All Episodes

May 14, 2024 93 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You guys, this is history. What you've done. What ship
that you guys should do? A platform that injuries girls
most morning show, Bass DJ Infes every playing by Rocket.
I made it just hilarious.

Speaker 2 (00:16):
She'll sun upot it. Charlamagne the God made you think
they're liking those controversial questions.

Speaker 1 (00:20):
We're taking this part.

Speaker 3 (00:21):
I like the show.

Speaker 1 (00:21):
Thanks Breakfast Club, Good morning Usa yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
jess hilarious, Good morning, Charlamagne the God. Peace to the plane.
It is today, Good morning, Good morning, hey fresh face. Hello,

how are you?

Speaker 2 (00:43):
I'm good?

Speaker 1 (00:44):
How y'all feel out there? I'm good, I'm good. How
you feeling? Yes, you took a day off yesterday, got
a chance to relax. Yes, did you relax it?

Speaker 4 (00:52):

Speaker 1 (00:52):
I did good? That's all I did. Good good good
might said to me yesterday, they said, how pregnant is? Yes,
she's pregnant. Pregnant is I mean much pregnant? Pregnant? Yes,
pregnant pregnant. Somebody asked you how pregnant?

Speaker 2 (01:05):
I know, yes, I'm definitely pregnant, pregnant.

Speaker 1 (01:08):
Pregnant, pregnant. Did you feel a good Yes, I saw
you out at the Scrimple of a Woman Festival. Yes, strength, Yes,
with the same difference from South Carolina got there. I
saw you with Taji p Henson.

Speaker 5 (01:21):
Tasha Smith, j Blige, Angie Martinez.

Speaker 1 (01:25):
Uh, brave, be more brave.

Speaker 6 (01:27):
It was.

Speaker 5 (01:28):
It was amazing just to be in a room with
all of those women and just soak up all of
the knowledge that they had for self care, fashion, mental health.

Speaker 1 (01:36):
It was entrepreneurship.

Speaker 5 (01:38):
They had a lot of dope panels, method Man and
Lorenz Tate was in the building, the cast of like some.

Speaker 1 (01:42):
Of the Power Universe people. It was dope. It was
a really, really dope venue.

Speaker 2 (01:47):
They had a lot of photo ops Mary and Pepsi
the Dead Thing.

Speaker 1 (01:50):
Yeah, and you hosted it. Yes, I started Detection. I'm
glad I watched the whole vide because I like, you
ain't even you ain't even meet Mary j Block. Oh yeah,
that's close today she did.

Speaker 7 (01:59):
She did.

Speaker 1 (01:59):
Yeah, I don't know. You didn't even.

Speaker 8 (02:13):
Salute to everybody graduating yesterday. My daughter has the Rolling
Loud of graduations. It's three days of graduation. So yesterday
was her school's graduation, which is they break the n
y U breaks down each to each school, business school,
this school, that school.

Speaker 1 (02:27):
So yesterday was her school's graduation.

Speaker 9 (02:30):

Speaker 1 (02:30):
And the way that they did it was they made
the kids walk with their cap and gowns in their
hands to walk in the building to make sure they
didn't have anything pro Palestine. I guess pro Israel, you know,
to protest. So they did that.

Speaker 8 (02:41):
And then what they did was they used chat GPT
to actually say the kids' names. Because there's so many kids' names.
I guess they don't want to mess up the names.
So you walk up to it and a scanner scans
your QR code and then it says Madison Taylor, Casey,
and then she walks across, and then the next one
and the like it.

Speaker 1 (02:56):
Was mad Asian kids. Topic. He would do Asian.

Speaker 8 (03:00):
Names, and then they would do the ethnic names, and
Chad GPT never got it wrong because I was thinking,
if I had to do those names, I would be
killing those days.

Speaker 1 (03:10):
That's why I've been mispronunciating things on purpose for years,
just because I knew that they were gonna come with
chat GPT one day and it wouldn't even matter. Okay,
that's right, clairvoyant a, that's my name.

Speaker 9 (03:22):

Speaker 10 (03:23):

Speaker 8 (03:23):
So today is day two of the role allowed to
graduation and then day three years Yankee Stadium.

Speaker 1 (03:28):
So I'm telling my daughter, like you already got to diploma,
that was the most important one.

Speaker 9 (03:32):
You ain't got to go.

Speaker 1 (03:33):
It's gonna rain two going there. She want to go.
All right, Well, let's get the show cracked.

Speaker 8 (03:38):
We got front page news, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump,
Michael Cohen, that was his attorney. Well, he was on
the stand talking about all the alleged money that he
gave to store me.

Speaker 7 (03:48):

Speaker 1 (03:48):
Just we'll discuss when we come backs, and don't move.
It's to Breakfast club. Come thing. Everybody's DJ and V Jesse,
Larry Chelamaine the guy. We are the Breakfast Club. Let's
get in some front page news.

Speaker 8 (03:59):
Last night in the sports, Celtics beat the Cavaliers one
one O two and the thunderbeat the Mavericks one hundred
and ninety six.

Speaker 1 (04:06):
Boston leaves the series three one and the series is
tied to to that math Thunder game was great. You
said that for it. No, I just could tell about
my group chat that it was great. When I woke
up this morning, they was talking about it was like
that Math Thunder game no. And I was like, oh, okay,
so that Math Thunder game no. Oh my goodness, didn't
see it well.

Speaker 8 (04:26):
Tonight, the Knicks takes on Indiana at eight PM, and
the WNBA begins tonight. Of course people are talking about
Indiana and Connecticut. That game is seven thirty PM. A
lot of people want to see Kaitlyn Clark. And as
I told you guys yesterday, usually attendance for those games
were around three thousand people. Now are expecting over ten
thousand people in this opening game.

Speaker 1 (04:45):
Yeah, I mean the only reason that game is on
TV is because of Caitlin Clark.

Speaker 8 (04:49):
Now, Michael Cohen was testifying yesterday and he's going to
testify again in the Donald Trump trial, and just like.

Speaker 1 (04:56):
We thought, they talked about a lot of what Trump
was alleged.

Speaker 11 (05:01):
The star witness testified that he went to work for
Trump in two thousand and six as his fixer. His
salary three hundred and seventy five thousand dollars a year.

Speaker 12 (05:10):
He loved his job.

Speaker 11 (05:11):
It was fantastic and amazing experience, he said. Trump warned
him right before he announced he was running for president,
be prepared. There's going to be a lot of women
coming forward.

Speaker 1 (05:22):
Sure enough.

Speaker 11 (05:23):
One month before the twenty sixteen elections, Stormy Daniels came
looking for a deal, and Cohen says Trump was incensed,
telling him this is a disaster, a total disaster. Women
will hate me, Guys will think it's cool, but this
is going to be a disaster for the campaign. But
Cohen says Trump wasn't concerned that Milania might leave him.

Don't worry. How long do you think I'll be on
the market for? Not long, Trump allegedly replied. The former
president came to court today with his largest entourage yet,
including two US Senators Jay d Vance of Ohio and
Tommy Tuberville of Alabama.

Speaker 13 (06:01):
Is ridden.

Speaker 10 (06:02):
It's dishonest.

Speaker 1 (06:03):
It's a disgrace to New York. I mean he put
the presidency before the marriage. Okay, he's running for president.
I mean, when you put your priorities in order, He said,
how long can be running for president? You know you're
running for president of the United States of America. I
kind of understand a little bit now. Also, this is crazy.

Speaker 8 (06:23):
An Alabama man who told the police officer get your
ass out of the way after getting a ticket. Now
either has to do jail time or has to write
an apology letter to the officer.

Speaker 1 (06:34):
Now this is in Alabama.

Speaker 14 (06:36):
Judge Nicholas Bull ordered Burkes to apologize to the officer
who gave him a speeding ticket last December. That's in
addition to the two hundred dollars fine Burke shelled out
this week. He believes that making Burke say I'm sorry
to the officer, and Burkes admits he used one bad
word violates his right to free speech.

Speaker 15 (06:54):
According to the federal cases, what has to happen is
those words that he uses, or some has to in
SOT violence. That's not the case in the situation.

Speaker 14 (07:04):
Harrison adds that Supreme Court cases support his interpretation of
the law. Profanity laced language does not violate the law.
As for Birks, he stands firm in the belief that
he was not wrong for what he said.

Speaker 7 (07:17):
But I told my mom, I probably just gonna go
up there and shoot.

Speaker 16 (07:21):
They don't actually give me some time for not ten
days or thirty days whatever they want to give me
for not writing out a policy letter, because I'm not
writing on.

Speaker 7 (07:29):
A policy letter I don't think now it was really
I don't think it's necessary.

Speaker 1 (07:32):
So what he gonna go to jail thirty days? I
don't know, Bro, the news anchors in your town sound
like that, and the sheriff and your time if they
sound like this, I don't think I want to be
in no jail set with them for thirty days. Just
I mean, can you imagine some of the things?

Speaker 8 (07:46):
Yeah, could you imagine some of the things we said
that the police officers when they gave us the tickets
and they pulled us over.

Speaker 1 (07:51):
No, I don't. I don't talk crazy to poll. I
used to well, you're the son of a cop. Now
I used to used to put me over for no
reason and you're the son of a cop. That doesn't
mean anything A lot.

Speaker 5 (08:00):
I ain't in doing of a cop or son of
a cop, and I'd be talking crazy, but not to them.
But like you know, when you in your car exactly.

Speaker 1 (08:08):
Yeah, I don't agree. I'm not going to talk to
them crazy.

Speaker 9 (08:13):

Speaker 1 (08:14):
I used to be so disrespected you the son of
a cop. Used to privilege.

Speaker 8 (08:18):
It was is you're doing nothing, you get pulled over
for doing nothing. The license and registration is usually because
I was driving a nice car. I used to be wow,
like wow, dispect as you get.

Speaker 1 (08:27):
A little older, be like this is stupid.

Speaker 2 (08:28):
And then when you were younger, you were much much lighter.
So exactly and minut billy, let me.

Speaker 1 (08:35):
Let me memble up. Okay, just to remind you, okay,
you're reading this, you can't say the N word. No moka.
Between that, between your skinning complexion and the nice car
you was driving and being the son of a.

Speaker 8 (08:46):
Cop, you was talking crazy to the police officer. We
don't have that lux but he said ass and got
to do thirty a's.

Speaker 9 (08:52):

Speaker 1 (08:53):
I wouldn't have said that if I was in this
passage if you get his choke, yeah, but I been saying,
all right, call it what you want. But you know,
at the end of the day, we got to survive
out here. And I agree that and things like that.
I was stupid back then. Things like that decrease your
rate of survivor right, you're right, all right, Well that
is front page news.

Speaker 8 (09:13):
I remember one time I got pulled over and I
had my dad on the phone exactly, and I was arguing,
I was.

Speaker 1 (09:18):
I was arguing with the cop. I was arguing with
the cop My dad was.

Speaker 8 (09:21):
Just yelling, shut up, shut the up, shut up, and
I got a ticket and it was like, just get
the ticket and go home. You can't beat the police
in the street.

Speaker 1 (09:30):
Shut up. As an officer, your dad, your dad was
the position, he was a detective exactly.

Speaker 5 (09:35):
That's him telling you that, yeah, comments shut up. You
relate to that that white lady who were I can't
relate to a lady thought she was above the Lawshi
definitely got I can't relate to any definitely. Do you
know who my dad is that that didn't matter police officer.

But back in New York, they used to pull people
over for no reason.

Speaker 1 (10:00):
It was it was stupid. But a lot of places.
You're right, all right, Get it off your chest.

Speaker 8 (10:04):
Eight hundred five eight five one oh five one. If
you need to vent, phone lines to wide open again.
Eight hundred five eight five one oh five one. Get
it off your chest. It's the breakfast club the.

Speaker 1 (10:13):
Morning, the breakfast club today. Is it your time to
get it off your chest, whether you're mad or black,
time to get up and get something call up now.
Eight hundred five eight five one o five one. We
want to hear from you on the breakfast club. Hello,
who's this your MD?

Speaker 9 (10:34):
What's the word is mellow?

Speaker 1 (10:35):
You know the vob mellow? What's the vibe?

Speaker 9 (10:37):
What's up?

Speaker 7 (10:38):

Speaker 9 (10:38):
That's how you're feeling? Uncle Shaul? How you felling?

Speaker 1 (10:40):
Hez mellow? What's king?

Speaker 9 (10:42):
How you? Birthday? First and foremost, I gotta shout on
my boy, draded dancer. It's his birthday lost or.

Speaker 1 (10:47):
If you know him.

Speaker 9 (10:48):
But he goes crazy on YouTube. He go crazy on
TikTok and I want to say happy birthday to my god.
That's really my brother.

Speaker 1 (10:52):
What kind of dancing? I'm behold you?

Speaker 9 (10:54):
Uh? He does like you know, he does all the
TikTok trunks. He kind of put them in motion.

Speaker 1 (10:58):
I'might gonna lie to you, okay, crazy Tell was hoping
he was gonna say, like a strip or something. That's
not what I was hoping at all, in no way
shape before.

Speaker 9 (11:06):
We know Charlomon a little sassy. We know he was
talking for that, but it's not.

Speaker 1 (11:09):
I was hoping it's okay.

Speaker 9 (11:11):
But now I'm not gonna lie to you. Yo, Jeff,
are you seeing today? I'm not I'm here to shoot
my shot. I'm not even gonna play with you. We're
gonna treat this like this willing. I'm gonna lett me hollow.

