (35:38):
It was like the worst and I felt a lot
of guilt.

Speaker 7 (35:40):
I think when you have young kids, you feel like
guilt because you're like just suck it up and just
stay and just do it for your kids. And I
feel like my parents like literally were mad at me
for leaving. They wanted me to stay for my kids,
or like you have young kids, you have so many kids,
like you have to stay and work it out for
your kids.

Speaker 4 (35:56):
But I was miserable, like it just.

Speaker 7 (35:58):
Was not good for me, you know, not to say
like you knows it has nothing to do with like
like my ex wasn't bad. It was it was just
like it just didn't work, you know. Sure, So I
think we have to do what's best for us, you know,
as women. I think it's like really challenging because we
do have to be like, you know, we have to
be the best parent, right because we're women. We give

these kids life. Like you have to really be very
much like hands on with your kids. You have to
be good looking or you're going to get cheated on.
You have to be you have to work.

Speaker 2 (36:26):
It doesn't matter. Let me tell you, it does not
matter how good looking you are. You're good.

Speaker 7 (36:30):
I know, I'm just saying, Oh, I'm just saying for yourself,
just in case you need to like exit, like just
in case you need an exit plan.

Speaker 2 (36:36):
But yeah, yeah, there's.

Speaker 7 (36:40):
Like a lot of pressure. There's a lot of pressure
on women. It's just like not easy for us, you
know well.

Speaker 2 (36:44):
And I also think when you guys are you know,
when there's divorced with children, I feel like the mom
is where my heart is the most because you're also
why should just say it doesn't matter, but you guys
are triaging the children, like it's the children's feeling first.
There's no room for you to to feel what you
need to feel when you want to feel it. Most

of the time, like you're still chugging ahead. So that
dark time is something I've heard, you know, Like my
best friends is a single mom and she was like
there was no time. I didn't get to process at
all until like two years later or whatever.

Speaker 4 (37:17):
Yeah, No, it's it's hard. It's hard on us, you know.

Speaker 7 (37:19):
I feel like we have to like rally and be
proud of ourselves and be proud of like you know,
like we've Like for me, I feel like I've come
so far. I've come so far, you know. I didn't
think that I could make it, and I'm making it
and I'm happy and I'm thriving. And it's funny to
me when I see people like bash me and I'm
like online, it's so easy to hate, but it's like
it's so easy to hate, but for me, I'm like, listen,

I refuse to hate. I just love, Like I just
want to surround myself with people that make me feel good,
that I make feel good, Like that's my personality. And
if people want to hate and say oh, X, Y
and Z, that's on them, like good luck, like be
miserable in your own life, like not, it's not gonna
work on me.

Speaker 2 (37:54):
Yeah, man, it is hard though. I Mean, we talk
about that all the time on here, but it's still
so hard to I think it's personally, it's still hard
to read comments. I'm like, man like, but it's interesting
how off they have it. Like we were just saying,
she was telling me she was reading one of my
hate pages. Like they're like, that's not when she's due.
I'm like, oh, because you know when my due date
is and then can tell you. I'm like, please, Like,

so you talked about parenting with your ex and how
you guys are in alignment traditional you guys have that
same mentality. Do you still have like a very good
relationship with each other? Do you co parent? Well, what's
the relationship?

Speaker 7 (38:27):
How do you think the only thing we like, my
kids are getting older now, Like I feel like the
only thing we need to discuss for my kids other
than that, like we don't. There's no reason for me
to like, sure, you talk to anyone that's in my past. Sure,
Like I said, I'm very present, Like I'm very more
part of where I am today. I don't look for
the future. I don't look for the past. I kind
of just like stabilize for the future. You know, Yeah,

I'm here and then like I'm prepared for left or
right going into the future, but like I don't. I
don't live my life like that, and I just feel
like that's what works best for me, you know.

