WATCH: Weezer Invite Viral Super Fan On Stage To Perform 'Buddy Holly'

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Imagine playing the same guitar riff from the same song every day for 990 days in a row.

Viral TikToker Evan Marsalli loves the song "Buddy Holly" by Weezer so much, that he did just that. According to Consequence of Sound, Marsalli shared a video of himself playing a riff from the song every day for three years, relentlessly trying to capture the attention of Weezer frontman Rivers Cuomo. Marsalli remained committed but questioned the results of his efforts after recording his 990th video. He told followers that if Cuomo did not duet him by the time he hit 1,000 videos, that he would stop making them.

That same day, Marsalli's efforts captured the attention of Cuomo who duetted his video with the caption, "Challenge you to come play this live on Weezer's Indie Rock Roadtrip this summer. My people will reach out to your people." And they did!

On Wednesday, June 14th, Marsalli joined the band on stage in Madison, Wisconsin to perform the all-to-familiar riff. Video footage shows Marsalli rocking out with the band as the crowd goes wild! With over 990 days of practice, the dedicated TikToker successfully helped the band play "Buddy Holly," and rightfully earned his time in the spotlight.

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