Speaker 1 (11:18):
There's a ball in that basket already, you.

Speaker 9 (11:20):
Know, look ahead. He said, there's a ball in that basket,
and I watched it. I bet any amount of bread
when she follows her taxes, she put up the single.
I bet bread. Did you put I have a man
on your taxes? Did you put single?

Speaker 2 (11:31):
You can't put I have a man on on my
tax Your text is even put single.

Speaker 1 (11:35):
I put single on there.

Speaker 9 (11:37):
Okay. So if you can't tell the government, you tell
me saying different like.

Speaker 1 (11:45):
You put you up on wild. That was nice.

Speaker 9 (11:47):
That was nice, you know the bob, take that a
road with it. The anniversary, No, I'm no mind. Happy anniversary.

Speaker 1 (11:58):
Thank you, bellow. He's mellow my mouth, Hello, who's this
and ready with something like there, what's up?

Speaker 9 (12:07):
Trapped? I know how you doing? What's up?

Speaker 1 (12:09):
Just what's up? Baby?

Speaker 9 (12:11):
I'm doing good. I'm doing good, charlamagne, what's up?

Speaker 1 (12:13):

Speaker 9 (12:15):
I was ready to call and tell you, sir, you
was looking good. You was looking good at your video.
Shar looking like more investment.

Speaker 1 (12:22):
Tell me more, tell me more. That's not okay.

Speaker 9 (12:24):
He was looking like more investments. I turned her in
that video. I ain't never seen blowing in a black
and white video.

Speaker 1 (12:31):
You let's go.

Speaker 9 (12:35):
But also I want to say I'll be dropping. You
know something about the hit I do gotta. I gotta
I got a hit song bro called where did this?
It's actually sampling, Yeah, actually sampling official big Sexy. Now,
I mean he did his little thing on it for me,
y'all know, Yeah, I gotta I got a little bop.

Ain't gonna lie to you.

Speaker 1 (12:57):
Where is that shar I have no idea, but please
tell me where so I can stay away from that
area all up in his dm A. We dropped that
video carrier, I drive bye, y'all. It's a luther, Big
sexy Yo.

Speaker 5 (13:10):
How big Sexy jumps Ohio listen and always lands the
lands of landing like he always it never never looked
like it hurts nothing.

Speaker 1 (13:19):
He'd be getting up there, Yes he does that. If
you asking do the big sex, you have a traffic guard.
Why is that that little highway he'd be walking out?
Always clear? Why you're always clear? Because he waits a luthor,
big sexy. Yes, get it off your chest eight hundred
five eight five one oh five one.

Speaker 8 (13:37):
If you need to hit us up. Now, it's the
breakfast Club. Come morning, the breakfast Club. Wait, this is
your time to get it off your chest. Eight hundred
five eight five one o five one. We want to
hear from you on the breakfast club.

Speaker 7 (13:53):

Speaker 1 (13:53):
Who's this?

Speaker 9 (13:54):
What's good?

Speaker 6 (13:55):

Speaker 9 (13:55):
This is punch Cree.

Speaker 7 (13:57):
I'm about seven?

Speaker 1 (13:58):
What's up? Seven five seven, Hampton, Virginia Road, Hampton Rolls,
Virginia Beach without Norfolk.

Speaker 9 (14:04):
No doubt, no doubt, no doubt, no doubt.

Speaker 17 (14:06):
First, I want to shout out the class of twenty
twenty four NSU.

Speaker 9 (14:11):
My question daughter, she graduated man in s U n
s U n SU.

Speaker 7 (14:15):
And they know.

Speaker 1 (14:16):
Hey, god los, I love Norfolks out to Norfolk State.
I know you do.

Speaker 7 (14:21):
I know you do.

Speaker 17 (14:23):
Listen, man, I want to ask a quick question, charlam Man.

Speaker 6 (14:26):
You did me?

Speaker 1 (14:26):
Brother, Yes, sir, I'm right here, brother.

Speaker 17 (14:28):
I'm trying to get I was trying to get my
book with the company you with man and y'all not never.

Speaker 9 (14:34):
Taking submissions man public.

Speaker 17 (14:36):
I got this new book about untreated petsd and mental
health kids growing up in the projects. For once upon
a time in the projects, the laws and found for
I mean, I would have taken a ben grit.

Speaker 9 (14:48):
I self published, though, man.

Speaker 1 (14:49):
So, but I want to know how and how can
I submit to the company you with bro what I'm
with Simon and Shoes. I got my own company, Black
Privile's publisher with Simon and Shuster. But you can, I mean,
send me the manuscript.

Speaker 17 (15:00):
No, No, I got the book out. I want to
mail you a copy of you. I want to mail
the whole test Man.

Speaker 1 (15:06):
All right, We're gonna put your home with the name
of the book. Tell tell me the name of the book.

Speaker 17 (15:10):
Well, name of the book is called Once upon a
time in the Project the Lost and sat down. You
thought to go to PTSDs for a lot of the
things that I've seen growing up in the project. You
told me PTSD, I talked about Mary d Blige, I
talked about all the projectids.

Speaker 9 (15:25):

Speaker 1 (15:26):
Okay, hold on, brother, Okay, it will put you on hole.
My new book comes out May twenty first, too, man,
next week, next week, May twenty first, My new book,
Get Honus a Dieline Why Small Talk Steps will be
available everywhere you buy books. You can pre order it now. Keith,
what up?

Speaker 13 (15:40):

Speaker 9 (15:40):
What's up? Man?

Speaker 13 (15:41):
How y'all doing?

Speaker 1 (15:41):
What's up? Brother, get it off your chest.

Speaker 13 (15:43):
Hey, man, I just wanted to shout out my mother
in law who's just celebrated sixty years the motherhood, all
her children and two brother who are still here on
account of four.

Speaker 1 (15:53):
That's beautiful.

Speaker 7 (15:54):

Speaker 13 (15:55):
Yeah, I just want to say you're doing a great
job of been listening for a long time.

Speaker 1 (16:00):
D J. D.

Speaker 13 (16:01):
Dollamame of God, and just your great, great, great selection
for the group.

Speaker 1 (16:05):
Thank you, honey. If you want to say mother in
law's name man or state Faith.

Speaker 13 (16:10):
Johnson, Hey, that was one of that.

Speaker 9 (16:14):
If I can get your.

Speaker 13 (16:14):
Advice or something, because y'all authors, Yes, sir, Hey, if
somebody somebody went on the public storm like mathter Class
or and try to call out a certain points of
your book to discount it, what would be your response.

Speaker 1 (16:28):
If somebody went on a platform like master class and
tried to discredit the book. How did they try to
discredit it by saying they don't like it or they
don't like the information in it?

Speaker 9 (16:35):

Speaker 1 (16:36):
I wrote it.

Speaker 13 (16:36):
I wrote a math book, and this guy came on
to this, this pump the book by coming up with
an analogy to this time the theory that I came
up with.

Speaker 1 (16:46):
Well, I don't know that it's different when it comes
to math problems, I guess, but I guess you just
got to show why your theory is actual and factual.
If he's trying to say it's not, you got to
show why it is.

Speaker 13 (16:54):
Yeah, his name is Terrace. He's on mathter class twenty
minutes to do the thing you talked about it. But
I think it's how the math gonna talk about that.

Speaker 1 (17:02):
Well, thank god for the promotion. He promoted your book. Yeah,
so people will go out there and they're gonna pick
it up to see if you know he's right or
you're right. Yep.

Speaker 5 (17:09):
And no, no, no matter what the art is, people
are gonna you're gonna have critics. So I think that's good.
That blows you up, that gives you more exposure.

Speaker 1 (17:16):

Speaker 13 (17:17):
Well he didn't say the back of the book just
had the sub title to my book, but that that
that was just.

Speaker 1 (17:22):
What it was. Okay, Well, you have a good one, brother,
Stay blessed.

Speaker 13 (17:26):
I appreciate it, y'all, y'all.

Speaker 1 (17:28):
Great day, All right, now get it off your chest.
Eight hundred five eight five one oh five one. We
got just with the mess coming up.

Speaker 2 (17:34):
Yes, it's I read the run off stage.

Speaker 1 (17:36):
I'm gonna say, y'all are oh boy, all right, we'll
get into that next. It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning,
the Breakfast Club, Good morning everybody. It's the j n V.

Speaker 8 (17:46):
Just hilarious, charlamage the guy. We are the Breakfast Club.
Let's get to the mess.

Speaker 7 (17:50):
You need it as well.

Speaker 1 (17:52):
Just a rive the more.

Speaker 7 (17:53):
Just don't do no line, don't do that.

Speaker 1 (18:00):
Stage world why jes worldwise? On the Breakfast Club, he's
the coaches ship.

Speaker 18 (18:06):
She was able to get y'all to see something and
understand something that nobody.

Speaker 1 (18:11):
Could get you to see. That's time to set it off.

Speaker 2 (18:15):
Was that remixed with Chris Brown? Amillie feature of Chris Brown?

Speaker 1 (18:21):
You never heard Chris Brown on that record? No years old.
I did not know that.

Speaker 5 (18:25):
He was very ride to beat too. Okay anyway, all right,
tyres runs out of the show. So over the weekend
he was performing in Georgia and the video of the
performances making his rounds, I did see it.

Speaker 1 (18:36):
Have y'all saw it? Yes, it's hilarious to me.

Speaker 7 (18:39):

Speaker 1 (18:39):
While he was on.

Speaker 5 (18:40):
Stage performing my favorites, Uh, how are you gonna act
like that? Someone came on stage and whispered in his ear,
and shortly after he hopped off stage while while still singing,
and started to make a run for it, and you.

Speaker 1 (18:52):
Can literally hear him leaving this stage. First of all,
in the middle of the second verse.

Speaker 5 (19:09):
The second verson is my favorite, he told the crowded lovement,
and he abruptly ended the show. According to TMZ, Tyreese
ran off stage because someone showed up to serve him
legal papers, So that was the little whisper in the ear.
He's reportedly being served in connection to a lawsuit that
stemmed from one of his more recent interviews on The
Breakfast Club.

Speaker 1 (19:27):
Thanks to us, please number two.

Speaker 8 (19:29):
I really wanted you to come in and do an
interview and let's unpack and have the conversation that we've
never had, and I don't want to do it in
the capacity to Breakfast Club.

Speaker 1 (19:39):
Come to the crib. Let's Barbara Walters, this ship give
it right, Yeah, it's what happens.

Speaker 9 (19:44):
Brian Barber, who I hired, I was able to get
blessed by confirming Charlotte Maage.

Speaker 1 (19:49):
I flew him out. This does the interview has taken
the footage and refused to give it back. Then I
found he did it.

Speaker 8 (20:00):
The big boy did it to Dallas, Austin did it
caught a couple, So I don't care if he see
this interview.

Speaker 1 (20:07):
Yeah, that was the one on one I had a
one on one conversation with Tyree. I don't even remember
what year that was. But I flew down there Atlanta,
and no, he klew you down there and you spent
the night. I didn't spend the night. I flew down
there Atlanta. And when I flew down there, I don't
I don't remember him paying. Maybe he did pack for
my flat I remember. Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Yeah, we
flew down there Atlanta and we had a great conversation

and Brian Barber did direct it. But I guess Brian
on the footage.

Speaker 5 (20:33):
Yeah, while he's facing a ten million defamation lawsuit fouled
by Brian and he claims Brian Barber claims that Tyree
falsely stated that he kept Tyree's footage from an interview
that he did with you. He kept, so he still
has it allegedly, and that's what he said, and Brian
said that has messed up his career.

Speaker 1 (20:51):
It was very damaging. So yeah, Brian been wanting to
come up here and have that conversation. He's been wanting
to tell a story. He still does New York or
where Atlanta. Yeah, climb in, fly him up. Then he
got his own money. I'm sure that's right. I've never
seen Tyreee do anything like that outside of fast and
Furious though. That was incredible. The way he got out

stage and running out, that's my time him do that
fast and furious time. By the way, don't that make
you look guilty though? But from the process, server like that,
like you. He said right here on the interview was
his last words. He said, Uh, I don't care if
you hear it. I want him to hear he heard

and he is like, uh, you got to stand on
business all the way through.

Speaker 5 (21:36):
Tyree I would have gave the mic though, to one
of my fans when they could finish it, because that
was the he the next line with girl, I know
that we've been going through some thing.

Speaker 1 (21:45):
That's the best part. That's my time playing off better.
You only had three songs left, three songs. Last song
you going to the crowds. You act like he's serenating
people and you you just walk out and but why
make it so obvious.

Speaker 8 (21:58):
But the thing is even when you walk because he
can have the front door now right, yes it's his
car in the front door, and that don't matter.

Speaker 1 (22:03):
He can or maybe security is like I meet you
in the front. You got three minutes and he got Man,
you could have played that off way better.

Speaker 2 (22:10):
Yeah, that man walked up on that stage like yo,
somebody say to serve you.

Speaker 5 (22:13):
And he was like, okay, straight jump, dames, I'm coming
out and coming out there, y'all, ring right up the ramps.

Speaker 1 (22:19):
But by way, why wouldn't the security and stuff handle
that better as well? Like because if the process server
comes in, it's not like ifro server can walk out
on stage and serve him. So why I pulled Tyree
to the side and even whisper they should have been
like the process the then you did look a little small.