Speaker 2 (38:56):
Yeah, So what are you guys doing on separation Anxiety? Then, like,
you guys, is it about your relationship? Do you bring
people on? Like what's your to get everyone to go
over and listen to that?

Speaker 7 (39:06):
So Separation Underscore Anxiety Underscore podcast is basically just you know,
we talk about relationships, we talk about current events. I
just we shot a podcast yesterday where we wrote my
attorney on who basically gave legal advice Likelora.

Speaker 2 (39:19):
Wasser you know it's mine.

Speaker 7 (39:22):
No, no, no, his name is Jason Giller. But we
talked about, you know, prenups and why is it good
or bad to have a prenup and like are they
ironclad or like stuff like that, like the information people
want to know because I feel like I have so
many friends, so many guy friends that are like in
the process of like getting engaged, and they don't know
They're like, should I get a prenup?

Speaker 4 (39:40):
And I'm like, yes, you, by the way, should Like
so you're just a prep Yeah, I think it's you.

Speaker 7 (39:46):
Know, it saves a lot of heartache at the end
because it's like you understand exactly what you're going into.
You understand the process is there's no like you know.

Speaker 2 (39:52):
Yeah, well guessing game. But let me just say, postnups
do not hold up. I learned that last time. Yeah,
the go for the pre post. I was just like,
this is true love. I don't need a prenup. We
need to bring up. Yeah, there's a lot of business.

Speaker 4 (40:08):
I mean, it's just, you know, it's just it's good.

Speaker 7 (40:10):
I you know, I think there's like you listen, you
can be with someone for if you're with someone for
twenty years, twenty plus years, you need to give them
all your stuff. Okay, that's a long time. That's a
long time. But if you're with someone for two years,
three years, like they were not really entitled to like,
you know, half of whatever you have, that's like insane.

Speaker 2 (40:28):
Yeah, I think anything undertaken. I think it's based good.

Speaker 7 (40:32):
Well, I think it's you know, I think it's based
on the relationship and like what you bring to the
table or everyone brings something, Yeah, everyone brings something different
to the table. I think that there's women that are
really pretty that just you know, hang out all day
and expect their husband to do everything. And there's women
that are really hands on and do everything, and those
women should be compensated for their day to day and
you know what they do to make you better.

Speaker 2 (40:52):
I say amen to that. Let's say her mom now.
But I was I had like a big career and
then my husband is an artist, so he's gone all
the time. So when we had kids, I decided to
stay home because otherwise, no.

Speaker 4 (41:03):
Right, you have to take care of your kids.

Speaker 2 (41:04):
Yeah, and there'd be a nanny like living their best
life with my babies and their everything. You know. But
now I look at I had that moment like the
Carrie Bradshaw moment in Sex and the City where she
was like she was a smart girl till she fell
in love. Like what did I do? You know, like
I've given up my identity, my career. So postpartum with
my first baby, it was so much. But I think
what you're saying makes so much sense because it was

you know, we do what we have to do, especially
when you have traveling husband and a career like that.
There was a comedian. Sorry, I was just laughing. I
can't remember who was now. I was watching it on Instagram.
But she was like, as women, we just give away
our name, like you know what I mean, like we
lose our name. The only time you ever hear like
the word you know, you ever hear your maiden name
is when your son calls you and ask mom, what

was your maiden name? You know? For I was just like,
you do everything away for this man, like.

Speaker 7 (41:57):
She knows, well, you know it's funny because people always
ask me why did you keep your maiden name?

Speaker 2 (42:03):
Any of you guys care, I'm now well, I say
that I went. I've gone back to it again. I
would never do it again. But having said that, now
that we're having a baby together, me and my fans,
and when we get married, I do think I will
be Russell because I'd like to at least be the
same name as the same name, even though my other
two babies aren't my last name. But I don't know.

I just am like, that's That's where I'm toying with
right now.

Speaker 4 (42:30):
Yeah, I feel like I don't know.

