Demi Lovato Gets Intense On 'Eat Me' Official Live Performance Video

Photo: Getty Images

Demi Lovato is back with another live performance video and this time she brought along Royal & the Serpent. The official live performance video of "EAT ME" is probably Demi's most intense performance to date. The sickly green lighting and strobe effects match the song's juxtaposition of the sludgy verses and head-banging-worthy chorus.

"EAT ME" off Demi's recently released HOLY FVCK points out the contradictions of American media. "Be more predictable/ Be less political/ Not too original/ Keep to tradition, but stay individual/ Dirty but washable/ Winning but stoppable/ All that I'm hearing is you wanna/ Make the impossible possible."

The song's raucous chorus then sees Demi accepting that they can never meet the unrealistic expectations of pleasing everyone and gives up on these unrealistic means to an unrealistic end. "I know the part I've played before/ I know the sh-t that I've ignored/ I know the girl that you adored/ She's dead, it's time to f---ing mourn," before saying, "You'll have to eat me as I am."

During press for HOLY FVCK, Demi opened up about the clarity she's gained in her 20s. That decade of her life, despite her musical success, was riddled with personal struggles which she contends with at length on the album. "I wish I would have waited until I had my sh*t figured out more because now it’s cemented," she said of the documentaries she made amid her battle with addiction and after her 2018 overdose. "Sobriety is what works for me and nothing else. […] My story’s not done, so I want to be able to say by the time I’ve written a book, ‘OK, this is me grown up.'”

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