Jeannie Mai Disputes Jeezy's 'Gatekeeping' Claims About Their Daughter

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Jeannie Mai says she's only trying to keep her daughter safe after her ex Jeezy accused her of "gatekeeping" their child.

According to a report TMZ published on Tuesday night, December 19, Mai's attorney's responded to Jeezy's request for a hearing to determine a custody schedule for their one-year-old daughter Monaco. In court documents, Mai denied that she's making it difficult for the Atlanta rapper to see his child. In fact, she asserted that she's accommodated for Jeezy's requested dates and gave him an extended period of time during the holidays. She wants him to apart of Monaco's life but cited safety concerns about firearms.

"It is essential to clarify that Ms. Jenkins’ insistence on reasonable safety measures being put in place, such as safely securing and locking away all firearms that have been unsecured in the past, as well as having familiarity and properly trained caregivers is absolutely not gatekeeping, but rather a responsible effort to prioritize their daughter’s well-being," Mai's lawyers wrote.

Jeezy and Jeannie have been going back-and-forth in court since they formally split back in September. The couple reportedly still live with one another in order to care for their only child together, but have had numerous disagreements about joint custody. In a previous filing, Mai alluded to cheating allegations on Jeezy's part, which might interfere with their prenup. However, Jeezy denied those accusations. Overall, Mai wants the judge to send the former couple to mediation so that they can work out their issues themselves.

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