Speaker 7 (42:32):
For me, like I kept Pippen because I've been Pippen
longer than I yonan, you know, so for me, I
have four kids that are Pippen.

Speaker 4 (42:39):
It would just be like weird if.

Speaker 7 (42:41):
My least, like my houses or whatever, just like stuff
like that wasn't under the same name as my kids.
But if I do get remarried, like, I'll definitely change
my name. You know, I wouldn't mind doing that, but.

Speaker 4 (42:50):
I wouldn't Jordan. I like it exactly. But you know
what's funny.

Speaker 7 (42:56):
People think I keep my name because of like the name,
and I'm like, if my last name was Jones, I
would still keep it, Like if it was my kid's name, like.

Speaker 2 (43:03):
People do all the time.

Speaker 3 (43:05):
Like my parents got divorced, my mom's life, I mean
I would have kept probably.

Speaker 2 (43:09):
Yeah. My mom kept Framer because she was like I was.
I was a Cramer longer than I was a conmactly.

Speaker 4 (43:13):
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. So I feel like it's just what
you're comfortable with.

Speaker 2 (43:17):
Yeah. Well, Larsa, I just love you. I'm gonna chext
Adam right now and just just say you know how
amazing you are. But thank you for coming on Wine down.
We really appreciate it.

Speaker 4 (43:27):
Thank you guys. I had the best time. I appreciate
you guys.

Speaker 3 (43:30):
Nice to meet.

Speaker 2 (43:31):
Everyone listened to Separation anxiety with Larsa Pippin and Marcus Jordan.
I already have separation anxiety from me.

Speaker 4 (43:38):
I know I'm already missing you guys.

Speaker 2 (43:40):
I know. I'm like, let's be together. Yeah, can we
do Miami? Can I pop the baby out?

Speaker 1 (43:48):

Speaker 3 (43:48):
Yeah, after baby?

Speaker 2 (43:51):
Wait, So I can't tell you when I'll tell you off, Eric,
I'll flat into your d MS. But the we can
have we should have the bachelorette party in my me.

Speaker 3 (44:00):
Oh yeah fun.

Speaker 2 (44:01):
Oh my husband would love that. He this is good,
like I for a night. Okay, so fun, so fun.

Speaker 3 (44:11):
All right, I'll talk to you guys soon.

Speaker 2 (44:16):
Okay, I'm upset. Can we slide into I can slide?
Girls can slide into girls, gms. We're sliding.

Speaker 3 (44:22):
She was so sweet, love her love.

Speaker 2 (44:25):
I feel obnoxious.

Speaker 7 (44:31):
Hell, I know.

Speaker 2 (44:33):
I was like, oh, we're having a meditation, Hi, like
I was all in.

Speaker 3 (44:36):
The best was the dog?

Speaker 2 (44:38):
Hey cruise, Hey cruise up exactly sounds and right eva
witch laugh Afterwards. There was one other thing I was
going to say, now I can't remember. I have my brain.
It's funny though about being loud. Alan's son was like,

you're so loud. I know because I'm like I'm deaf.
I think the two kids. I was screaming in my
ear because it was in the back seat. He was
in the front whatever and I was in the back seat,
and I just I think when I get really excited,
I get loud. So I'm like so it was like, God,
your soul. Lot. I was like, I know, it's just

because I get really excited, like my ears are bleeding,
then can I go back home? And other times okay,
are more like I don't have a middle. No, no,
you don't have a middle. But I don't think you're
allowed human Well, I can't do.

Speaker 3 (45:33):
We're all we all can be very loud.

Speaker 2 (45:36):
You should catch us in the hotel room after wine down.
We are a mess. Girls. I love you. I love
you too. Thanks for pulling me out the postpartum bubble
when I do potentially get us all interested. And you
just had your outlaws leads so you know you needed
you needed to. I do not have a bristle like her.
In the moment, You're right with myself. You're good, all right,

We'll see you next week.

Speaker 1 (45:57):
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