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September 18, 2024 14 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's the Fred Show. This is what's trending.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
I just texted my sister, do you want me to
lie to the Catholic Church? Remember, Jerry, it's not a
lie if you believe it. George Costanzo, I don't believe it.
Though this is confirmed, it's a lie. I mean, I

guess it's very systematic at this place. Sundays at two
o'clock is when they happen, and it just is what
it is. So I don't know how much time these
people have to, like do all the research whenever, but
some people take it very seriously.

Speaker 1 (00:35):
And I don't condone lying.

Speaker 2 (00:36):
I don't condone lying, but I also think it's a
little bit silly, like this is something that my sister
wants to do for her kids. She does want to
introduce them to Catholicism. She does want them to like
experience it and then they can decide when they're old enough.
So I don't know why the church would be like,
oh no, no, no, don't do that, because I'll tell

you what's going to happen is if they don't say yes,
probably she'll get baptized somehow.

Speaker 1 (01:02):
But with no god parents, then you know that's not great.
So I don't. I don't know. I think it's kind
of weird.

Speaker 2 (01:07):
I mean, I'm not I'm not a Jew, I'm not
like a completely different religion, which which even then if
I were, and I'm like, no, I support.

Speaker 1 (01:16):
U support this.

Speaker 3 (01:17):
I'll take the right for giving me this.

Speaker 1 (01:19):
Did you feel it out for me? So I don't.

Speaker 2 (01:21):
Will you circle what you think is appropriate so that
I'm not responsible for it?

Speaker 3 (01:25):
You're funny.

Speaker 1 (01:27):
I honestly I do. I do.

Speaker 2 (01:29):
I think it's because I was raised Maybe I should
reconsider this whole thing. I think it's because I was
raised Catholic that I seriously have guilt. I have feelings
of guilt about lying.

Speaker 1 (01:37):
I would do. Yeah, you should.

Speaker 2 (01:40):
I mean I harbored. I harbor all kinds of Catholic
guilt every day in my life too. It's a real thing,
like when I when I make poor decisions, I think, like,
what's God gonna think? I really do, like believe it
or not. People probably would be surprised to know.

Speaker 1 (01:53):
That about me.

Speaker 4 (01:54):
It's not a lie if you believe it. Yeah, from
the Great George Costanza. Yeah, well you were printing when
I read that. Sorry, gets material off the text line.

Speaker 1 (02:07):
I didn't know. No, I read the text. Sorry, I
just thought I just I just read. No. No, that's
a that's a famous George can Stands a line from Seinfeld.

Speaker 2 (02:18):
No, and that's why I was debating. Sorry, yeah, no,
we had a whole conversation. You were off printing, so
you were getting me in my form. You're you're, you're
by the way your thing works. It was just an
error in the printer. It was a there was a
jam up in the printer. You see now again another
reason why I would never survive in the real world.
I don't know how to work office equipment. I don't
know how to don't you you know why the printer

see they don't want me to lie in this form?
They don't. I think you're onto something. The printer jam
to try and save me from my own fate, or.

Speaker 3 (02:52):
It's saying, don't you dare lie.

Speaker 2 (02:54):
I think I'm gonna tell the honestly, I think I'm
gonna tell the truth. I'm gonna tell the truth. I'm
going to stand up to the to the church to
lay there's a woman who gets to decide that's like
and not that it's a woman. They could be a man,
but I'm saying, there's a lady at a desk somewhere
that like, this is her decision. She gets to decide
if I'm worthy, you're not. So I think I'm just
going to tell the truth. And if they don't lie,
if I'm not fit, then so be it.

Speaker 3 (03:14):
Up to the church and you just go back to Uh.

Speaker 1 (03:17):
Yeah, I wonder if the check I'm gonna write is fit.

Speaker 3 (03:19):
Though that's what I yes, will make big donation, right.

Speaker 1 (03:26):
I shouldn't say this. Do you want me to lie?
On the form? Man that says yes, and a lot
of it's not even a lie.

Speaker 5 (03:34):
You went to church on Sunday, you're a Partican Catholic,
you're not married, that's okay.

Speaker 3 (03:39):
Like so when you go down there.