Speaker 5 (22:34):
It looked like a bit smaller, like you know, like
one of those lounges or nightclubs or whatever.

Speaker 1 (22:38):
And I don't know, are doing lounges. Oh my gosh,
please do this. That's crazy. He was right going like
a little karaoke even okahoot, but you know what, the
processors gotta hand it to him. So if ty Ree
just walks out with his head down. You could have
just walked out. You should have just performed the last song,
serenading the crowd and just creep out.

Speaker 5 (22:58):
Lounges, you said, She said into a carrier, to be
like a little lounge shouting at me.

Speaker 1 (23:05):
Yeah, it just looked like a little karaoke party. Like,
oh my god, trek Doing's doing karaoke.

Speaker 2 (23:10):
It's probably like a for charity.

Speaker 1 (23:12):
You know, he loves the kids.

Speaker 5 (23:15):
Don't play with my father, my father, that is just
a mesket y'all to took up my time time.

Speaker 1 (23:23):
You know, Jessica, Daddy do the best karaoke does King
Karaoke or Baltimore.

Speaker 2 (23:28):
My father got mister Kevin's magic music.

Speaker 1 (23:31):
That's his thing. He wanted to come up here and
do something. Was like that now, so he's gonna do karaoke.
That's show with his show. That was not That was
a nice show, alright. He was doing karaoke, just daddy show.
He got a boss for y'all later.

Speaker 8 (23:47):
All right, when we come back, we got front page news.
I will tell you what's going on in at Baltimore
Bridge that fell out. You know, they were supposed to
rebuild it will tell you what happened with that, and
also the top ten best cities to start a career
in twenty twenty four.

Speaker 1 (24:00):
We'll sell you what those cities are when we come back.
It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, you're checking out the
Breakfast Club. Good morning, everybody. It's DJ MV Jess Hilarian
Charlamage the guy. We are the Breakfast Club. Let's get
in some.

Speaker 8 (24:12):
Front page news. Last night NBA, the Cavaliers lost to
the Celtics one on nine, one o two. The thunderbeat
the Mavericks one hundred and ninety six. Right now that
they tie that series with the Thunder, Mavericks and Boston
Leeds three won. The Knicks play tonight at eight p m. Also,
the WNBA starts tonight in Indiana. Plays now. They're saying

that usually they average three thousand last year and they're
expecting to average over ten thousand this year, which is
great for the WNBA.

Speaker 1 (24:41):
So what ten thousand? What people in the state games
at the game. That's what's up.

Speaker 13 (24:47):

Speaker 8 (24:47):
Biden trails Trump in the battleground states. They're saying President
Biden is tradel trailing Donald Trump in five of the
six key battleground states. Now, this is a new polling
from the New York Times, Sianna College, and the philadel
Your inquirer.

Speaker 1 (25:01):
I'm sick of having this conversation because every time I
had this conversation, people get upset with me. But I
ask this simple question last October November, A simple question.
Is the Biden Harris ticket a winnable ticket? I don't
know why that is such a controversial question to ask.
It's just a simple question. But when you're asking, people
get upset. They do because at this point there's no

other choice. There's nother choice. But even back then, that's
why we were saying things like maybe it would be
in Biden's best interests, are in the best interest in
the Democratic Party film to step aside? But people get
mad when you say that too.

Speaker 8 (25:33):
I think people feel like it's too late now, that
can't happen. So now they're saying, you know, everybody got
a it's too late now. People have been saying this.
This isn't a new conversation. People were saying this way
back when I'm saying this last year sometime. But you
gotta deal with what you got. You gotta play with
the cards. You've been deut now, yeah, well a couple
of months ago. Of course, we remember that Baltimore bridge

that fell out and so many people were injured and
killed and crew members. Well, they finally got the last
piece out so they can actually start rebuilding.

Speaker 19 (26:04):
That was the moment the crews set off explosives to
break apart that six hundred times steel beam that was
still on top of the Dolly cargo ship. Remember that
ship's been stuck there ever since when the ship hit
the Francisca Key Bridge back in late March over.

Speaker 7 (26:18):
Night, just.

Speaker 1 (26:21):
Like there is no bridge, Like there is no bridge.

Speaker 19 (26:24):
That is new video we're getting in bodycam from the
night that had happened from Maryland's Department of Natural Resources.

Speaker 1 (26:29):
The shock. Did you hear that in that first responder's voice.

Speaker 19 (26:32):
The collapse killed the six construction workers who had been filling.

Speaker 1 (26:35):
Potholes on the bridge last night.

Speaker 19 (26:37):
Just last week, Cruise recovered the body of the final
missing victim, which is why they moved forward with a
demolition today.

Speaker 5 (26:44):
What crazy, But it's just still crazy. Just when you
hear a story, even for the first time, it's like, dang,
like it's no bridge. You drove home this we get
Saturday and just go a different way. Yeah, traffic crazy,
like going into White Marsh and Perry Hall and because
you hit East County before you get to the actual city.

Speaker 8 (27:06):
And yeah, definitely, now your boot is a truck drop
of What does he say about the traffic getting there?
Because I know it has to be difficult for trucks
because you can't go certain rounte.

Speaker 2 (27:13):
Yeah, it's different, it's like a different route.

Speaker 5 (27:15):
It's like a like a forty five minute to like
two hours depending on the traffic like that, because they
have to go around now and then take.

Speaker 1 (27:22):
A lot of city routes. But they got to charge
more because I'm sure it's more gas small and tolls
and all that.

Speaker 5 (27:26):
Definitely tolls, big soles and those trucks supposed to go
down certain day, no because some of them have height
restrictions and stuff like that. So yeah, it's just calculating
routes and all of that stuff.

Speaker 8 (27:38):
But and lastly it's talking to the ten top best
cities to start a career in twenty twenty four. Number
one Korean What though you just said a career I
get started career? Number one Atlanta, Georgia.

Speaker 1 (27:54):
Korean what too? Many people Korean. What best city to
start a career?

Speaker 8 (27:58):
Atlanta, Georgia, which comes in the first the professional opportunities
and seventh for quality of life. Number two, Orlando, Florida,
Number three, Salt Lake City, Utah. Number four, Tampa, Florida,
Number five, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Number six, Portland, Maine. Number seven Charleston,
South Carolina.

Speaker 1 (28:14):
You already know eight four to three. What's appening we
out here? Career and what you right now?

Speaker 8 (28:20):
Number eight Austin, Texas, Number nine Miami, Florida, and number
ten Knoxville, Tennessee. On the bottom of the list in
one hundred and eighty second is New York said it
making it the worst thing I ever starting a career.

Speaker 1 (28:31):
You ain't gotta tell me, listen, I've had a great
career in New York. Seer, but that's my point. Career.
What what are you going to these places to do?
Okay that matters?

Speaker 5 (28:41):
Yeah, why kind of new Number one will be Atlanta, La.
Move and do anything. Yeah, whether it's legal, illegal, whatever,
You will make a killing.

Speaker 8 (28:50):
So yeah, all right, well that is front page news.
Now let's open up the phone lines eight hundred five
eight five, one oh five to one. Uh, this brother
or this father, I should say, talks about the incident
that happened with his daughter. He said his daughter was
being bullied. He tried to do everything to stop the bully,
and he said, he said letters, he talked, he went
to the school, he talked to the other parents, but

it never stopped. So the father decided to beat up
the girl's father. But not only beat up the girl's father,
jump the girl's father. Let's say it audio, and then
we'll take your calls when we come.

Speaker 20 (29:20):
Back to the seven year old girl who had to
watch me and my brothers jump her daddy after school.
I'm sorry. I know that was probably a traumatizing experience
for you. But we kept asking you to stop bullying
my daughter, and you wouldn't listen. We sent letters home,
we even had a meeting with you and your parents,
and you wouldn't listen. So now you know your actions
have consequences, and since you too young to receive those consequences,

you had to watch your daddy take those consequences. Get
some therapy you and be all right. A lot of
y'all keep asking why I didn't fight this man one
on one, and why y'all got my brothers to jump
him in front of his seven year old daughter and
to ask her as something life is not there. You
get jumped by responsibilities every day, so I wanted to
make sure she's that's all what it looked like when

a fight is not fair and you don't have no
choice but to let somebody jump you, so she could
get the concept of what she was doing. Sometimes kids
learn from what they see and not what they hear,
so I wanted it to be a visual experience. Okay,
I'm out here doing the Lord's work.

Speaker 1 (30:17):
Okay, God is pleased with me, whether or not, y'all
or he didn't get arrested yet.

Speaker 5 (30:23):
No, there is no video because I actually saw that,
and I was looking for the video. I know the
fuck who got beat up as made as camera.

Speaker 1 (30:31):
Let's open up the phone. I feel sorry. I feel
sorry that the system failed all those individuals because he
went through the proper restigurees and said he went to
the school, he made complaints, He said he had conversations
with the parent, He even sat down with them with
the parent, and then you know the sad part about
it is this all depends on the behavior of a
young child who really does not know any better. Correct, Right?

So all of this is because a seven year old
or eight year old just simply cannot control them him
and herself. Right, But do you expect him to at
that age.

Speaker 8 (31:01):
No, But it gets to a point as parents sometimes
we have to be parents, right. And I know somebody says, well, yeah,
that's what they get. But rappen, if that father would
have pulled out his firearm and shot the other person,
from god, that's what I'm saying, you know what I mean,
Because it wasn't a one on one fight. Y'all came
to jump me. Let's say, let's say you know I
shot him and he died. Now that's in front of

your daughter. Now you let's say you got to go
to jail. That's in front of your daughter.

Speaker 1 (31:27):
Yeah. As much as I as much as I say
on this radio, you know, you mess with my child,
I'm or beat the parent up. There is a better
way to handle Yeah, that whole situation. Absolutely. Let's open
up the phone lines eight hundred five eight five one
oh five one. Was this father? Right? He went through
the proper procedure.

Speaker 8 (31:41):
He called, he emailed, he sent letters, he met with
the principal, he met with the other parents, the bullying
didn't stop, and he decided to jump the fall.

Speaker 1 (31:49):
Was he right for that?

Speaker 8 (31:50):
Let's discuss eight hundred five eight five, one oh five.
One will take your calls when we come back at
the breakfast club.

Speaker 1 (31:54):
Good morning, the Breakfast Club. Everybody is DJ Envy, Jesse,
Larry Chelamine the guy. We are the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 8 (32:05):
If you're just joining us, we're talking about a father
who had an issue with a bully. So what happened
was his seven year old daughter was being bullied by
another seven year old girl, and he tried to do
everything to stop it. Now this is all allegedly because
this is what we're hearing online. But he allegedly sent letters,
he allegedly spoke to the principal, He allegedly met with
the other girl's parents, but the bullying never stopped, so

he decided to beat up the girl's father, but not.

Speaker 1 (32:29):
Only just beat him up, jumped them. Him and his
brother went and jumped the father.

Speaker 8 (32:34):
So we're asking eight hundred and five eight five one
oh five when we were in breakfast club court right now,
what are your thoughts?

Speaker 1 (32:38):
We'll start with you, Jess.

Speaker 2 (32:40):
I mean, I was like kind of against what he
did until he explained it.

Speaker 5 (32:45):
I mean, I don't. I really don't see a lot
wrong with that, especially since he did take proper precaution
in the beginning. Yeah, there are certainly other ways he
could have handled it. He could afford to guy one
on one. I mean, he could have proceeded to have
more meetings. And you know, but that's his little girl
being traumatized at the end of the day from a bully.

Speaker 1 (33:06):
So and her uncles had to come.

Speaker 8 (33:08):
Thre But we always talk about for every action is
reaction right, And you know, let's say he spoke to
his daughter. Let's say his daughter was just a bad kid,
and you know, he tried to do what's right because
you know, kids gonna be kids regardless. And now you
come to my house, so you come to beat me up.
Let's say I got my fire on with me. Now
your daddy dead. Or let's say you fight me and
I get the upper head. Now your daddy's dead or

he's hurt, or you beat me up, now your daddy's
in jail.

Speaker 1 (33:32):
Is it worth it? I don't think so. Yeah, you know,
dealing with this morning, the reality is him and his
brother wasn't that fight.

Speaker 2 (33:40):
Yeah, and the other part of the reality is that
may not be over.

Speaker 1 (33:44):
That's and that's why I went over. Now it might
not be over. Now you beat me up now, and
now I need my get back. I got to call
my cousin.

Speaker 2 (33:50):
And then your daughter still got to come to school.
My kid got to school.

Speaker 8 (33:54):
We just don't know what not that you don't want
to father to take it too far, but like, oh,
now you jump me, and when I see your daughter,
I slap your daughter.

Speaker 1 (34:00):
You never you be jumping out the window with the
wild The judge would definitely say stop trying to sway
to jewelry, mister attorney, I'm should be making stuff up. No,
deal with the reality. Deal with the reality. Was he
right for what happened? In my opinion, No, But I

am the same person that says if you mess with
my child, I'm gonna beat your parent up. So I
do understand him. He loves his child, He wants the
bullying of his child to stop, so that pain his
child is feeling, that hurt his child is feeling. He
projected that onto the parent of the child that was
bullying his child. That was sad about this situation that
all these actions are being determined by a child, meaning

he jumped the parent because the child doesn't know any
better and kept bullying his kid. If that man has
gone through all the proper procedures, if he went to
the school, if he had conversations with the parent, if
he made complaints and all that didn't make the child
stop bullying the other child, I'm not sure to jump
in will either. I'm not sure him beating it might
make it worse. It'll make it worse because the parent

that got jumped is now extremely angry at his child.
So imagine what he's projecting onto his child now.

