California County Declares 'Health Emergency'

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Orange County recently declared a health emergency due to a rise in emergency room visits across the county, especially among children. According to KTLA, flu and RSV cases are rapidly spreading throughout the region in record numbers.

“Additionally, a Proclamation of Local Emergency has been declared, which allows the County to access State and Federal resources to address the situation and seek mutual aid from surrounding counties,” KTLA obtained in a statement from the Orange County Health Care Agency regarding the declaration. The Orange County Health Care Agency is not the first in the state to harbor similar concerns. KTLA mentioned that San Diego County has also seen a rise in recent viral infections, and were first to "sound the alarm."

“Local health providers are seeing an early spike in flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) cases, and while COVID-19 cases are currently trending down in the region, a triple whammy of all three viruses circulating at the same time could lead to strains on the already overburdened medical system,” KTLA obtained in a statement from San Diego County's public health agency.

Identifying symptoms of each virus can help to slow the spread of infection across counties. Many are familiar with flu symptoms, but RSV (otherwise known as Respiratory Syncytial Virus infection) is defined by the CDC as a respiratory virus that effects the lungs. The website states that this condition commonly leads to bronchitis, and most symptoms resemble that of a common cold.

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