New Bill Could Change Michigan's Minimum Marriage Age

Photo: Digital Vision

Michigan has never had a minimum marriage age, but that could all change in the coming months. According to MLive, a legislation is being reintroduced that would bring the minimum marriage age to 18. Michigan Senator Sarah Anthony discussed the issue in a press conference stating that the new legislation would "protect girls" across the state.

“Since that time, we have heard promises from the Republican-led legislature that they would take up this bill. Some have done symbolic hearings, some have had very fancy press conferences and press releases saying that they would end it, but yet the mostly men with these gavels have chosen not to take action to protect girls in this state. But today is a new day in the legislature”

MLive mentioned that 16 and 17 year olds are currently able to get married in Michigan with a parent's permission, and younger children can be wed with permission of a judge. Courtney Kosnik married her 28-year-old husband when she was just 16. When she attempted to divorce him shortly after they were married, she was told that she could not legally file for divorce as a 17 year old.

From 2000 to 2001 5,400 minors were married across the state including eleven 15 year olds, and one 14 year old. There have even been cases where the age gap between the couple being married is over 50 years!

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