Speaker 8 (35:09):
But not only that now yet, Like you said, now,
my daughter's gonna be like, oh y'all hit my dad.
Oh now i'm'na beat you up even worse every day school.

Speaker 1 (35:15):
Yeah, I don't believe that's gonna be the case. No,
I don't know if dad will be the case, But
I do. I do fear for that little girl because
that pain that her daddy experience getting beat up by
them two men. He may project onto her just out
of anger, like yelling at her, streaming at her, this
is your fault, blah blah. That can mess up a

little seventy year old child.

Speaker 8 (35:37):
Absolutely well, I mean seeing your daddy get beat up,
but jump it could mess up you too.

Speaker 1 (35:42):
We got Victor on the line, Victor, good morning.

Speaker 9 (35:44):
Good morning, how you're doing, how you're doing that? And
being how you doing that? Hey, I'm doing to come
Victor in Miami. I'm wouldn't yet. Good morning, my beautiful
good morning.

Speaker 1 (35:54):
Thank you. I love you too.

Speaker 9 (35:57):
You the man too.

Speaker 4 (35:58):

Speaker 9 (35:58):
Thank you for your books and they teach me a
lot man mentales Man.

Speaker 1 (36:02):
I got a new one coming out next week May twenty. First,
get on at Adeline watch small talks Awesome.

Speaker 12 (36:07):
Hey, listen, I'm with that guy. I had the same
similar situation with a guy daycare. My little baby girl
was four years old. Man, there was some boy picking
on her. She didn't want to go to daycare, man,
and she loved that place. I spoke to the director,
I spoke to the teacher, and nothing was thinking done
until I saw the father outside.

Speaker 21 (36:29):
He gave me a smirk and a smile like he
didn't care. But he said was burnt act that way.
I smacked him one time with a back hand with
a knuckles. Man, I called the old batman. Guess what
everything stopped.

Speaker 7 (36:42):

Speaker 9 (36:43):
Sometimes to defend your kids.

Speaker 18 (36:45):

Speaker 9 (36:45):
Every source of violence man, which is bad. But that's
the only way.

Speaker 21 (36:50):
I went through the proper channels and not got fixed
until I challenged him.

Speaker 1 (36:55):
That's it.

Speaker 9 (36:55):
That was five years ago.

Speaker 1 (36:57):
He used to look at me.

Speaker 22 (36:58):
What the other way?

Speaker 1 (36:59):

Speaker 9 (37:00):
I commend that guy.

Speaker 1 (37:01):
Man, Okay, thank you. The Dominican turns Howard Man ain't money?

Speaker 8 (37:06):
Who is Yoa's DP for South Carolina's brother?

Speaker 9 (37:12):
What's having a brother?

Speaker 23 (37:14):

Speaker 10 (37:15):
First of all, I want to say good morning to
the thrill good morning looking at a second of all,
I saw the video of the guy that was explaining.
For one, said, dude was too big. If you and
your friends have to choke me somebody, that means you
don't have no hands for wood. For a two, that's
hurting a man's priduet beating on him in front of

his child.

Speaker 9 (37:36):
Now you have to deal with the consequences of what happens.

Speaker 1 (37:39):
Father. Is my whole thing is.

Speaker 10 (37:41):
If my child was to actually be bullying your child,
we're gonna sit down his parents and talk this out.
If it goes further than that, my child is now
leaving your child, won't That's my place of record man
my child and meeting single that. But as far as
you put me, your hands on.

Speaker 9 (37:56):
Me at the school in front of my daughter, and
you have whatever happened, it happens.

Speaker 1 (38:06):
That's true. And that's what I was saying.

Speaker 2 (38:09):
Did you see the other parent?

Speaker 9 (38:11):
I didn't see the other parent, and I.

Speaker 10 (38:12):
Didn't die a video the other parent. For see how
I looked at it as a man, I'm not going
to record like that an incriminate myself.

Speaker 1 (38:20):
Oh yeah, this guy, we just said something, just said something.
That's a good point that what if this dude was
a big dude? You meet the other parents.

Speaker 5 (38:29):
He said that the guy who was recording, the one
who beat the other parent up, it's too big.

Speaker 1 (38:34):
But do you know what the other kid, the other
kid's parents look like. That's true. You know, we don't
know because there was no video.

Speaker 8 (38:41):
Eight hundred five eight five one o five one. If
you're just joining us, we're talking about a gentleman who
was mad that his daughter was getting bullied. He did
everything possible. Let's let's set the audio to the.

Speaker 20 (38:51):
Seven year old girl who had to watch me and
my brothers jump her daddy after school. I'm sorry, I
know that was probably a traumatizing experience for you. But
we kept asking you to stop bullying my daughter, and
you wouldn't listen. We sent letters home, we either had
a meeting with you and your parents, and you wouldn't listen.
So now you know your actions have consequences, and since
you too young to receive those consequences, you had to

watch your daddy take those consequences.

Speaker 1 (39:14):
Get some therapy, you'll be all right. A lot of
y'all keep asking.

Speaker 20 (39:17):
Why I didn't fight this man one on one, and
why y'all got my brothers to jump him in front
of his seven year old daughter and to ask her
as something.

Speaker 1 (39:25):
Life is not fair. You get jumped by responsibilities every day.

Speaker 20 (39:29):
So I wanted to make sure she saw what it
looked like when a fight is not fair and you
don't have no choice but to let somebody jump you,
so she could get the concept of what she was doing.
Sometimes kids learn from what they see and not what
they hear, so I wanted it to be a visual experience. Okay,
I'm out here doing the Lord's work. Okay, God is

pleased with me, whether or not y'all.

Speaker 8 (39:51):
Are, So we're asking eight hundred five eight five one
on five one, what are your thoughts? Let's discuss as
the breakfast VOCB when everybody is EJV.

Speaker 1 (39:59):
Just hey, Chela, me and the God. We are to
breakfast club now if you're just joining us, we're talking
about a father who wanted to defend his seven year
old girl from being bullied. He explains what happened.

Speaker 20 (40:09):
Let's listen to the seven year old girl who had
to watch me and my brothers jump her daddy after school.
I'm sorry. I know that was probably a traumatizing experience
for you. But we kept asking you to stop bullying
my daughter, and you wouldn't listen. We sent letters home,
we either had a meeting with you and your parents,
and you wouldn't listen. So now you know your actions
have consequences, and since you too young to receive those consequences,

you had to watch your daddy take those consequences.

Speaker 1 (40:32):
Get some therapy, you'll be all right. A lot of
y'all keep asking.

Speaker 20 (40:36):
Why I didn't fight this man one on one, and
why y'all got my brothers to jump him in front
of his seven year old daughter and to ask her
as something.

Speaker 1 (40:44):
Life is not fair.

Speaker 20 (40:45):
You get jumped by responsibilities every day, So I wanted
to make sure she saw what it looked like when
a fight is not fair and you don't have no
choice but to let somebody jump you.

Speaker 1 (40:55):
So we're asking eight hundred five eight five, one oh
five one, what are your thoughts?

Speaker 8 (40:59):
We have Ashley on the line. Ashley, good morning, good morning, Hey,
what are your thoughts?

Speaker 22 (41:04):
My thoughts is I think that we have to always
advocate for our kids. And if we've done all that
we can and we've went through all the correct avenue,
the principal happened to meeting with the parents. It's almost
like he said, some kids just need that visualization. And yeah,
I understand it could have went totally wrong. He could
have put out a gun, a knife, it could have
got real bad for him. But at the same time,

we cannot ever stop advocating for our kids. And what
do you do at that point? You have to stand
up for your child.

Speaker 1 (41:33):
Yeah, I mean wrong. Yeah, I'm not gonna say he
was wrong, Like, well, you know, I'm not gonna say
he was right either. I'll just say that I can
understand the situation. But I wondered if they try a
conversation between the parents with the kids like, did they
have they have a conversation with us as parents and
the kids there and explain to each other why they need,
why they why she needs to stop bullying the child.

He was wrong, he was wrong. He was wrong. They
shouldn't jumped thatt Man. He was wrong. I'm not gonna
say that I wouldn't have done it, but it's wrong.
It's wrong.

Speaker 8 (42:01):
It's absolutely positively wrong. I mean, as adults, we're supposed
to try to handle things as adult situations as parents,
and that's wrong. And I'm not going to say that
I wouldn't did it, but it's wrong myself and be
like I shouldn't DoD that.

Speaker 1 (42:14):
I understand him. I'm not gonna say it's right. I'm
not gonna say it's wrong. I would just say, in
my personal opinion, I don't think it's right, but I
understand understand him. But I just feel like there was
too many There's still too many other things that you
could have probably utilized other than just going to jump
the guy with your brother, like that's great. Brothers. Oh,
it was brothers and me and my brothers. Damn Jesus, Yeah, Hello,

who's this Hi?

Speaker 24 (42:38):
It's not we shall good morning him, I'm from New York,
but I just moved to South Carolina.

Speaker 9 (42:45):
What part I live in Summerville.

Speaker 1 (42:48):
What a beautiful life you're living?

Speaker 3 (42:50):
Yes, Pa, ain't a god. My mom actually met you
out Enterprise.

Speaker 1 (42:56):
The airport at the airport. Yeah yeah yeah. What's what's
your thoughts, mama?

Speaker 3 (43:01):
So my thought on this is I feel like I
disagree and I feel like I disagree with what he said.

Speaker 24 (43:07):
Because he's trying to show his daughter and stand up
for his daughter from getting bullied. But here you are
contradicting yourself and you're gonna beat up the father.

Speaker 9 (43:16):
You're basically bullying.

Speaker 3 (43:18):
You're showing your child that Yeah, I'm trying to take
up from you, but it's okay to bully. So I
think I disagree with it. I don't think he should
have beat up the father because he's basically contradicted of
what he's trying to stand up for.

Speaker 1 (43:29):
And I just sit here wondering, Like, you know, it's
when everything is based on the thoughts and the actions
of a seven or eight year old child, right like,
if he's gone through everything already, talk to the principal,
talk to the parent, and the kids still ain't learning
what makes him, what makes him think the kid's gonna
learn from this? But what do you do?

Speaker 13 (43:46):

Speaker 25 (43:47):

Speaker 7 (43:47):
Ye? What?

Speaker 1 (43:49):
What do you do?

Speaker 13 (43:49):

Speaker 3 (43:50):
I feel like, honestly, you don't have to it doesn't
have to leave the violence.

Speaker 24 (43:55):
You could honestly speak because.

Speaker 3 (43:57):
He's the kids. I have it said, I have a
five year old. So kids are going to do that
to each other. But it's up to it's very extent.
So you can have a conversation with the parent. You
can sit down and talk to the parent, you know
what I'm saying. But go in and beating up the
parent and showing the kids that let's just lead this
to violence. That's not making any situation better. You're basically

contradicting what you're trying to teach him about bullying, all.

Speaker 8 (44:20):
Right, And he talked about his child seeing things. Could
you imagine now your daughter's home and the police come
to your house and arrest you and put you in
cuffs in front of your daughter.

Speaker 1 (44:29):
That's embarrassing. I feel sorry I too for the child
who was doing the bullying as well, because I'm telling
you that father is highly upset at her right now,
of course, and there's no telling what he's saying to her, yeah,
right now, and the mama right, you get this from
your mamma. Your mama, don't listen eath Okay, I'm telling
your mamma fit her dumb mask now forever.

Speaker 25 (44:50):

Speaker 1 (44:51):
You won't sit that dumb mass down either. Hello. Who's this? Hey?
What's your thoughts? Mama?

Speaker 26 (44:58):
Good morning everyone? My thoughts are I actually just experienced
something like this with my own son, and I can
understand both sides of the coin. However, like you all
were stating, there's a thin line between trying to do
what you need to do for your child, following the
governmental officials and you know, and doing everything that you

need to do in that regard. But that situation could
have turned out really, really bad.

Speaker 22 (45:25):
I actually worked for.

Speaker 26 (45:26):
The government, so I've been able to see both sides
of that have Those families could have not had a
history of any violence at all, and one split second
could have ended every day.

Speaker 3 (45:37):
Oh, some seven year old.

Speaker 1 (45:38):
Beefens absolutely like, yeah that he didn't think that went
through because if I'm gonna go jump somebody, that's the
first thing I'm thinking, Like, y'all, I want to just
do got a gun and you have to you have to.

Speaker 26 (45:49):
Start thinking like that, because look at the times that
we live in, like people don't care what second decisions
and you're in jail for the rest.

Speaker 9 (45:56):
Of your life.

Speaker 1 (45:57):
But what you think you're going to teach your daughter
of a lesson and now your daughter going end up
at a funeral?

Speaker 26 (46:02):
Yes, right, absolutely, And that's a conversation. Like I just
then that they sat down to talk to the parents.
But in that instance, we're gonna have to keep talking.
Something else is gonna have to give. Somebody gonna have
to get suspended. You know, there needs to be some
extra measures in place. And like I said, I understand
that because in my situation, my son was threatened to

be killed by a middle schooler.

Speaker 22 (46:25):
In a situation he had nothing.

Speaker 3 (46:26):
To do with, and I saw we had I'm not
gonna lie my government job went at the wind job.
But I was like, I have to think this through
because just to truly genuinely be bad.

