WATCH: Couple's First Dance Ruined After Indoor Fireworks Set Venue On Fire

Photo: Getty Images

Most newlywed couples want their first dance to be something memorable, so they pick a song that is special to them and try to make the moment something they won't forget for the rest of their lives. Well one couple chose to use some festive pyrotechnics during their first dance and it made for something that not only the newlyweds will remember forever, but something everyone at their wedding will never forget. That's because as the bride and groom danced, the fireworks set their venue caught on fire and everything started to burn down.

Video of the incident was shared to Reddit and it shows the happy couple dancing as spark fountains gently erupted on the nearby stage. Guests nearby begin to jump out of their seats as they notice that a spark from one fountain has set fire to the decorative fabrics and flowers hanging from the ceiling. The newlyweds stop their dance mid-song as a staff member fruitlessly attempts to put the fire out with water from a bottle. Another employee then tries to use an extinguisher on the fire. Sadly, the blaze it is too large and too high up, so the flames spread, as does the panic among the guests. Some scream and they all head for the exits. The camera rolls as the decorations from the ceiling fall, engulfed in flames, and smoke fills the venue.

The scene isn't a surprise to most fire departments. While many people think spark fountains are acceptable fireworks for indoor use since they don't produce any smoke, the National Fire Protection Agency recommends fire departments treat the fountains as pyrotechnics. In fact, some states require permits costing upwards of $1,500 to use the fireworks.

Commenters on the video were shocked no one realized the danger involved in setting off pyrotechnics beneath flammable decor. They were also surprised no alarms or sprinklers went off. Others thought more about the consequences of such a disaster writing, "That's one way to lose a deposit." It seems like everyone got out safely but there was definitely damage to the venue, though no word on how much .

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