Nebraska Destination Crowned 'Best Vacation Spot' In The Entire State

Photo: Moment RF

March is nearly here, and that means it's just about time to start planning your spring and summer vacations! With so many beautiful locations across the U.S. to choose from, it helps to seek advice from fellow travelers when considering the next place you'll make memories with friends and loved ones.

Explore complied a list of the best vacation spots across the country to make this process a little bit easier for you! The list features reviews from travelers and bloggers who've already been to the best vacation spot in each state.

Per the list, the best vacation spot in all of Nebraska is Kearney.

Here's what Explore had to say about the absolute best place to vacation in the entire state:

"From February to April each year, about a half million sandhill cranes descend on Kearney, Nebraska for migration, the single largest gathering in the world. To experience this magic, head to one of the many viewing decks. Ft. Kearny State Recreation Area offers excellent views from its Trail Bridge. The Crane Trust in Wood River offers a VIP experience with an overnight stay in their cottages and suites, as well as a guided tour from the comfort of viewing blinds."

For a continued list of the best places to vacation across the country visit

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