Speaker 1 (46:39):
Yeah, I think that as a parent, when you got
a child in school, when your child comes to you
and he tells you or she tells you that you
know her and another child maybe having problems, if you
have access to the parent, I think you should talk
to the parent immediately, like immediately, because that stuff can
escalate so fast. We've all been in high school before,
you know how those little petty disagreements eddy arguments can

turn in the physical altercations, especially nowadays in this era.
So I feel like, you know, parents need to be
intervened in immediately, immediately, immediate, Like one of the young
ladies said, I don't know if it was hurt just now.
You can never do it enough talking.

Speaker 5 (47:11):
Right, She definitely said that, right, So I guess that's
the moorw I mean the moral of the story is, Yeah,
like I don't think you can never do enough talking
like I think it should.

Speaker 1 (47:21):
It should take a lot before it ever gets to
this type of violence. You know, this wasn't even the
kind of violence that started because we was having a
conversation and it escalated into an august something foul. No, No,
you set you you came to line he up? Yeah,
you came with the homies to jump me in front
of my daughter.

Speaker 8 (47:38):
Yeah, that one how he caught him too, because I
see outside, I ain't opening the door, and if I'm
over the door, it's.

Speaker 1 (47:44):
I gotta protect myself. I don't happen that school there
was this house. That's what they made it seem like.
I don't think they jumped them in the school. They
said after school. Yeah, I thought after school.

Speaker 8 (47:51):
Yeah, I hope they jump him in front of the school.
And then he tells on himself. After he tells on him,
so the cop say, they don't need a statement. You
just you gave him the stage.

Speaker 1 (48:00):
I don't know if it was. It didn't say location,
it just said he said after school. Jesus, all right,
we got Jess with the mess coming up. What we're
talking about? Sixty cent and.

Speaker 5 (48:08):
Meek Mill are going back and forth. I don't even
know how this happened. And this solgiable times.

Speaker 1 (48:13):
Oh my god. All right, we'll get to that next.
It's the Breakfast Club. Morning morning, everybody.

Speaker 2 (48:17):
It is THEEJ N V.

Speaker 8 (48:19):
Jesse, Hilarius, Charlamagne the Guy. We are the Breakfast Club,
Yes we are, man.

Speaker 1 (48:23):
How y'all feeling out there? We got a young lady
coming in later on in the show. Her name is
Shaniko Golden. She has a book out called A Black
Girl in the Middle, essays on allegedly figuring it all
out right. Yeah, I like I like Shanika was writing
a lot and her book just drops. We're gonna talk
to her later on in the later on in the show.
That's right. And I got my new book, my third book,

actually Getting Honest or Die Line, Why Small Talk Sucks.
It comes out of May twenty first, next week. Yeah,
so I'll be out in these book tour screechs man.
I'll be in New York on May twenty second at
the Barnes and Noble on Fifth Avenue at one. And
I'll be in Paramus, New Jersey at the Barnes and
Noble at five pm on May twenty second. So I'll

see y'all there in Philly. I'll see you on May
twenty third. I'll be at a Green Street Friends School
with Uncle Bobby's Coffee and books at seven pm on
May twenty third. All right, and Charleston got it to
Liu Chalston at eight four three. I'll be there on
May twenty ninth at Charleston Music Hall with Blue Bicycle
Books at seven pm. So go to why Small Talk

Sucks dot com to see what cities I'm gonna be in,
and you know, get tickets to come see me discuss
my new book. Get on us a dieline while small
talks sucks and we'll be doing book signers and all
of that stuff too. Yeah, and absolutely shout to all
the students that are graduating to Yesterday was my daughter's graduation.
So shell out to all the college graduates, all a
high school graduate. Strop a bond for them. They don't

it crazy that the news doesn't report on the graduations
as much as they should, Like, you know, you're having
all of these conversations about colleges, but a lot of
this stuff is about the college protests. Wouldn't it be
to see some positive and positive news as well? You
know what I mean? It would be you know, I
think so like so many these kids that really busted
they ass you know, the last four years. So you know,

throw throw some throw some celebration, your celebration energy their way.

Speaker 8 (50:14):
Yeah, yesterday, like yesterday she graduated, uh or one of
the graduations. This is like the rolling Louder graduations. It's
like this event today, event tomorrow.

Speaker 1 (50:22):
But it was just dope. It was peaceful. It was
it was so many parents, so many families just proud
of their kids and proud of their family members. So
agatting salute to all the graduates.

Speaker 8 (50:30):
Congratulations all that day, Yes, all right, when we come back,
we got just with the mess. I don't go anywhere.
It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, morning everybody. It's d
J n V, Jess, Hilarius, Charlamagne, the gud. Let's get
to Jess with the mess.

Speaker 18 (50:44):
You is real.

Speaker 1 (50:44):
Whether it's Larius, Jess, Carobbermore, just.

Speaker 7 (50:47):
Don't do no lines, don't do that talk.

Speaker 1 (50:53):
Talk the world wid jests worldwide on the Breakfast Club.
She's a coach of ship.

Speaker 18 (50:59):
She was able to get y'all to see something and
understand something.

Speaker 1 (51:03):
That nobody could get you to see this time to
set it off.

Speaker 5 (51:07):
Okay, so meek versus fifty cents. So yesterday, Envy, you
did a good job. Boo, you reported fifty and King
com said, King Kom's having a little bit of static
or whatever.

Speaker 2 (51:17):
Did you feel good reading?

Speaker 5 (51:19):
I read well, okay, very well, okay, you well girl,
King Comb said, dropped the record to defend Itty and
the family name in the record.

Speaker 2 (51:28):
He took some shots at fifty cent. Although I don't
really get the discs.

Speaker 1 (51:32):
I don't get it either. I'm glad you said that,
just because they they were making me feel crazy. I
ain't hear the shots.

Speaker 5 (51:37):
Yeah, it's just like yeah, he was saying, And it
was a little confusing because what he said, well, well
you can just play it.

Speaker 1 (51:44):
I'm like, gossap it. This is why you know they
had it was fifty cent.

Speaker 21 (51:47):
We put this city on the map side line possiated
on about many minutes.

Speaker 1 (51:51):

Speaker 15 (51:52):
That's fine.

Speaker 1 (51:53):
They canna try to stop these in and NEPs and.

Speaker 9 (51:55):
They gonna die try.

Speaker 2 (51:56):
This wasn't Diddy before fifty Yes, yeah, I don't.

Speaker 13 (52:00):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (52:00):
I didn't, I don't. I didn't think that. Yeah, right.

Speaker 5 (52:04):
But on another part of the song he said something
else that Fiddy had a problem with, not when he
was down.

Speaker 20 (52:09):
Like when them fuddy boys running both crags to back
then the one.

Speaker 1 (52:13):
Next contest that was dumb. Yeah, what are you doing?
What are you doing? Thanks for the crime? Like what
you missed us? Everything was another house? What what are
you doing?

Speaker 2 (52:28):
What is wrong with him?

Speaker 9 (52:30):

Speaker 1 (52:30):
Oh he's anyway. When responded to the record, Fifty.

Speaker 5 (52:33):
Shared a clip of the song with the caption and now,
why would you say some ishes like that when you
know the fans are investigating?

Speaker 1 (52:39):
Is you stupid? Is you dumb?

Speaker 5 (52:40):
Of course, Fiddy said that me put itself into the
story when he added, uh, when he decided to answer
fifty cents question, fifty cent was not talking to you,
but now we know how when when Meek Mail get upset,
how he started typing no punctuation marks. So basically he
was saying, like, you put it out there that could
have flew under the radario like, but you put it

out there, he called fifty cent like the figs or whatever.
So and then he said, your own son hates your guts.
I'm so grateful to be on the island with my
son on his birthday when you literally just was saying
you couldn't eve talk to you?

Speaker 1 (53:12):
It some for his birthday. I bring up people kids,
all right.

Speaker 5 (53:15):
So fifty cent responded to that with an Instagram caption
that said, you sold six thousand copies on your last project.

Speaker 1 (53:20):
You should not be on a vacation.

Speaker 5 (53:22):
You're still chasing the dream or embracing the nightmare standing
by your man now that I respect. Hey, Yo, fifty
is crazy. So of course that's sent meek Mail up
in a frenzy. And he said, my last project, so
ninety thousand first week expensive pain ross did that last
CD for fun to let me out of my contract
because we rich and have some type of history. It's different, elool,

I don't even know how Cuban was talking to you.
Your swag is extremely whack. But as usual, Fifty didn't
take any of it seriously and responded just like Fifty would.
He shared a throwback video of Meek freestyling about having
good wiener.

Speaker 1 (54:00):
Huh in the video, yeah, it was the video.

Speaker 5 (54:02):
In the video video before Meek said something about giving
us sex, he was thinking when did he whip? Oh yeah,
while Meek was screaming on the mic about having a
good winner and.

Speaker 1 (54:16):
Yeah, he looked at him a little suspiciously or whatever.

Speaker 5 (54:19):
So with that video, Fifty added the caption, I commend
you for being a strong supportive woman for your man Meek.

Speaker 2 (54:24):
Stay by his side and together you guys may have
a good life.

Speaker 1 (54:28):
God bless praying everybody, just get along. We talking about fifty,
That's true. We are talking about fifty. And then he
wasn't even talking to me, and to meet sure minded
his business in that situation, and I saw me keep
he kept saying that, you know, Christian is a little boy.
Christian twenty six years old. Yeah, he's still a grown
man after a grown ass man. He's younger than them,

but after a twenty six year old grown man. So
we all make choices personally. I think the record that
King Coles put out that was a poor choice. Yeah,
I think it was a poor choice.

Speaker 8 (54:58):
See the thing with Meek which bought me about me
When when when Drake was going at me crazy and
the world was going at Meek, none of these people
he's standing up for stood up for him. No, nobody
staid up for me, and Meek was dead on the
island by himself. Yeah, and now he's you know, he's
trying to he's standing up for King Combs, he's standing.

Speaker 1 (55:14):
Up for Diddy. He's standing up for these people because
I guess they're his friends. Diddy ain't slapped Drake over me. Yeah,
won't find out stuff until it is.

Speaker 8 (55:21):
Exactly you know, that wasn't a situation. But nobody spoke.
Nobody spoke about Meek publicly. Yeah, nobody came to when everybody.

Speaker 1 (55:27):
Was on his neck. And that's it's sad because nobody's
gonna do it now. M M crazy.

Speaker 5 (55:31):
Sojia Boy joined in though fifty he joined fifty and
trolling Meek so Sojo Boy took a shot at Meek
mil on Twitter after Meet sweeted about him in a
response to a post from some guy named Cardo. So
the guy Cardo said, don't grow up trying to be
Sojier boy boy is an idiot, So Meek Mills said,
Sojia if you oh no, I'm not gonna read this.

So basically, he's saying that you always talking about you
going shoot at somebody, like you know you're gonna smoke
with somebody when you see them.

Speaker 2 (55:59):
But what happened when they shoot at you, then that's
self defense.

Speaker 1 (56:03):
That's a great point. Yeah, absolutely, but it.

Speaker 5 (56:05):
Was unwarranted because you know, basically, he just took that
shot and soldier wasn't talking to him. But Soldier responded
to Meek Melan said, didn't Idy, I mean, didn't Diddy
do something here?

Speaker 2 (56:18):
I can't, I can't say this.

Speaker 1 (56:19):
What do you say? Let me see?

Speaker 2 (56:20):
He said, didn't Diddy give you wiener in the body?

Speaker 1 (56:24):
Yes? Yeah, yeah, yeah, Jesus yea. And I wish I
wish there was no wi fi on that island that Meek,
when I'm on vacation, you know what I'm saying, and
I'm on the island. I got my phone in the
safe for somewhere. I'm not going nowhere near my phone.
There's no need for me to be intervened in all
of these situations. They are no need for meet the
intervene in fifty can comb no need for me to intervene.

Which sold your boy? Why are you not enjoying my own?

Speaker 5 (56:49):
Yeah, and I got my own situation that I've been battling.
And you know, when everybody's quiet, it goes away. So
now everybody's coming at you. But you know the one
part about the song King Kolm song he said, I
did want of y'all to say, no, Diddy, please don't dance,
to say something that you know we still say.

Speaker 1 (57:05):
That's what I said. They're gonna say what you did
when you're walking into the club.

Speaker 8 (57:07):
They're gonna say when you're walking out the club, they're
gonna sit talking down the street.

Speaker 1 (57:11):
They're gonna say why, Like that's what I understand. They're
going to do that just the antagony. Now they're not
they're not scared of you. And by the way, even
if even if they were scared of you, they would
still do it. People don't care. You're just the extra
in their reality show. Everybody walking around with their phones.
They see watch this, watch this if they want to
go viral, and they willing to deal with whatever comes

with that. I've just seen that happen with Drake.

Speaker 8 (57:37):
I've seen Drake walking out a restaurant and they were
screaming at him something that Kendrick said.

Speaker 1 (57:41):
And he had his headphones, like I know your head phones.
They even plugged it like people will do. They don't care.
They're gonna be getting in fights all summer. They they're
gonna hear over your a minor all summer along. Yes,
oh my god.

Speaker 2 (57:55):
And they gave a new meaning to fan Yes, sreaky.