Speaker 2 (03:41):
And hold lot of seconds, how do you well, you
send send a bell on my sister's number and get
her on the phone. Please, I don't know how to
dial out yet. One more thing I don't know how
to do. I got it you, I honestly don't know
how to How do you dial out on this thing?
I don't even know? It doesn't matter. Well, maybe bet
I can do it for it zero because the other
thing is that's and then it's gonna it doesn't matter

because then it's gonna ring, and nobody wants to hear that.
So maybe my sister won't answer because she's raising children
so doesn't have time for these sorts of shenanigans. Well,
I mean she already lied, is what it means. She
already told them a lie.

Speaker 1 (04:14):
We do it.

Speaker 3 (04:15):
It's best for our kids, so I may if.

Speaker 2 (04:17):
She already lied, the lie has already been told. So
I'm not lying.

Speaker 1 (04:21):
You're not lying because she already lied.

Speaker 3 (04:23):
What line?

Speaker 2 (04:24):
I feel like that makes a lot of sense. If
the lie has already been told, then I am no
longer the liar.

Speaker 3 (04:30):
I see no lies.

Speaker 2 (04:31):
I'm simply supporting my my sister in Christ.

Speaker 4 (04:35):
And your sister's trying to do everything not to go
on this family vacation.

Speaker 1 (04:38):
That's what it sounds like to me.

Speaker 2 (04:40):
Well we're not going there anymore, okay, Well, speaking of
you know what, you know what, and Caitlin has more
on this in the Entertainment Report, But you want to
talk about somebody who needs christ. Sean Diddy Coombs was
denied bail at a hearing Tuesday and will remain in
federal attention on charges including racketeering, sex trafficking by four,

fraud and coercion.

Speaker 1 (05:01):
More on that than the entertainer report.

Speaker 2 (05:03):
Crazy story and listening to it yesterday that the prosecutor
describing all the charges and why it's outrageous. It's really
really crazy.

Speaker 1 (05:13):
There was an issue on a flight yesterday.

Speaker 2 (05:16):
Some Delta Airlines passengers are recovering from a pressurization issue
on a flight from Salt Lake to Portland. It caused
bloody noses and other issues. One passenger says, I looked
over at my husband and he had both of his
hands over his ears, you know, kind of leaning forward.
I looked at it rolle behind me. On the other
side of the aisle, there was a gentleman that had
a bloody nose. People were trying to help him. Another

person had blood coming out.

Speaker 1 (05:39):
Of their ear. Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2 (05:41):
They're saying it wasn't a serious injury, but medical personnel
did identify ten individuals in need of evaluation or treatment
following the flight. This is from a loss of pressorization
on the flight.

Speaker 1 (05:53):

Speaker 2 (05:53):
Also in Delta News this morning, turns out that flight
attendants need to wear underwear and Delta had to issue
an entire statement about this. Delta Airlines is reminding flight
attendants that they need to be wearing underwear. The airline
recently released a two page memo for appearance requirements for
future hires, outlining strict guidelines for how one should look
during the interview process.

Speaker 1 (06:14):
So what must have happened many?

Speaker 2 (06:17):
How many times must they have had an issue before
they have to release a statement right saying, Hey, show
up to your interview with underwear on, and like, how
would they know.

Speaker 1 (06:28):
That you didn't have it?

Speaker 3 (06:29):
That's what I'm worriing about it.

Speaker 2 (06:30):
But like, you know, if it happens once or twice,
you probably don't issue a statement, like a whole memo
about it. So this must be like an epidemic. The
airline released this thing. Delta outline stipulations for grooming, hair, jewelry,
and clothing, and include a specific rule regarding underwear. According
to the memo, potential hires and current flight attendants must
wear proper undergarments, but they must not be visible. Oh wow,

so you can't wear like big underwear. They're saying, no
lines lies. Oh my gosh. They're saying, if you work there,
you gotta you're gonna have to wear that song every day.

Speaker 3 (07:04):
I would not work for Delta.

Speaker 1 (07:06):
The men too. The men can't show anybody that's a
very good that's a very good question. Kiki, You're gonna
have to dust off the one thong.

Speaker 3 (07:14):
You are right, they're gonna be sitting.

Speaker 1 (07:16):
Another memo out.

