Chicago Named The Second Best City In The World

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The Windy City is one of a kind, and 20,000 people across the globe would certainly agree. Chicago culture cannot be duplicated. The city features some of the best restaurants, parks, and buildings in the country. It is also very affordable, and locals never run out of community events and activities to partake in. The only question that we have now is, who could have possibly scored higher than Chicago?

According to a list compiled by Time Out, Chicago is the second best city in the entire world. The only city that is better than Chicago is Edinburgh, Scotland.

Here is what Time Out had to say about compiling the data to discover the worlds best cities:

"Time Out quizzes more than 20,000 urbanites from across the world about life in their cities, inviting them to weigh in on everything from the local food, drink and culture scenes to friendliness, affordability and livability. Based on those results, Time Out editors crunch the numbers and assemble a ranking of the world’s greatest cities. This year’s list—which pays special attention to the qualities that make a city great to live in and visit—ranked Chicago as second best in the world, beat out only by Edinburgh, Scotland."

For a full list of the worlds best cities visit HERE.

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