Speaker 1 (58:00):
By the way, Yeah, everybody in OO should just stay
in Toronto and Turks for the snumber. Don't don't and
please don't go to Cali. He was in Cali. He
was in Cali, I think leaving the restaurant. You see
what I'm saying. He had the head phones. He was like,
I know your head phones, they're plugged in. But I'm
like that. They're gonna do that all summer long. All
this for a bunch of nothing. And by the way,
fifty was mine in his business too. Yeah, I don't

think the record King kN put out was a disc,
but the blogs do, and that's the headline they ran
with it. Fifty cent is going to react like fifty cent.

Speaker 8 (58:29):
But fifty and Diddy got their own beef for whatever reasons,
like I don't know what's where it stems from.

Speaker 1 (58:34):
I don't know where it's going. But leave them alone.
Fifty is the type of person. He has no limit,
canny and laughing trith. You don't want fifty. You don't
want no beef for Diddy. Nobody wants no beat with
beef for dishes. Everybody wants Diddy to keep his meat
this out, Oh my, keep all your meat theself please,
Except we're in this situation. Okay, that's just time for

this for who you giving your donkey to? For after
the hour, we need the Ozark Police Department in Alabama
to come to the front of the congregation. We like
to have a word with.

Speaker 8 (59:06):
Him, plice, all right, we'll get to that. NeXT's the
breakfast Club. Good morning, the breakfast Club. Your mornings will
never be the same.

Speaker 1 (59:14):
You try to che some donkey the days just said himself,
Charlotte Man ready for I never read them. Donkey set
it again, Charlama, I'm a duncan you are? That's Charlotte
Lane the same. That's true. It May fourteenth goes to

the Ozark Police Department in Alabama. Now, if you haven't
heard about this story, gather around. There's a man named
Reginald Burkes who is currently faced with a decision. He
must either write an apology letter to a police officer
because he cursed at the officer, and if he doesn't,
he must serve up the thirty days in jail. Let's
go to News four for the report.

Speaker 14 (59:56):
Police Judge Nicholas Bull ordered Burkes to apologize to the
officer who gave him a speeding ticket last December. That's
in addition to the two hundred dollars fine Burke's shell
doubt this week. He believes that making Burke say I'm
sorry to the officer and Berks admits he used one
bad word violates his right to free speech.

Speaker 15 (01:00:15):
According to the federal cases, what has to happen is
those words that he uses or someone uses, has to
incite violence.

Speaker 7 (01:00:23):
That's not the case in this situation.

Speaker 14 (01:00:25):
Harrison adds that Supreme Court cases support his interpretation. Of
the law, profanity lace language does not violate the law.
As for Burkes, he stands firm in the belief that
he was not wrong for what he said.

Speaker 7 (01:00:38):
But I told my mom, I probably just gonna go
up there and too.

Speaker 16 (01:00:42):
They're gonna actually give me used some time for not
ten days or thirty days whatever they want to give
me for not writing an apolicy letter, because I'm not
writing on a policy letter.

Speaker 7 (01:00:50):
I don't think now it was really I don't think
it's necessary.

Speaker 1 (01:00:53):
Right when the judge talks like this, you're gonna go
to jail if you don't do what to judge tell
you do. Now. Look, it's tough being a blame in
America and having to deal with law enforcement because the
reality is in our minds every encounter with police officers
were just trying to survive, and in the case of
Reginal Burks is in the case of Reginal Burkes, personally,
I'm not cursing at the police officer. I totally understand

and respect the power dynamics in that situation when we
aut in the field, out in the streets. As much
as we want to say these officers work for us,
they don't. Okay, they technically do because we are tax
paying citizens, but a lot of them don't act like it.
And I am fully aware that I am dealing with
a human who has the same pride and oftentimes wounded
ego as anyone else. A right. These police officers are human,

and some of them with narcissists, high conflict personalities, kids
who were bullied in school and now they got a
badge and they want to do the bullying. Okay, I'm
not saying this is all police officers. I'm just simply
saying that I know there are plenty of people like
the ones I'm describing in those uniforms. And guess what,
I don't have time to determine who is who and
what is what. I just want to get home. So
if I'm Reginald Burke when the cop gets in front

of my car and doesn't move, and the cop tells
me to go around, I'm gonna probably just go around
if I move it all because, once again, in my mind,
the way my anxiety set up, he's standing in front
of my car telling me to go around. But what
if he decided to stay. Nope, he tried to hit
me with his car and then he pulls out his
gun and lights my ass up. That type of stuff.
We gotta think about. One thing I'm not doing is

insulting our agatat antagonizing. Somebody would a gun, especially someone
who is authorized to use that weapon, if they simply
feel threatened. So easither I would have took my chances
and just drove around like the officer told me to do. Oh,
I would have just sat there and told the officer
straight up, look, I'm a little scared right now because
of the way you are acting, So I would rather
sit here until you decide to move out the way.
But one thing I would not do is tell the

police officer. And this is what Reginald said, allegedly, get
your ass out the way so I can take my
kids to school. That's why y'all underpaid, because y'all are
dumb that right there is gonna do anything for anyone
but cause problems. But Reginald did what he was supposed
to do. He went the court last month prepared to
plete guilty, paid the fine, which was two hundred eleven
dollars twenty two cents, but the judge told him he

should write an apology to the officer for allegedly having
cursed at him, write the letter, served thirty days in jail.
This is all lego if you ask me, and this
is exactly why you don't play with the law enforcement
in the first place. Okay, you want me to stand
at the chalkboard like Bot Simpson and write out repeatedly,
I will not curse the officer. I will not curse

the officer. I will not curse the officers. Now, we
all know judges have discretion and sentencing and can include
things like requiring or defendant to apologize. But does this
punishment fit the crime? I would say, no, thirty days
in jail if I don't write a letter apologizing to
this officer for telling him move his ass out the way,
you gotta charge me with disorderly conduct is something You

can't go from a two hundred dollar fine to me
having to serve thirty days in jail if I don't
write a letter of an apology.

Speaker 7 (01:03:49):

Speaker 1 (01:03:49):
One of the roots of all evil is abusive power.
Please understand that. Please give the Ozark Police Department in
Alabama the biggest he huh, I think this is abusive power.
All right, we should go to breakfast court again. My part,
you want to talk about you want to talk about
the fact that he said he's not writing letter. It's
disabusive power power. Well, I mean it's all the same.

So I'd like to hear from the people. If it
was you in this situation, would you write the letter
apologizing to the police officer? Our goal potentially do thirty
days in jail?

Speaker 5 (01:04:24):
If where is this in Alabama? Ala bik No, I'm
I'm saying I'm sorry to dinner like I don't know.
I'm not going to jail. If it was in Baltimore, No, yeah.

Speaker 1 (01:04:38):
I'm not going I'm gonna go I write that letter.
I ain't going to jail for thirty days. I'm not
going to day jail. Them Southern jails.

Speaker 8 (01:04:44):
Yeah, they ain't gonna set me up in there jail.
They're gonna be mad I didn't write the letter. I
wouldn't want to go to jail anywhere for thirty days
for something like this. But think about it. Let's say
you don't write the letter, not even mad you didn't
write the letter. Now you're going to jail.

Speaker 1 (01:04:56):
I gotta make a point. Now they got making the
dample up. Boy, you're gonna listen, that's right, all right?
You're gonna learn your you your kind, gonna learn to listen. Boy,
that's right, okay. Next thing, you know, you in the shower,
taking the shower, and yeah, and then what why why?

Speaker 9 (01:05:10):

Speaker 1 (01:05:10):
Tell me? Tell me more? All right, let's.

Speaker 27 (01:05:16):
You in the shower.

Speaker 1 (01:05:18):
Seas you get there, damn. Eight hundred five A five
five one. What are your thoughts? Let's discuss. It's the
Breakfast Club, the Breakfast Club. It's topic time. Eight hundred

five A five one O five one to join into
the discussion with the breakfast Club. Morning everybody. It's dj
en V. Just hilarious.

Speaker 8 (01:05:46):
Charlamagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club. Now if
you're just joining us, Charlemagne gave donkey.

Speaker 1 (01:05:51):
To day to who I gave donkey to day to
the Ozark Police Department in Alabama.

Speaker 9 (01:05:55):

Speaker 1 (01:05:56):
Uh, they are telling a guy named Reginald Burke, who
already paid his fine and everything because he cursed out
of police officer. He told police officer to get his
ass out the way because the officer was standing in
front of his car. They're telling him that he has
to either write a letter apologizing or do thirty days
in jail. So we're asking eight hundred five eight five
one oh five to one. What would you do? Would
you write the letter or would you spend thirty days

in jail?

Speaker 25 (01:06:18):

Speaker 1 (01:06:19):
I Like I said, it depends on location.

Speaker 5 (01:06:21):
Siare know everybody in Baltimore jail, So I'm like, okay, cool,
Like thirty there, it's fine with them.

Speaker 1 (01:06:26):
Southern States Alabama. No, I'm not. I'm writing a letter.

Speaker 5 (01:06:30):
I'm taking him to dinner and I'll even offer the
dude community service.

Speaker 1 (01:06:34):
Oh yeah, I write the letter too, man, because you know,
we always on defense out here in these streets. So
it's like number one. I wouldn't have cursed out the
officer in the first place, just because I know officers
abuse power, people in law enforcement abuse power. The justice
system abuses his power, and right now this is the
case of that as well, because you got a judge
telling this man who's already paid his fine and everything

that if he does not, if he does not write
an apology letter, he got to spend thirty days in Yeah,
that's why.

Speaker 8 (01:07:00):
Not only am I writing a letter, I'm gonna chat
gpt the letter. It's gonna be dumb long, it's gonna
be like I'm gonna make a proper letter.

Speaker 1 (01:07:07):
Yeah, I'm nowhere. I got kids. I'm not missing my
kids for thirty days and when it's stupid, Nope, not me. Keisha.

Speaker 8 (01:07:13):
Yes, Hey, good morning, Keisha, Good morning girl, Good morning Keisha.

Speaker 1 (01:07:20):
You writing that letter or you're gonna do thirty days?

Speaker 22 (01:07:22):

Speaker 25 (01:07:22):
Is though I have kids, I'm gonna write the letter.
But I promise you, on newborn Jesus, I was going
to jail. And it's not about crime. It's more so
I'm a grown woman. What I look like writing an
apology letter. I haven't been in school in how long?
And I'm not going to write a letter to who
the ancestor in my ear wouldn't allow me to.

Speaker 1 (01:07:38):
I'm sorry from k and that's on baby Jesus to
stay out of jail.

Speaker 25 (01:07:43):
That's on baby Jesus.

Speaker 13 (01:07:44):
Yes, Keisha from Brooklyn, from Brooklyn, Yeah, none of them.

Speaker 1 (01:07:48):
I don't believe you. You ain't gonna do thirty days
in the tombs or thirty days in the writers. You
ain't doing that. I don't believe.

Speaker 25 (01:07:54):
I promise you. The ancestors in my ears would not
allow me to write that letter at this age.

Speaker 1 (01:07:58):
She might have been there ready, so she kind of
know everybody's I'm not part since then, all right, thank
you Jesus.

Speaker 9 (01:08:07):
Hello, who's this with me?

Speaker 22 (01:08:09):
From Dayton?

Speaker 1 (01:08:10):
They wait me from dating? You tell y'all good, You
take it to thirty days and you go to jail.

Speaker 3 (01:08:15):
I'm not so wise.

Speaker 26 (01:08:15):
I had to make the decision right then and there.
I'm gonna have to do them thirty days because I'm
already so, I'm already little, and I hate when people
are trying a little girl me.

Speaker 3 (01:08:26):
I don't care who you watch up. Yes, I'm gonna
end up having to them thirty days.

Speaker 22 (01:08:29):
I'm sorry, But if they give you some time to
think about it, then I might I might write.

Speaker 1 (01:08:33):
Another Yeah, no, don't don't. Don't wait to think about it.
When you in jail for them thirty days and big
birth is on your face, I get some funny games
to tell big birtha on your face and you're sitting
under her out.

Speaker 26 (01:08:50):
That's what I'm saying, Like, if I gotta la, if
you give me a couple of days to think about it,
and I'm might write out.

Speaker 1 (01:08:54):
Look, I might do.

Speaker 26 (01:08:55):
I'm really really really I don't know how many were
gott to be, but I'm like, I'm.

Speaker 9 (01:08:58):
Really, really really really hope the whole of the same words.

Speaker 22 (01:09:01):
But if I had to thinking about it right there
and there.

Speaker 26 (01:09:04):
I'm sorry, but I'm doing them thirty days because I
just can't.

Speaker 3 (01:09:07):
I just cannot bound down like that.

Speaker 1 (01:09:09):
All right, you're tough, Okay, thank you. I don't think
that's bounding down. I think that's just the judge telling
you to do something.

Speaker 5 (01:09:14):
And you you know, and then yo, it's just if
it's not. It's like what they said, what he said
wasn't even that bad. That's what I think he's so
mad with. Get your ass out the way. I ain't
called you this, I ain't called you that. I ain't
make no threat.

Speaker 1 (01:09:28):
I ain't.

Speaker 2 (01:09:29):
It's crazy.

Speaker 1 (01:09:29):
But that's why you stay out them pe least way.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. That's why you don't
talk crazy to them, because you know they can do
stuff like this. Hello. Who's this?

Speaker 9 (01:09:37):
This is Chris.

Speaker 1 (01:09:38):
Hey, Chris, good morning, good morning.

Speaker 26 (01:09:40):
How are you.

Speaker 1 (01:09:41):
I'm doing well.

Speaker 9 (01:09:42):
I think we're awesome.

