This Chicago Bakery Serves The Best Bread In The Entire State

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Carbs are good for the soul, and nothing satisfies carb cravings quite like a hearty loaf of bread. Bread is universal and is served in great variety. Restaurants often serve bread in small quantities with oils and vinegars as a starter, but bakeries serve entire loaves of bread that you can take home in addition to sweet treats. From white, to wheat, to rye, to pumpernickel, and everything in between, bread has stood the test of time. Regardless of your favorite, there is one bakery in the state of Illinois that serves it better than the rest.

According to a list compiled by Lovefood, the best bread in the entire state can be found at Pan Artesanal located in Chicago. Lovefood recommended trying the "pan de dos quesos," "concha monarcha," and more!

Here is what Lovefood had to say about the best bread in Illinois:

"At Pan Artesanal you’ll find a huge range of both European and Mexican treats. Alongside baguettes, sourdough, and rye bread, there’s pan de leche quemada (burnt milk bread), pan de dos quesos (Mexican cheese bread), and concha monarca (sweet bread with a sugar topping), plus sandwiches served on the best bread. Another speciality is the pan de elote, a cornbread muffin."

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