Texas Doctor Debunks Common Snake Bite Myths

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As the temperature warms up, snakes are more likely to be out and about in Texas. Dr. Crosby, assistant ER director at Las Palmas Medical Center in El Paso, is debunking some of the most common snake bite myths. So, if you happen to come across one, here's what you should — and shouldn't do — if you are bitten by a snake, according to News 4 San Antonio:

What you should do first:

The first thing you should do if bitten by a snake is to remain calm.

If you've been bitten in the head or neck area:

If you've been bit in the head or neck area, head to an emergency room as soon as possible. "You can have swelling in that area that could compromise your breathing, that could be dangerous," Crosby said.

If you've been bitten on the hand or arm:

If a snake bit you in the hand or on your arm, remove any jewelry or tight-fitting clothing in case of swelling. Clean the wound with soapy water if you're able to.

What you should do next:

Seek a medical evaluation as soon as possible so an expert can determine the type of bite. "There are quite a bit of bites considered dry bites. They may actually bite you, but not eject any venom," Crosby said.

What happens after treatment:

After a doctor treats you for the snake bite, various tests will be done to avoid any serious risks associated with the bite. "Especially, if you have systematic symptoms. Like, nausea, vomiting's, fast heart rate, fast breathing, low blood pressure," Crosby said.

If you've been bitten by a rattlesnake:

At Las Palmas Medical Center, patients who have been bit by a rattlesnake will be monitored by staff to see how fast the redness spreads. An anti-venom could be administered, but not every patient needs it. The patient's heart-rate and breathing will also be monitored.

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