New Poll Shows Where Trump, Biden Stand In Six Swing States

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Former President Donald Trump reportedly has a considerable lead over President Joe Biden in five of the six key battleground states, according to a new poll conducted by the New York Times and Siena College.

Trump reportedly leads Biden by a 52% to 41% margin in Nevada, a 49% to 44% margin in Georgia, a 49% to 44% margin in Arizona, a 48% to 43% margin in Michigan and a 48% to 44% margin in Pennsylvania. Biden reportedly has a 47% to 45% edge over Trump in Wisconsin.

The former president is currently the likeliest candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, holding a significant lead over several former political allies turned rivals in several polls. Trump was reported to have had a nearly 30-point lead over all other declared Republican presidential candidates in Iowa months ahead of the Iowa caucus, according to the latest NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll conducted by Iowa pollster J. Ann Selzer released on October 30.

Two-thirds of likely GOP caucusgoers were reported to dismiss the charges against Trump, who initially had a more than 20-point lead in the first NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll conducted by Selzer in August. Trump was reported to be the first choice among 43% of Republicans in October, an increase from 42% during the initial poll in August.

Selzer, who has been conducting Iowa polls for the past three decades, said "this is a good poll for Donald Trump," noting that Trump had "improved from August" despite his ongoing legal battles.

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