Two Middle Tennessee Homes Struck By Lightning

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Two homes in Middle Tennessee were struck by lighting during storms Monday (February 21) night.

According to News Channel 5, two homes in Columbia were damaged during storms Monday evening when lightning struck the structures. Both homes are located near Columbia State Community College.

Columbia Fire and Rescue responded to the first scene after lightning struck the side of a house while it was occupied and caught on fire. A neighbor who noticed what happened alerted the occupants who were then able to escape to safety.

"Nobody was hurt, but the home did sustain fire damage," said Fire Chief Ty Cobb.

Shortly after leaving the sight of the first home, crews responded to reports that lightning had struck another home nearby, damaging the sprinkler system. The damage was so extensive that the elderly resident who lives in the home is staying with a friend until the wiring can be inspected, the news outlet reports.

"Went through the electrical outlets," said Cobb. "There was charring in the garage, lots of damage. We had to pull the meter on that home."

According to Cobb, around 50 people are killed each year by lighting and hundreds more injured. While being struck by lightning is incredibly rare, it's important to be prepared to prevent it happening to you.

Fire officials suggest staying away from concrete floors and walls that could contain wire, rebar or mesh and to not touch any faucets or metal fixtures in your home. Additionally, it is best to have your electronics charged ahead of time and not use them while they are connected to an outlet.

"You should also make sure that you stay away from anything like water in the kitchen and showers," said Cobb. "Stay in the living room, stay in areas where you know you're safe with four walls."

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