Kim Kardashian Gets Booed While Attending LA Rams Game With Son Saint

Photo: Getty Images

Fans weren't too happy to see Kim Kardashian at Sunday's (October 9th) game between the Dallas Cowboys and Los Angeles Rams. According to Page Six, the reality TV star was made with a chorus of booing when she appeared on the Jumbotron during the game.

Fellow celebrity and musician John Legend was also featured on the big screen but it wasn't until Kardashian, who was with her son Saint, appeared on the screen and blew a kiss that audience members began to boo from their seats.

Those who were present at the game took to Twitter to recall the experience. "Damn they booed Kim K so loud LOL," one fan wrote. "Kim K got booed hard. This ain't Calabasas," another fan tweeted. Some fans took to social media to defend The Kardashians star. “Men are so f–king lame they rlly [sic] just booed my queen Kim K at the Rams game," someone wrote on Twitter per Page Six.

It seems Arrow star Stephen Amell was also at the game and came to the Skkn by Kim founder's defense. "Kim Kardashian was just shown on the big screen and loudly booed at the Rams game," he wrote. "Being booed at a sporting event is a huge compliment. When people who don’t know you think they dislike you it means you are super duper famous."

According to Page Six, Kim seemed appeared to be unbothered by the booing and was busy posting videos and photos of her outing with Saint on Instagram Stories.

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