Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The Thread show is on it.
Speaker 2 (00:01):
Yeah, Fread's fun.
Speaker 1 (00:02):
Fact so much.
Speaker 3 (00:11):
This is kind of a this is kind of crazy.
If you're a user of the THHC, you might think
about that. You might sit back later and think about this.
But there is a place in the Pacific known as
Point Nemo. At certain times of the day, Point Nemo
is closer to the International Space Station than it is
to any other land So there's a point on Earth that,
at certain times of the day is closer to space
than it is to it to land on Earth.
Speaker 2 (00:42):
Well, wow, because the rotation axle.
Speaker 3 (00:47):
The axis you mean as actually, yeah, axles on like
a Ford.
Speaker 2 (00:51):
Well, I haven't been assigned.
Speaker 3 (00:54):
There might be an axle on the Earth. I'm not certain,
but I think you're talking about access. Yeah, I think
it's about the rotation and all of that. But yeah,
there's a place in the Pacific known as Point in Email.
At certain times of the day, it is closer to
the International Space Station than to any other landmark.
Speaker 2 (01:09):
Speaker 3 (01:09):
Yeah, yeah, more Fred show next right here,