The Air In One California City Is About To 'Get Gross'

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It's about to get hot in San Francisco. According to SF Gate, as temperatures creep into the 90-degree range, the air quality will decrease. The Bay Area Air Quality Management District issued an air quality warning throughout the region on Thursday that encouraged residents to bike, walk, or work from home as increased use of automobiles will only contribute to the harmful smog. Bay Area Air Quality Management District spokesperson Kristine Roselius told SF Gate that while the rise in temperature is welcomed by locals, the air is not very safe to breathe.

"We definitely have hot temperatures expected in the region and that, along with pollution from vehicles on our roads, creates unhealthy air quality. The tailpipe exhaust goes up into our atmosphere, and when extreme heat and sunlight combine with that pollution, it creates smog which is unhealthy for us to breathe."

So what exactly does an air quality warning entail? According to the district, these warnings are put in place to let residents know that the pollution present in the air is harmful to their lungs.

"It can trigger asthma, inflame the lining of the lungs and worsen bronchitis and emphysema. Long-term exposure can reduce lung function." SF Gate mentioned that children and elderly members of the community should steer clear of being outside for extended periods of time when these warnings are in place.

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