Speaker 22 (01:09:43):
I think that I would have definitely written the letter,
but it would have Kevin Harden the head out of
the letter.

Speaker 3 (01:09:50):
I am so sorry for telling you to move your stupid.

Speaker 26 (01:09:58):
They never said that the letter has to be a
certain way.

Speaker 22 (01:10:01):
It's not going that extent.

Speaker 9 (01:10:03):
I would have wrote a letter that said, my bad, but.

Speaker 1 (01:10:05):
They're gonna get They're gonna give me ninety days. But
I can tell you they're gonna give you ninety days.
You got a point, she said, tell you what to say.
She said, they're whoever, my bad, my bad. Yes, I'm sorry,
missed officer, that you don't know how to listen. I'm sorry,
missed officer that I had to ask you two times
to move out the way you still didn't move out
the way. I'm sorry, missed officer, that you only make

twenty thousand dollars a year. I'm sorry. Now you're ninety days.
You're saying, now ninety you can't give me more. I'm
apologizing just to do me more. Obviously, in this case,
he does what he wants. Eight hundred and five eight
five one oh five one.

Speaker 8 (01:10:38):
If you just joining us with asking, now Charlamagne gave
donkey dad who charlamaneh.

Speaker 1 (01:10:41):
The Oldark Police Department in Alabama, man, because they're making
this brother named Reginald Reginald Burks either write a letter
apologizing to an officer for telling the officer that the
movies asked out the way, I'll go do thirty days
in jail?

Speaker 8 (01:10:53):
All right, so we're asking what would you do? Would
you write the letter or are you going to jail?
Let's discuss. It's the breakfast Club. Come morning, Brady.

Speaker 1 (01:11:05):
If you're all talking about it, you know we talking
about it. It's topic times called eight hundred five eight
five one five one to join into the discussion with
the breakfast Club. Morning everybody. It stj env. Just hilarious.

Speaker 8 (01:11:19):
Charlomagne to God, we are the breakfast Club Nowhew just
joining us. Charlemagne gave donkey to daya.

Speaker 1 (01:11:23):
Who the Ozark Police Department in Alabama? Man, because they're
making a brother named Reginald Burkes either write a letter.
The judge is making him write a letter apologizing to
an officer because he told the officer the movie his
ass out the way, are go do thirty days in jail?
All right? We have Donae. Is that your name? Danielle?

Speaker 13 (01:11:41):

Speaker 1 (01:11:41):
Danye, Hey dan Ye, good morning. What would you do? Dnie?

Speaker 3 (01:11:45):
I'm writing the letter because my pro I cannot stay
in jail. I went to jail for three days and
it's not worth it. Just writes a letter type of
an AI.

Speaker 26 (01:11:53):
Make it sounds good and believe it at that.

Speaker 1 (01:11:55):
That's it what you go to jail for.

Speaker 8 (01:11:56):
It sounds like you got arrested on the Friday and
had to spend a weekend exactly.

Speaker 3 (01:12:00):
Yes, I went to you for disorderly conduct. I had
running sweet So that was that. It was my first
week in college and.

Speaker 9 (01:12:08):
I lost my mind. But I got it together.

Speaker 3 (01:12:10):
I learned my list going back.

Speaker 1 (01:12:12):
Okay, hello, who's that.

Speaker 26 (01:12:16):
Kevin and rain from the dy.

Speaker 1 (01:12:19):
Kevin and Rainer. Now we're asking would you write that letter?
You go to jail?

Speaker 18 (01:12:22):

Speaker 3 (01:12:23):
You don't say, I don't know what they.

Speaker 12 (01:12:28):
Like, just oliviously only because I'm in they say.

Speaker 26 (01:12:32):
But if I was hearing the d no, I would
not write it.

Speaker 25 (01:12:34):
I'm gonna be honest with you, man.

Speaker 1 (01:12:38):
You know what I'm learning from this. Black people don't
make good decisions, man, and it's something that I've known
for a while. But this is stupid, like write the letter, apologize,
stay your ass at home, thirty days in jail. Why
what do y'all think jail is? What do y'all think
that you think it's just gonna be easy in there?
Anything that happened. It's not a community center. It's not
a community center. Anything can happened behind those walls. In

thirty days, you're gonna let your pride and your ego
cause you to go to jail for thirty days to
this writing a letter. Do you not have a job?
Do you not have kids?

Speaker 9 (01:13:11):
I got a job, but still, like you gotta take
this ego out of everything.

Speaker 7 (01:13:16):
We can't.

Speaker 9 (01:13:17):
It's got allowed.

Speaker 26 (01:13:18):
Things like that to continue to happen.

Speaker 3 (01:13:20):
I find a letther.

Speaker 9 (01:13:21):
Sorry, I'm sorry that ass is under bay, and I'm
sorry that this is gonna go to the where they're
gonna go. I'm gonna pologize the what I was gonna
pologistics bother.

Speaker 1 (01:13:29):
So guess what I'll take that thirty day.

Speaker 9 (01:13:32):
I can't do that though, I'm not gonna say that
on the race.

Speaker 1 (01:13:38):
Why can't you say that on the ras?

Speaker 2 (01:13:40):
He can take thirty days, he's come back.

Speaker 9 (01:13:42):
I can take care all right.

Speaker 1 (01:13:44):
Congratulations. And that's another thing, like you said, now you
got a job, right, so now for thirty days, somebody
else is gonna take your job, even if might find you,
Even if you're an entrepreneur, you own your own business,
you know how much a thirty days setback will cost you, Like, like,
come on, bro, stop me, cut it off personal all
y'all line anyway, ain't none of y'all going to jail.
There's much snitching be going on in our community. I
don't think you're gonna write a letter get the hell

out of here. But what's the moral of the story.
The moral of the story if we clearly make poor
decisions based off these phone calls, and it's disgusting to me,
all right to morrow. We should always be trying our
best to do what we gotta do to survive. Write
the damned letters. You can stay on these streets, all right. Well,
when we come back, we got jess with the mess.
What we're talking about? You look so pretty with our makeup.
You are glowing pregnancy. Know you got the little jewel

in your teeth that you got at the Marry J.
Blige Scrimple of a woman concert. Yes, I do.

Speaker 5 (01:14:36):
Well we're talking about Okay, so medical student pushed the
guy who was pushed in the lake.

Speaker 2 (01:14:42):
He came to his friend's defense.

Speaker 5 (01:14:44):
Really yes, Wow, it's like they're not racist, even though
I girl that pushed me, No, never, I mean, I mean.

Speaker 8 (01:14:52):
Well, okay, well, we'll give you some updates. Jess Larry
told us about this story about a week ago, right, yes, okay,
and we'll get some updates on this.

Speaker 1 (01:14:58):
So he's saying, ain't not racist? Yes, as they put
him in the lake and just let him, yes stay there?
Yeah almost on yup.

Speaker 2 (01:15:04):
Came to the defense, took a picture with the girl
that pushed them, and she was smiling hard.

Speaker 1 (01:15:07):
As l All right, we'll talk about that next. Don't
move its to breakfast store. Good morning. You still got abs? Yo?
You got a belly with abs?

Speaker 7 (01:15:19):

Speaker 1 (01:15:20):
I don't know. See that's impressive.

Speaker 2 (01:15:22):
You working on Yeah, well I was working out before
I got pregnant.

Speaker 1 (01:15:28):
Slut to my people that call beaver wellness too, man,
what's up? Sup? Angela at called viable wellness. Shout out
to them. And we got to congratulate Kendrick Hendrick with
number one, yes not like us went number one and
Euphoria was number three, and uh like Drake had one
up there. Family matters up there and like that was
like that. Yeah, so I mean listen, man, great ending

to an epic wrap fuse. That's right, yes, all right,
Well let's get to Jest with the mess.

Speaker 7 (01:15:56):
You need real just robbing Moore, just don't do no.

Speaker 1 (01:16:02):
Talk talk little station worldwise on the breakfast clubs, he's
the coaches ship.

Speaker 18 (01:16:11):
She was able to get y'all to see something and
understand something that nobody.

Speaker 1 (01:16:16):
Could get you to see. This's time to set it off. Okay.

Speaker 5 (01:16:19):
So remember the medical student who I told you all about, right,
He was at a league with his friends and he
was the only black friend out of a group of
white friends, and he was a medical student, aspired a
medical student. His friends pushed them in the water. They
knew he couldn't swim, and none of them tried to
help him. He was struggling. He was in there in
the water for ten minutes okay, yep before a stranger

rescued him. None of his friends. A stranger rescued him.
His friends originally claimed that he had fell in the water,
but what with the girl who did it? Eventually admitted
to pushing them in. He was declared brain dead and
in critical condition and could have died that Yeah, he
ended up making a miraculous recovery, thank god.

Speaker 2 (01:16:58):
And now he's speaking on the incident.

Speaker 27 (01:17:00):
Thought, I do want to thank everybody for the sport
and like all the prayers and everybody getting back to me.
And as far as anything racially motivated, that's completely false.
I really treatos arrested anything wrong. I really don't think
anyone did anything intentionally. I knew it was going to happen,
and kind of thought, maybe, like I was, just the
water wouldn't be as deep. I would kind of get
like hit the ground, get my footing up and come

back up and hit grabb the beer just kind of
stand up there. So and then the watered up being
deeper than we thought and it being a lot colder
than we thought.

Speaker 7 (01:17:29):

Speaker 27 (01:17:30):
I felt like it was very like emotional because it's
been three weeks since I seen any of them. I'm
a pretty tight like tight maker.

Speaker 2 (01:17:38):
Oh, a pretty tight neig group.

Speaker 1 (01:17:40):
Yeah, that's bs to me. Excuse me, because they know
he couldn't swim. He couldn't swim because he's black. No,
she said, she reported knew he couldn't swim. Okay, yeah,
and could he black?

Speaker 2 (01:17:51):
I mean well, I mean he probably knew.

Speaker 1 (01:17:53):
Because he was black.

Speaker 5 (01:17:53):
They but they are white, correct. I know, at least
I'm not saying white people can swim, but at least
one of them, especially the one that pushed him. They
probably all if they were on the lake, I'm sure
they could probably swim.

Speaker 8 (01:18:07):
But the problem is when they pushed him and they
knew that he couldn't get back up, nobody said I'm.

Speaker 1 (01:18:11):
An help him. Well, that's my point. I don't know
if his friends are racist, but they are terrible friends.
That's the kind of example. That's the kind of example
as a parent you used to tell your child, See,
I told you then, people wasn't your damn friends. I
told you them foks, your damn friends. You fell in
that damn water, and ain't none of them rushed to
help you.

Speaker 5 (01:18:27):
And look, his aunt and his uncle was on the news,
and they seemed very much like like yeah, like they
were offended, they were upset about the friends. And he
get on here like, no, it wasn't racially driven, like
and you know it wasn't anything like that. I knew
what was gonna happen. Oh he did, so he thought
you were akwamn.

Speaker 18 (01:18:44):

Speaker 1 (01:18:45):
I don't know if it was racially driven. I just
know that they're terrible friends. I don't even know, like
they're just terrible friends. Yes, Like I don't know if
it's racist.

Speaker 5 (01:18:53):
He said he was emotional because it's been three weeks
that since he's seen them.

Speaker 1 (01:19:00):
They're not your friends. He got to be in some
type of chokehold or they're not his friends. And it's
hard for kids to accept that. I tell my oldest
daughter that all the time. It's like, yo, all of
these people you think of your friends right now, there
might be one. If you're lucky, that's your friend. Ten
years from now.

Speaker 2 (01:19:16):
Your friend is the guy who saved you, bab.

Speaker 1 (01:19:19):
He don't even know. That's stranger. That is somebody I
wouldn't befriend. I don't want to know you're you're a
person of good character. I would like to get to
know you.

Speaker 5 (01:19:27):
I would be emotional because I almost died and he
was declared brained it. You know what I'm saying, not
realizing see my white friends who was waving at me
when I was like, come come get me, help me,
and they're like, oh, okay, what.

Speaker 1 (01:19:41):
If they thought he was dancing, Oh he's doing a
TikTok underwater. Listen, this is why you have to know
who your people are. And you don't ever know who
your people are until you're in a bad situation. And
that's it. That's sad.

Speaker 5 (01:19:54):
Anyway, Academics claims Drake lot about feeding Kendrick false information.
So Charlene, Charlene the Goddess, you said this first, Okay,
So I just want to give you credit before you know,
before I get anybody else credit, because he was actually
saying this. But over the weekend, Academics one Live Ones Channel,
Rumble Channel and gave his insight on a Drake and

Kendrick beat.

Speaker 1 (01:20:16):
I think Drake did knew that they were stolen.

Speaker 6 (01:20:18):
I don't know if he's like trying to reverse psychology saying, well,
now I know it's stolen that I know what you have,
I'm gonna play off of it.

Speaker 1 (01:20:25):
That's one.

Speaker 6 (01:20:26):
But number two, when Drake says he like he set
it up, I'm taking that to be this eleven year
old daughter thing because from everybody I've talked to, including Drake,
we don't even know where this came from. And Kendrick
said it so definitively in what was supposed to be
his biggest song, which was supposed to be the biggest
expos a. I believe that the eleven year old child

thing by Drake was probably either fed to Kendrick planted,
I don't know how.

Speaker 1 (01:20:54):
I'm gonna be honest, I don't know how.

Speaker 5 (01:20:57):
So to your point, he theorized that I knew he
was being portrayed and tried to pull a reverse psychologist
stunt on the hard part six, the safe face, and
these other lyrics.