Speaker 2 (07:20):
In the interest of transparency and clarity for all prospective
candidates for encouraging people to dress for success and give
a first impression, a good first a great first impression
as they aspire to join the flight attendant ranks. Wow,
So I don't know. I people aren't wearing bras. I
would imagine that's what they're talking about, because you know,
I don't know how you know, necessarily if somebody was
was or wasn't. I mean, if you're wearing like grandy underwear,

you could see the lines. But I don't see how
they can tell you couldn't do that, right, Can they
tell you what kind of underwear to wear or enforce that?
I guess Instagram is trending today. They're gonna automatically put
teenagers into private accounts with more restrictions. Meta announced Instagram
teen accounts on Tuesday, which will limit who can contact
teenage users on the app, what content they see and

who they interact with. Teens under the age of sixteen
will need parental permission to make the settings any less strict,
so they're ought to protect people. This pepper spray incident
in the building earlier. If you ever tried to to
like give a speech or something, and I'm like on
the verge of coughing the entire every second I speak,

I think I'm gonna cough because somebody down the hall
decided to like test their pepper spray to make sure
it were This is not a joke. Someone let their
pepper spray go in the building at five o'clock this morning,
and now we're all breathing it because it goes through
all the events because I don't know why. So this
is what I'm dealing with today, Like I'm on the
the verge of coughing every second. Oh here she is, Hi, Amanda,

good good morning.

Speaker 5 (08:52):
Here on speaker phone, and there's Blue in the background,
and I've got both girls drinking bottles.

Speaker 3 (08:59):
What episode do you know which episode?

Speaker 1 (09:02):
This is? Colin?

Speaker 3 (09:02):
I just walked in. No, I'm got dropped off my
head to tell you.

Speaker 1 (09:08):
Polly's right here.

Speaker 5 (09:09):
And you say good morning.

Speaker 3 (09:11):
Oh, never mind, she's all right in the morning.

Speaker 1 (09:14):
It's too early. You want me to lie on this thing.

Speaker 3 (09:19):
Why would you bring this to a national platform.

Speaker 1 (09:22):
I don't well, well, because.

Speaker 5 (09:29):
I need I want Mom to to make sure this.
I want to make sure this is done for Mom's sake.
I want to make sure it's done for Nana's sake.
And I think, unfortunately, if we don't expand upon the truth.

Speaker 2 (09:50):
That's right, what did Mom try and tell the other
church that we don't go to, that we don't deal
with any more. That like we were privately, but my
nana had a cardinal private She came up with a
very elaborate story that absolutely never happened. And my mom,
we love her so much, but she is a woman
of too many words sometimes.

Speaker 1 (10:10):
I mean, the stories just grow and grow and grow.

Speaker 2 (10:13):
And before long the Pope himself flew to Arizona and
bestowed the honor upon us. I mean, like it was incredible,
the length of the story. Okay, so you know what,
go ahead, go ahead.

Speaker 5 (10:28):
Polly had to be baptized in the Bahamas so that
we could get around the system, and we can't do
that with me this time. And I really do think
this church is like, they're lovely, they're wonderful. The woman
on the phone seemed much more open to us and
our family. So I don't know, fingers crossed, but yes,
I'd love you to just maybe pray about it.

Speaker 2 (10:46):
I don't know, but what if there's a secret handshake
of the confirmed and I don't know it, and so
like when I show up there, like.

Speaker 1 (10:52):
We'll find it, you know what to do.

Speaker 5 (10:54):
Find to reddit for him for all these nings, and
we'll just make sure we know.

Speaker 2 (10:57):
I've been watching that set I started last night that
Mormon Wives with the did. Yeah, maybe we should do that, Amanda,
because the soft swinging sounds not terrible.

Speaker 5 (11:08):
Oh my god, I'm dying to start separately.

Speaker 2 (11:10):
Of course, like you youseff swinging and me in separate locations.

Speaker 1 (11:14):
But yeah, all right, so you know what I'm gonna
this is.

Speaker 2 (11:19):
I'm not going to announce publicly what I'm what I've
decided to do, but I will say this.

Speaker 1 (11:24):
I like the way that you put it.

Speaker 2 (11:26):
This is this truly is all for my grandmother ri
I p Nana, this verra, this is this is truly
only being done because I don't Amanda, you probably baptize
her somehow, but you wouldn't necessarily do the Catholic route
if not for Nana's devotion.

