This Is The Best Business To Start In Los Angeles Right Now

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A business flourishes based on how people react to it. Certain types of businesses do better in certain areas. For example, a barbecue restaurant might do better in Southern cities than it would along the West coast. Similarly, a gym would flourish more in a city that priorities fitness.

According to Vividmaps, the best business to start in Los Angeles right now is a gym.

Here is what Vividmaps had to say about compiling the data to discover which business would be best to start in each city:

" For each business type, keywords were formulated by adding terms such as “restaurants,” “stores,” “shops,” “parlors,” etc., depending on the type of business. The team then collated Google search volumes for each keyword related to a specific business in each city type using DataForSEO, using the term “near me,” e.g., “Indian restaurants near me.” Competition in each business type in each city was estimated by dividing the number of searches for that business by the number of businesses of that type in that city. The final dataset spans 159 business types across 14 industries and 50 most populous cities in the United States."

For more information regarding the best business to start in America's biggest cities visit HERE.

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