Speaker 4 (01:21:06):
We got it for beginning. We fed you the information
a daughter has eleven years old.

Speaker 1 (01:21:11):
I bet he takes it.

Speaker 4 (01:21:12):
We thought of giving a fake name or destination, but
you so thirsty, you not concerned with investigation. The statue
whenever fished studio was a celebration.

Speaker 1 (01:21:21):
I mean, you know that half a Negro lying. And
the reason you know that he was lying because if
he did set Kendrick up, he would have documented it.
You would have saw all of that in the in
the video. If he for all the stuff you saw
him recording family matters video, you don't think he would
record him setting up you know, just picture and I'm
about to take of all of these items.

Speaker 8 (01:21:40):
But I was giving him some time. I thought maybe
he did because he said it, but yeah, does he like?
But then they also said that I said, recently, they
said Kendrick did the same thing. What do you do
the same thing about that he fed Drake some information
or something like that.

Speaker 7 (01:21:50):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (01:21:51):
I don't know. I don't care. It's over that on.
I mean, yeah, nobody cares when you when your team lose.
When your team lose, now you don't want to watch
the sport. No more, right, you're over over and now
none of them on my team though, oh please, you are.
None of you are a Beige Raider. I like Hendrick
and I like drinking. I love the just you part

of the Beige Brigade. I am not. I don't have
an overo tattoo on my ass.

Speaker 5 (01:22:15):
I do what No, but you definitely was like big
gun for him, like no, he this is so said,
like no, he did give him the information that's tight
like that.

Speaker 1 (01:22:26):
I'm gonna be honest with you. I need to see
you ass because I don't know why you just volunteered
that information for no reason. I don't got an over
your tattoo on my ass?

Speaker 7 (01:22:35):

Speaker 1 (01:22:35):
Who said that? What it is you wanting to say? Listen?
I told her my dad told me last night, I
told you, your dad calls me, he calls the ninety game.

Speaker 8 (01:22:51):
That's gonna keeping show us. Last night, my dad we
were at the table and my wife asked, my dad.
I don't even know how we got into the conversation.
Was like, so if if your son, how would you
take it? He goes, I'll be fine with it, and
she was like really. It was like, yeah, I turn
on the radio him and Charlamann Gay every morning.

Speaker 1 (01:23:06):
So what's the do? But he was serious what you
said in the chat, don't say that. All right, this
is sometimes we can't take. He doesn't take the same
testing things. We have to watch.

Speaker 9 (01:23:25):
The day.

Speaker 1 (01:23:26):
All right, it's the breakfast Club, breakfast class. Mornings will
never be the same morning. Everybody is the j Envy
just hilarious.

Speaker 8 (01:23:36):
Charlamage the guy. We are the breakfast Club. And we
got a special guest in the building. Yes, indeed you
have Golding.

Speaker 1 (01:23:41):

Speaker 11 (01:23:41):
Good morning.

Speaker 1 (01:23:43):
How you feeling? Good morning, Queen Golding?

Speaker 9 (01:23:45):
How are you?

Speaker 1 (01:23:45):
I feel good? Thank you guys for having me. She's
got a new book out of Black Girl in the Middle,
essays on allegedly figuring it all out. I love that title.

Speaker 13 (01:23:55):
Thank you?

Speaker 1 (01:23:55):
What inspired that title?

Speaker 7 (01:23:57):

Speaker 1 (01:23:57):
Because I don't know what I'm doing?

Speaker 23 (01:23:59):
Okay, if that makes sense. This book is twelve chapters,
a large portion of it is me chronicling the things
I did in my twenties, experiences I had in my twenties,
how I reacted in my twenties, and with my soon
to be forty year old mine, kind of bringing it
all to an end closure. Sometimes there are some chapters

where I still don't even know where I land, and
there are two incidents that took place in the pandemic.
But mostly it's a look back on who I was,
where I was, and hopefully where I will be, so
you know, in the middle of it all.

Speaker 1 (01:24:35):
I love that because so many people act like they're
experts about things, but you know, we're not really experts
on anything. We just have experiences, Yes, and sometimes those
experiences can help, you know people, Yes, we should be
willing the shadows. Yes, yes, yes, Well, you're worried about
expressing too much in the book, like in the Daddy
Girls chapter, did you care how you portrayed him at
all or how he would feeling about that chapter?

Speaker 23 (01:24:54):
So when I was writing this book, the comments section
in my mind was off right. I was just writing,
Daddy's Girl is chapter about my father, my absentee father,
and it's gonna sound horrible to say, like, I don't
care what he thinks, but this is more so like
me speaking about his absence, and I'm allowed to talk
about the people who hurt me even if you're my father.

Have you spoke since I have not spoken to my
father and like, I've had my locks for six years
maybe ten?

Speaker 1 (01:25:20):
Is that because you don't want that relationship or it
just never connected?

Speaker 23 (01:25:23):
Okay, so before he abandoned me, he abandoned my mother.
I can tell my business you abandoned me. I will
not tell why he abandoned her. You know what I'm saying,
it's a large part of that. I've tried, but it
didn't work. You know, yearning for someone doesn't feel good.
And you two are active fathers and your children's life.

I know you have four kids, I know you have six,
dear God, but it's a lot when you want someone
who doesn't want you romantically familiar. I had to accept
that that it wasn't just it just wasn't gonna happen.

Speaker 8 (01:25:55):
Now, I'm not comparing anything, but when I speak to
a lot of women, a lot of times when they
don't have a dad in their life, it affects them,
affects their relationships affects how they work, It affects how
they look at men. Have you had the same feeling
when it comes to man in relationships? And God always
up because you never know how has that been through
your life, which your dad not being there.

Speaker 23 (01:26:14):
So my dad was not in my life, but my
mother thankfully dated a really great guy shout out to Greg,
and he was very consistent throughout my life. No one
can feel the whole of your father not being there,
but he was a really good guy for me growing up.
As far as men are concerned, I've dated some good dudes.
I've also not dated some good dudes.

Speaker 1 (01:26:34):
Does it affect me?

Speaker 23 (01:26:34):
I'm sure it does because the first real pain I've
ever had in my life came from a man. And
I think, and I don't you know, correct me if
I'm wrong. You guys have daughters. I think within the
black community, we raise black girls to be like vibranium
because black men men in general, know that you will
receive pain from another man. And I think that's really

I think that's something that needs to be unpacked.

Speaker 1 (01:26:58):
You know, we were talking about OZI, but Olympic bud
is where women are losing weight in their stomachs, but
also in their asses, so they depressed. So yeah, so
it's a side effect of Olympic And you made me
think of a BBL chapter where you say not having
a big butt ignited something sour inside of you. Why
did not have a big butt?

Speaker 23 (01:27:18):
That's so much No, but that that's what I wrote. Okay,
So I am my family's Jamaican, and everyone in my
family is I come from a family of women, just
shapely women, beautiful women, gorgeous women, and that's what I
saw growing up. So I figured I saw beautiful women
who were yes, that's a beautiful woman, who were very shapely,

who were very gorgeous, and that was just not me.

Speaker 1 (01:27:43):
I was.

Speaker 23 (01:27:44):
I was very tall, athletic, and I was just like,
why can't I be beautiful in this way? It was
not nice, It wasn't a good feeling. I know, one
in my family made fun of me, no one in
my family tried to play me. But it was just
like you start to see how you're different in a
very early way. Growing up. There was definitely like more
of a spectrum like now you you gotta be fine,

you gotta be bad, you gotta be sexy. Like growing
up you could be cute.

Speaker 2 (01:28:09):
You could be you know, like you could.

Speaker 1 (01:28:13):
That phrasey right, Yeah.

Speaker 23 (01:28:14):
You could definitely be that girl and still be able
to pull the dude.

Speaker 1 (01:28:17):
You also say in the book we're talking to Golden
her new book, A Black Girl in the Middle essays
on allegedly figuring it all out and now in the
book you also talk about a black girl math. What
is black girl mathing and can we learn it?

Speaker 23 (01:28:27):
Black girl math is the quick calculation that black women
have to do when they are met with racism. They
are met with condescension, and sometimes the reaction could just
be an eye roll, like and sometimes the reaction is
a full blown cuss out, But it's the quick how
do I address this situation? And some black women they

choose not to address it, just going about their day.
Depending on the setting of where you are, should I
say anything? How do I say something? Because when you
are a black woman, having any kind of emotion outside
of that's okay is considered.

Speaker 1 (01:29:05):
Bad because of the angry black woman.

Speaker 23 (01:29:07):
Stereotypes are the angry black woman the stereotype because of
the fact that we are the mules of the world,
the fact that we must bear everyone else's ish so
it is. Yeah, it's the math that we sometimes have
to do.

Speaker 1 (01:29:18):
That's why I like the Jagged Little Pill chapter because
you talk about being both terrified of your anger and
propelled by it. I say it all the time. If
you if you meet a person a black woman and
you label him an angry black woman, is probably a
legitimate reason why they're angry. It doesn't your therapist that
you should feel your feels.

Speaker 23 (01:29:35):
My therapist is I'm going to feel my feels. So
Jagged Little Pill chapter seven is about It is about anger.
I am not someone who is comfortable with anger because
I have not been in situations where I have seen
two people with opposing viewpoints respectfully disagree feelings, not get hurt,

things not being said that that you can't take back.
I've also, before I could even articulate it, I've also
been someone who was like, if you could do that
and or say that, then you don't really.

Speaker 1 (01:30:08):
Have much to lose.

Speaker 23 (01:30:11):
So me expressing my anger to you isn't going to
really benefit this situation. Confrontation is not something that I
feel like I'm good at because I've been the recipient
of many emotional misdemeanors and felonies and I don't think
people have conflict resolution skills. They just want to disrespect.
They want to tear you down, they want to make

fun of you. And if I use better discernment and
picked people who were sincerely interested in my point of
view or get into a common ground, then I think
I might be better with anger.

Speaker 1 (01:30:43):
Why should people get this book? If you had to
leave our listeners with one reason to go out there
and get A Black Girl in the Middle essays on
allegedly figuring it all out, what would it be.

Speaker 23 (01:30:54):
I want black women to feel reflected and represented, and
I want non black people to understand that we are
just as nuanced. When you are black in this country,
it often feels like you have to be baracket Michelle
or Jane Beyonce. You have to get shot nine times,
you know, like the Tuesdays of life, the Tuesdays of emotions.
That's not something that we're allowed to play in that

that that ground, and I feel like my book does
that well.

Speaker 8 (01:31:19):
The new book A Black Girl in the Middle is
on allegedly figuring out right now, appreciate you for joining
us to follow you and all that stuff too, because
she was you know, her book is fantastic, but she's
just a.

Speaker 1 (01:31:31):
Phenomenal writer periods. If you follow her on Instagram like
I do, you're gonna get a lot of jims. Oh,
thank you so much.

Speaker 23 (01:31:36):
And I want to say thank you so much for
having your book come out next week.

Speaker 1 (01:31:39):
Give me just you know, like it came out just thing.

Speaker 2 (01:31:42):
I appreciate that.

Speaker 23 (01:31:43):
So I'm on Golding Girls six one seven, g O
L d I n G Girl six one seven. I'm
on Twitter, x threads and Instagram.

Speaker 1 (01:31:51):
Thank you so much. All right, it's the Breakfast Club,
Good Morning Owning. Everybody's dj n V just hilarious. Charlamagne
the guy. We are to Breakfast Club, feeling just pregnant.
I'm so tired, y'all. You don't look tired.

Speaker 5 (01:32:04):
Thanks, I just said that, So y'all, I say that,
but no, I know, I am really tired, but I'm
not too tired to come to Charlotte this weekend, y'all. Listen,
pull up on me at the Charlotte Comedy Zone. We
got two shows this Friday on the seventeenth, and then
two shows this Saturday on the seventeenth.

Speaker 1 (01:32:22):

Speaker 5 (01:32:22):
I haven't been there in like fifteen months, so yeah,
well a year, almost a year and a half. So
y'all get your tickets at just Selary Sufficial dot com
or CLT Comedy dot com.

Speaker 1 (01:32:31):
I see y'all this weekend, and I hope that you
get some of that javeamine food truck chicken. I ain't
gonna lie. I hope so too. You've been talking about
the shicken for two weeks. Yeah, I just want to
know because I can't have none right now for I
want a little diet.

Speaker 5 (01:32:41):
But you know, I need to know when can you
You've been on a diet since like I've known you. Well,
I'm like, keep on saying, right now, what are you
talking about?

Speaker 7 (01:32:52):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (01:32:53):
Maybe maybe I don't know, maybe after the summer.

Speaker 2 (01:32:55):
When your wife saying it's okay.

Speaker 1 (01:32:57):
To tell me exactly exactly, when she says, okay, it's okay,
such a healthy house. I love it all right.

Speaker 8 (01:33:03):
But when we come back, we got the positive notice
the breakfast Club. Good morning on everybody.

Speaker 1 (01:33:06):
It's j n V Jessera larriy Shalla mean the God
we are the breakfast Club. So let's get to the
positive note.

Speaker 9 (01:33:12):
That's right.

Speaker 1 (01:33:12):
The positive note is simply this man for everybody out
there wondering if they're in the wrong situation. Just know
you won't find peace in an environment that you aren't
supposed to be in. Breakfast club bitch is do, Y'll
finished or y'all done.

The Breakfast Club News

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