Speaker 3 (11:42):
I well, Collins, I mean, he's Irish Catholic.

Speaker 5 (11:44):
We're both Catholic, so I think I would find a
way to do it. I just it's the godparent piece
that's way more cumbersome than I thought, like in terms.

Speaker 3 (11:54):
Of what is required.

Speaker 5 (11:55):
But even even my best girlfriend, Polly's godmother, this Catholic
church said she could be like a Christian witness, whereas
the other church.

Speaker 3 (12:04):
Said if she was a Catholic she couldn't.

Speaker 1 (12:05):
Even be involved.

Speaker 3 (12:06):
So this one's much more flexible.

Speaker 1 (12:08):
And you know, like I think it's gonna be.

Speaker 3 (12:10):
Okay, But yes, it is important to me. But mostly
this is.

Speaker 1 (12:13):
Like a nod to Nana. For sure. We're gonna make this.

Speaker 2 (12:18):
If you are a well, if you're Catholic clergy and
you're listening to this, I'd be shocked. But if you're
Catholic clergy, you should understand. We're trying to do the
right thing here, we really are. We're trying to set
these girls up to make the right choices for themselves,
period were and we're guiding them in the right. We're
pointing them in the right direction, and then they can decide,
you know, once they're old enough, which is what our
parents did for us. So if I do need to

extend the truth a bit, I'm doing it for Nana,
and Nana is ultimately the only reason I'm getting into
heaven someday. She is the only one who can wipe
away my sins.

Speaker 3 (12:49):
I think you've got it.

Speaker 5 (12:50):
Maybe as you're filling out the form, hold some of
her prayer beads in your other hand and just pray
for forgiveness instead of permission, and we'll.

Speaker 1 (12:57):
Do our best.

Speaker 2 (12:58):
Speaking Ron available with with that holy water to spray
on me from Sunday. He might be because I'm going
to fill this format and then I need to be
rebaptized after that.

Speaker 1 (13:06):
That's right, But he say when he walks into the room,
he can just make it holy. Hold on. Let me
sign this thing a man Sunday a man.

Speaker 4 (13:18):
As I sign its.

Speaker 2 (13:20):
Deacon available, maybe we'll get Deacon rand Man get on
the airplane comes to Chicago.

Speaker 1 (13:25):
I got a guy. Your name is Deacon Ron.

Speaker 3 (13:27):
Yeah, he's lit.

Speaker 2 (13:27):
It's Polish Catholic, but it's fine. It's the same it's
the same, the same God.

Speaker 3 (13:32):
It's all the same thing.

Speaker 4 (13:33):
Yeah, exactly. Do you have a backup? Do you have
a backup if your mother cannot do it?

Speaker 2 (13:38):
Yes, Judaism, scientology. Scientology is the backup plan.

Speaker 3 (13:45):
Back to the Bahamas we go.

Speaker 2 (13:46):
Yeah, Tom Cruises. Tom Cruise is topping by. He's going
to handle this for the girls.

Speaker 3 (13:50):
Keep away from Tom. We'll never see you again.

Speaker 2 (13:53):
All right, guys, we're going to get this done and
it's everything's gonna be great and we're going to handle it.

Speaker 3 (13:58):
Okay, okay, Well, thank you all trying.

Speaker 2 (14:01):
To video camera off. We're not posting this video. Key,
you can get out in here with your social media crazy,
all right. I love you guys. Help Polly and May
I love.

Speaker 1 (14:09):
Them, love y'all.

Speaker 3 (14:10):
Thanks Ella, all right bye.

Speaker 1 (14:13):
In the eyes of the Lord, okay, for the Lord.
Uh here. I'll get to the rest of these stories later.

Speaker 2 (14:18):
But yeah, you gotta we're underwear if you're gonna work
for Delta.

Speaker 1 (14:22):
Alright, it's air Force.

Speaker 2 (14:23):
It's the Air Force's birthday today, National HIV AIDS and
Aging Awareness Day, okay specific and National Cheeseburger Day to
day as well, So let's do the entertainmer of Fortnext
blog's new wedding by the Phone. Got money with showby Shelley,
came show Wednesday. He's coming up as well, the Frend Show.
It's not a good morning

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